Man in Question:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/user/haydenbruin-403542I saw this
thread on 28th May and placed my bid @0.03
BTC to buy that script. A day passed and no one bid more than me ,even after the OP bumped that if none bid more than Chevas then he will ultimately win the auction.
Last Bump! I am looking for more bids or this script will be given to Chevas Regal for 0.03BTC
At last on 30th May , i won the auction as OP declare me as a winner.
I would like to bid 0.03 , 70$ is a worth price for a script like this. I would like this script to be customized more if i win this auction.
So, i didn't got any further request and according to that, Chevas Regal has won this auction @ 0.03
BTCConsequently, I even got a Pm from him stating:
As I had to pay 0.03
BTC to OP so i was ready . but Today( 1st June) I receive that someone offered more money to him than me , sio he is selling that script to him if i dont give him that comparable amount.
Have funds ready in btc , let me know how we gonna proceed.
Hello mate,
Thanks for contacting but i recently got an offer of about 0 05 BTC from a person. I am sorry that i agreed at a deal lower than that but its actually worth 0.1 BTC. If you can offer the same price as the guy, i would love to make an offer with you.
At the last, Is this beheviour Legal, OP is more old than me in experience over this forum, In my opinion when an auction ends = it ends. I even know that I might be wrong in rules of how the auction works here, But i believe that there are many reputed members here too who are much older than OP and know rules in better depth. So i should get the script or someone who bid after declaring me as a winner should get?
Not to mention, as soon as i received PM from OP that i won the auction, I became restless because i have to arrange BTC for him , i had enough balance but i converted all to sia coin at the time when btc was in blood bath(few days ago) , as the fun part is that PoLO stopped accepting Sia deposits so i had no way to sell a fraction of my stock, so i approached Zazrab for a high cut exchange, I gave him 100$ PP for 17% rate, so basically i sacrificed a lot more in value. Anyways ZZ has nothing to do with it, but i thought to tell the entire part of mine.
how fast you need?, I can't pay 5-10% just for fee
send me your paypal address.
I means transactions fee. if you , I can sell for 0.385
BTC, but only if I send with small fee can take longer to confirm( i will put to accelerator)
BTC is fine for me, i am in no hurry you can send in some hours. I am just worried because i just won the auction and all my money is invested in sia coin and it is down by 2% today , so dont want to take loss.
I was too overwhelmed with the new script i was going to have, But shit happens.
So, basically what community says i will do.Archive: