This whole thing has to do with Big Oil, and the propping up of the USDollar (the Petrodollar) with the oil fields of the Middle East.
Who knows the behind-the-scenes things that are happening? But the gist is that Iraq has to fall to the U.S. Big Oil interests the same way many other small nations in the M.E. have fallen... politically as well as actually.
Back in the mid '90s, the Kuwaiti Dinar dumped in value like the Iraqi Dinar did shortly after the Iraq war got going. U.S. politics in Kuwait was much healthier back then than what it ever has been in Iraq. Thus, shortly after the Kuwaiti Dinar dumped, it revived, being allied with the U.S. Dollar in the Big Oil arena. The U.S. is attempting to do this with Iraq. But it isn't working smoothly.
It was felt that Iraq would become politically aligned with the U.S. like almost a decade ago. The Iraqi Dinar would revalue like the Kuwaiti Dinar did in the mid '90s. But along with the M.E. political climate, the obstinacy of the M.E. people, combined with the American people being against the War, a decisive war was not able to be fought by Big Oil (U.S.).
Who knows what will ultimately happen? But if you ever see the Iraqi Dinar revalue so that it is near the same value as the U.S. dollar - currently, as of this writing, it takes 1190 Dinars to buy a Dollar, and this is fluctuating daily down to as low as 1130 Dinars to the Dollar - you will know that the U.S. and Big Oil have won Iraq.
If ISIS and the Middle East loyal people are able to maintain the fight long enough, the U.S. Dollar just might crumble as the world's Oil Dollar - Petrodollar. Probably Russia, and who knows what other countries (China covertly?), are helping ISIS.
It should be interesting.