What do you think? Is this user cheating in any way? Why would he ask about Bengali language while he has submited video in other language?
I am looking at Exchain bounty campaign rules and there is no mention whatsoever about accepted or not accepted languages or that you have to be approved in order submit your videos so I don't see any problem here. If each participant has to be approved prior to submitting, then he just didn't follow the rules and would be rejected, but I don't see that.
edit:Nice find Yoshie, as usual!
Scammers are pretty stupid sometimes, he used the same YouTube channel with his banned account..
Personal channel / Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHZd8EHdr2JZBdAsEGEXLfQ
Number of subscribers:1100
Video link: 1. https://youtu.be/-nCnE0t1z6I
Video link: 2. https://youtu.be/C3BQWMxke5o