sorry, i just don't trust governments enough. Nor should anyone.
It's basically giving government unlimited control and full authority to do whatever the hell they want.
Not only can they create unlimited amounts of money at an instant, they can also deny you access to your money.
The possibilities of abuse are just too much.
What about police and military. Everybody will have own ? Who has more bitcoins will have bigger army ?
Do you trust police and military?
I do understand that governments must get paid for the services they provide for their citizen. However this does not mean that they must control the money.
There is no way that governments can receive tax through cryptocurrencies without owning the system. Governments must adapt to crypto and find other methods of collecting tax revenues.
I'm only asking how to protect against Putin, Kim Jong Il, militant muslims (global scale). Murderer or thief on local scale. Can we do this without fiat ?
First of all I would like you to look at your own government and media. We are all affected by propaganda and bullshit vented by our governments. Every government is rotten in it's own way, this rot is called power.
Look at the last few wars, they all seem to have a common denominator called natural resources (gas, oil, etc.). The Ukraine conflict is not finished yet and the gas has already been sold to Shell.
Everyone fights for a reason and in my opinion war should always be avoided.
That said I do believe we need a military and yes that military should get paid.
In essence you are asking how can we pay for government services when using a payment system that is decentralized?
In my opinion there are a few footholds that might even make for better governments. This is thinking out loud by the way
The blockchain as foothold for governments.
A citizen could be required to register their account(s) to a government for which they will be sent a tax bill.
Vendors could be forced to only accept payments from registered accounts.
If every account would be registered with a government and to a person or company, the governement can bill taxes.
All non registered accounts could be deemed illegal.
Not paying your tax would constitute a criminal act.
This could improve governments in two ways.
1. Free country registration.
Don't like your country move to one you do like and give them tax for it.
This might not be practical due to space and natural resources.
2. multi-party government, full democracy.
Let the world/country be controlled by those that get the most tax. Don't like what one government party is doing? Cut their income by giving it to a party you do trust.
Want more military action, give your tax to the people that fulfill that goal.
This also prevents rotten government officials that go against their citizen since they will receive too little money to act.
Full democracy might not be ideal but money distribution can also be tweaked (for example base-tax and party-tax).
3. Less money more efficiency
Looking at point 2, a government party that works efficiently will receive more money from citizen since they get most done.