weren't all Snowden leaks made the same way, without providing any visible evidences ? so far no denial from any part, but let's see maybe things will be cleared out more once this news becomes hot if it ever does
My skepticism is because there is so little detail. It does not say when or where he received training, or for what purpose. It does not even say why they think it is him or how they would know it's him. His name is not Abu-Bakr Al-Bagdadi. That is the name he went by when he was the head of AQI. Which means something like "Abu, the guy from Baghdad".
It also makes no sense. He was likely a cleric from Iraq who became radicalized after the U.S. invasion. Before that he was a complete unknown. Why would he work with us or us with him? He is a religious zealot and they don't bend. It would be a sin against God to have anything to do with the west.
I visit the mid east a lot and these sorts of conspiracy theories abound. Sometimes there is a grain of truth. For example, Osama Bin Laden did receive some training and maybe equipment from the CIA in the 80's. At that time we had a common enemy in the USSR.
Later he became radicalized against the west during the first gulf war.
Apparently it doesn't say trained but that he is/was member of Mossad, as for the training, this actually very possible as the west were and dunno if they still training insurgent in Syria
But I'm with in the lack of informations, and that's why I'm not taking positions on that matter, waiting for more informations and for the concered sides to speak out.