Also these actions are not creating the Bin Ladins. It is embedded in the religion. The religion advocates violence against people who do not follow their beliefs while other religions advocate peace towards everyone. People who follow the muslim religion generally think it is appropriate to kill people who do not follow their religion
This is one of the most stupid statements I have ever heard. The idea that the government of an invaded country should be blamed for the deaths of civilians caused by western air strikes is ludicrous. That is as stupid as saying that someone that gets shot is to blame for being shot because they didn't dodge the bullet. It is the fact you think that the US has a right to give governments and civilians a warning in the first place that is disturbing, they do not have the right to invade other people's countries whether or not they are kind enough to give a warning beforehand.
As for the point that it is embedded in their religion, you are clearly not well versed in the Quran otherwise you would know how utterly ridiculous and untrue this statement is. Muslim countries have existed peacefully for thousands of years, much longer than any Christian country and it is only in recent history that there have been any significant problems from such countries. Could it be because they are constantly being attacked, misrepresented and undermined by aggressive western nations and they are not prepared to be treated with such disdain. After all, if you look at the wars that have taken place in recent history, almost all of them have had western nations involved in some way or another.