
Topic: Israelis chanting “There’s no school tomorrow, there’s no children left in Gaza" (Read 2910 times)

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
im muslim to and all people in my country really sad look at tragedy gaza israel again
thats really2 sick .

I thought that it was an Arab vs Israeli conflict and not a religious war between Muslims and Jews. If you brand it as a religious conflict, then those Christian Arabs who are fighting with Hamas would feel bad.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
im muslim to and all people in my country really sad look at tragedy gaza israel again
thats really2 sick .
Activity: 2562
Merit: 1071
You can still download it with SMPlayer or something like that - it usually bypasses Youtube's limitations. But here's a better video (at least it offers more in the way of context): (about 10 min long). It's probably good to stress that this doesn't represent the whole Israeli society, fortunately; but the sentiment seems widespread. So, don't be too quick to assume only Palestinians make these kinds of videos - Israelis are just as capable.

Even if the video is on youtube, it doesn't mean that it is real. As in was really created by Israelis. Palestine has long been very good at being a propaganda machine.

That video is from The Real News Network (, an American news organization - and it was filmed by their Israel/Palestine correspondent Lia Tarachanshy, who is an Israeli-Canadian journalist and filmmaker. Is that Israeli enough for you? (not that I believe your assumptions there have any merit)

Also, watch the video hdbuck linked to, and tell me this isn't the expected consequence.
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1002
how about that video? its all just one day at the museum uh? teaching the kids to hate/kill arabs..
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100
This looks like FUD to me (aka propaganda). Palestine has made many of these types of videos praising the death of Jews, but to my knowledge Israel has not made these kind of videos, nor have they done what the OP is claiming.

It says this video is private. wtf

You can still download it with SMPlayer or something like that - it usually bypasses Youtube's limitations. But here's a better video (at least it offers more in the way of context): (about 10 min long). It's probably good to stress that this doesn't represent the whole Israeli society, fortunately; but the sentiment seems widespread. So, don't be too quick to assume only Palestinians make these kinds of videos - Israelis are just as capable.

Even if the video is on youtube, it doesn't mean that it is real. As in was really created by Israelis. Palestine has long been very good at being a propaganda machine.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
With that, I also am withdrawing myself from this section of the forum.
My spouse pointed out that I am spending a tad to much time here, which I do, so if you wanna take it as "winning" the argument, so be it.

Hopefully you took from the argument that there is more than meets the eye, for both sides.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
I haven't got shit to show so I'll just keep writing nonsense.
Fixed that for ya.

Several times I provided proof to what I said such as official statements, reported facts that were filmed, events on which soldiers were officially prosecuted how these aren't facts please enlighten me.

Since I know you won't bother to click, let me sum it up for ya:

A says P about subject matter S.
A should be trusted about subject matter S.
Therefore, P is correct.
The second premise is not accepted as valid, as it amounts to an unfounded assertion that leads to circular reasoning able to define person or group A into inerrancy on any subject matter.

All your comments on your several last replies can be resumed to this, no counter arguments, not proof, derailling discussion to something else and avoiding the disussion on point that matter when you lack arguments, which is once again proves my point
Man, you just love to copy me, don't you. That's getting really sad.

thank you for proving my point once again, now how about, as I asked several times ago, why don't you answer on your point, your strategy of delluting content in this kind of rubbish post would not hide the fact that I asked clear and on point question a few replies ago and to this point you didn't provide answers. Now, can we get back to the point, would please your please answer the points that were mentioned
What was asked, I answered, but when you pretend to be educated, it's no surprise that it through one ear and out of the other.

Are you in denial status right now? Israel does colonize Palestine
UN Security Council Resolution 242
UN Security council Resolution 478
UN Security council Resolution 497 and many more
International justice court orders
All recognize the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, do you want me to quote the resolutions for you ?
And if you didn't know Palestine is now recognized an observe state and not an non state entity in the UN, hence it is colonization.
And in reference to what was said above, here is an example of Proof I provide which you on the other hand don't and I'm sure you'll try to derail the discussion once again
Quote as many political entities as you want (And yes, ICC is ruled by political agendas), that doesn't equate proof. Much to your dismay.

Yes and that's why I was against the illegitimate US attack on Iraq, but geopolitical and economical reason won the argument, and it is in the US responsibility and the allies (it wasn't US alone) to solve the issue and strengthens the government in place and institution, but that's not the point, the point is the US didn't KICK people out of their territories and occupied them which is the US doing,
It kicked plenty of people, and while they don't occupy those territories, those people can't never go back there.

not to mention that Saddam wasn't an angel, and was a threat to your beloved country (one among many reason Iraq was attacked).
Saddam was a threat just like hamas is now.

No it wasn't imposed, and if you have a proof of such a thing you can provide them, but obviously there was favoritism and lobbying as the "liberator"
Oh wow, you really think the Iraqis were in a position of power during the making of said agreement, oh boy. Someone lives in la-la land.

Where do you see me agreeing to such a thing, but from another perspective what the Palestinian are suffering is much more than any other population suffered in modern times, yes they are not getting mass murdered in the hundred of thousands, but they are suffering for a century long of harassment, fear of death with thousands of deaths every now and then
Sure, thousands of death every now and than after they provoke Israel with shooting rockets to populated areas. It's not that Israel just out of the bloom executes 1,000 palestinians, because the PM had a bad breakfast.

and prosecution without warrants of thousands and torture every now and then
Those prosecution is for terrorists, same goes for the torture. But that is something that is irrelevant to the palestinians, that is something every country does.

with areas like Gaza in total siege and blockade without even the minimum necessities for human beings.
They are still, as you people like to quote so often, are above humanitarian crisis level, so I don't see the issue, so they actually do get the minimum necessities. Why would Israel support them any further? They elected hamas, which is a terror organization, as their leadership, which is also why there's a blockade.
Moreover, there's a border with Egypt, and they too, keep it close.

Do you even know what's happening in Lebanon with the palestinians?

Totally relevant, because Iraq was a sovereign state with a strong army, that inflict thousands of death in US force and hundred of thousand of injured according to some sources (over 32K officially recognized) not a single room of comparison here with Palestin.
Irrelevant still, because they hadn't had a chance vs the US. The fact they managed to kill US soldiers doesn't equate they had a chance.
If we take your logic, than hamas is comparable, it did cause hundreds of dead thus far (soldiers).

So because Hamas has in it banner the destruction of Israel, it makes legitimate to kill thousands of civilians and oppress hundred of thousands on a daily basis? so tomorrow if I take a banner written on it Death to Israel or any other state tomorrow(which is extrem and hatefull) on the street I deserve to be killed, my familly to be killed, my friends, neighbours, and city to be destroyed, what a broken logic is this.
If you were in a position of power and were trying to realize your ideology of destroying Israel (launching rockets, sending suicide bombers), than yes, you would be deserved to be killed. If you were to hide behind your family while Israel tried to retaliate, than it's on your when they got hurt. That's actually very logical.
Israel shouldn't (nor any other country) not retaliate in order to protect its citizens just because the enemy is hiding behind civilians, and that's not to say that killing civilians is right, but to say that sometimes there's no way to avoid casualties.

As for the peace negotiation you are the one clueless here, and presenting partial facts, maybe you've forgot the Operation Cast Lead that was orchestrated to stop such peace negotiation as the current offensive is to destroy the new unity government. As for the 1967 borders is beyond you maybe you need to check the UN resolutions on the matter as a reference, now lets check Mr Nattanyaho peace agreement which want full control on west bank and the territories that are not under control will be consider buffer zones or defense zones by Israel (IDF can do what ever they want there) Yup sounds fair.
lol, I am the one clueless? Olmert was the one who proposed the agreement and he was also the one who approved Operation Cast Lead. He offered, the palestinians refused, and moreover, they continued launching rockets into Israeli territory.
So it was orchestrated to stop anything, considering Olmert was in power back then.
But it's a nice fairy tale you got there.

Regarding Netanyahu, I believe he wants peace, but I also know he isn't as bendable as previous PM were. He has in his mind the ideal peace treaty and he isn't compromise. That might mean there won't be a peace treaty between Israel and the palestinians while he's in power, but that's not to say he doesn't want peace.
Not to mention the refusal of the palestinians to even recognize the state of Israel, so even if they were given the 67 borders, that wouldn't be enough.

Hundreds? UN Security council resolutions are 226 in total about this issue, with over half of them condemning attacks on Palestinians in several occasions, so again one more of your lies proven to light.
My lies? You just proved I was right, in more than 1 area. 226 from UN SC and hundreds more from the UN itself:

Moreover, you wrote youself:
Israel is not respecting any single UN resolution on the matter or the La Haye supreme court orders ..... and for half a century now!.I can go on and on I can write a thousands things proving that the two cannot be compared
Which to I wrote:
Unlike you I do read what I'm linking
No you're not.

No the Palestinians death are not listed there as it is not yet officially recognized
No, it's not listed there because anyone with half a brain knows it's not a genocide.

and what you are basically saying here, is that Jew Holocaust during WW2 wasn't recognized -During- especially by Germans so it was fine, no it doesn't work that way!
Again, a logical fallacy.
Your premise that it's a genocide is wrong, even according to your own sources.
So no, that's not what I was saying. What a sick and twisted mind you got. No wonder you're so full of shit.

While this wasn't the point of my comment as it seems you like,as usual, to derail and not answer on point, I clearly said, that in that list there are event that similar to what happening in Gaza right now and are genocides and there is no reason for this to not be one. Not to mention that most if not all Genocides are officially recognized after events are over.
It's not similar and there's absolutely no logical reason to call it a genocide.
It's your assumption that IDF is targeting palestinians just because of their nationality or ethnicity, when in reality that's not happening.
IDF targets terrorists, those terrorists shot from within populated areas, so of course there will be dead civilians, but from there to genocide is a long way.

As for the Israeli Goverment not initiated anything? are joking ? this point was proven before, but lets discuss once and for all.
-First excuse : Hamas Killed 3 Israelis teen, Hamas denied such a thing, there is no proof of Hamas doing such a thing, heck even Israeli media and intelligence reporting that Hamas has nothing to do with it and I linked and can link elements of this but I'm pretty sure you know about this. (this without mentioning the 2 teens that were killed by IDF and were filmed doing so by surveillance cameras a couple of weeks before but this event was barelly mentioned anywhere as apparently Palestinians lives are not equal)
Yes. hamas was accused, as it is in most cases, the direct responsible for such action, directly or in directly. It was later reported that a different group was responsible for the murder of the 3 Israeli teens. But even that wasn't the action that instigated the current war in gaza.

-Second excuse : Hamas fired thousands of rockets against Israel and Israel population hence Israel response and didn't initiate anything, well this is yet another total lie, IDF, penetrated Palestinian terretories and took hundred of Hamas members that it released in a peace deal among other Civilians, breaking peace deal) and killed 6 Hamas  members around 10 civilians, raided thousands of houses, and stole over 3 millions $ among other valuables, not to mention the Palestinian that was filmed (factual proof) being abducted by Israeli extremist and was burned alive and inside out and started air strikes, and all this is between the 12 and the 19 of June right after Reuven Rivlin was elected as president of Israel ( another peace lover of yours that does want a two stats solutions /s),
And this was the response to the 3 teens that were murdered (while they were still looking for them).

What actually lead to Operation Protective Edge was the increase of rocket launching into Israeli territory.

Heck there are even reports that Israel knew that the 3 teen were killed and hours after their abduction on the 12 of June and engaged in cover up operation and banning press for reporting the news.
Can you actually back up this claim with factual proofs? Or is it more of your uneducated assumptions because it just fits your pov.

So please stop with the lies and propagandas.
Lots of assumptions and argumentum ab auctoritate from you and you talk about lies and propaganda? Oh the irony.

No they don't attend to kill Palestinians, they just point deadly weapons on them and shoot them, sounds logical, do you even read what you say?
Wrong premise again. They don't shot at them, they shot at terrorists they hide among them.

No Nazi German soldiers doesn't didn't built the chambers they used to Gaz Jews in for the purpose of killing Jews, they just killed Jews in there after receiving orders to do so makes 100% legit, no seriously stop with this it's makes want to puke especially after seeing all the images and reading many books and documents of jew people suffering and which is the same things for Palestinians right now and I invent you to just look at the picture of civilians in Gaza and their suffering and I'm sure if you have remotely a human heart your want such atrocities and this genocide to stop.
Using an extreme example that doesn't even apply to what's happening right now doesn't make your point valid. Actually, it makes you look like a desperate moron.
When the Israelis will put palestinians in gas chambers or will execute them in masses, than you can compare, until than, don't make a fool out of yourself by comparing nazi Germany to Israel.

Not to mention that the palestinians there are getting hundreds of millions of dollars annually, but hamas is actually the one that steals all that money, the money that could of make the lives of the people there so much more better.

So lets first of all check your list, where you are talking about top 10 : there are 3 Arab countries in that top list namely Saudi Arabia, Iraq (broken country with Zero influence), and United Arab Emirates, and all tree of them are close US Allies and follow US directives and hate Hamas as they has ties with Iran. So you are WRONG!
UAE, Iraq and SA never vote with the US on matters related to Israel, so I am not wrong. You actually made a fool of yourself, once again.

You claim 18 arab countries export Oils, yet you fail to gasp that over half of those aren't even self sufficient, and have less than a decade of proven reserves like Yemen, Mauritania, Tunisia, Egypt, and co they are poor countries,
Looking at the people is no indication if the country is poor or not, in fact, from the 4 you mentions, all of their leadership got hundreds of millions of dollars overseas in assets.
While Mubarak isn't in power, this is just to prove that the general state of a country is no indication on how rich/powerful/influential the country is, more so, general sisi is a close ally of mubarak, he has a fortune too.
When I'll care enough I'll give links to others leadership from "poor" countries with billions in assets overseas.

Oh, and, Egypt has the 4th highest GDP out of the arab countries. (Iran isn't there but it has about 500b~)

the only rich Arab countries are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and maybe Kuwait, the rest are all third world countries in development with Zero influence or broken like Iraq or Libya, and the 4 countries I mentioned, are all US close allies. The GDPs of most Arab countries are in the 200Billions $ Or less and do not have money to bride anyone, and if you want to see the sphere of influence of the US for example you can check the current US-Africa summet, and who's spending billions to increase it influence in poor countries.
It's funny how you mention US-Africa, when the reality is that the US lost Africa already to the Chinese.
China is the biggest trader there, and China is also allied with the arab countries. It's also communist.

There are actually more than the maybe 4 you listed (with 100+). 8 at least, not counting Iran

So yeah sphere it out yourself, and get your facts straigthts, and if you want we can go on the case of country by country to prove the point I mentioned before.
Just did, you didn't.

Are you serious? Several UN condemnations and sanctions were vetoed but were upheld by other instances such EU and US and many other organization in several key domains as you've mentioned
You said, and I quote:
he security council is institution of the UN that enforces sanctions among many other functions and Yes China and Russia vetoed and tried to veto some resolution, BUT a lot of sanctions passed and applied Syria
So I see you haven't got a clue what you're talking about. First saying that a lot of sanctions passed, but now saying they were actually veto'd.
Your claim was regarding the UN, not the EU, the US or w/e that isn't the UN.

and comparing these to some Arab countries boycott of Israeli products from occupied lands is a joke,
Wrong again. It's not Israeli products from "occupied lands" - unless you mean all of Israel, in that case, you're even a greater retard than I thought. They boycott Israel fully.

and once again proves your biased way on this matter, if Israel was sanctioned like Syria is being right now, the Israeli economy would have crumbled by now or have been forced to sign the peace treaty, but again Israels allies are the one in control of UN and other relevant institutions hence no sanctions and any sanctions related discussions gets shut down either by veto or lobbying. (and this on it self is a prove that it's not the Arab countries that has influence in the UN as you are claiming but the other way around)
I never said it was sanctioned like Syria, just that you can compare.
The western world sanctions Syria, same as the arab world sanctions Israel. Personally, I'd prefer to be on the western side.

Breaks UN resolutions and doesn't get punished for it! Syria is getting punished pretty hard as you linked your self not to mention that most of the world condemns Syria actions me included and there is no debates in this, So no, the whole problem here is that there are people like you who claims that Israel does no evil which is totally false.
I never said Israel does no evil. I did say however, that it doesn't perform genocide nor is it as bad of a country as you and other brainwashed mobs are trying to portrait it as.

Another pseudo claim without any basis, simply because if Palestinians has their right uphold with their country and the right to exist as a People there ..ect they would not attack their neighbour and hence there would not be any response. it's a causality relation, the groups are fighting in Palestine because their country is colonized and not the other way around!
Can't believe I actually bothered to provide you with a proof to how they actually did attack Israel in the past. And how to, according to their current action, there's actually no reason to believe otherwise.

and your AIPAC presentation is totally on point and made the most neutral organization of course !
How about you actually disprove the validity of the presentation, because to the best of my affords, the presentation is correct.
So are you gonna post counter point to his presentation or are you, yet again, just say he's wrong/biased/whatever other bullshit and not actually prove anything.

How about explaining to me and other people reading how is this is relevant to the point? that the Palestinians will attack the Israelis once they get their rights and land according to UN resolutions, And I remind that in 1948 Israel was created unilaterly on the whole
The proof was in the link. The palestinians had a bigger territory back in 48 and that didn't stop them from attacking (granted, they weren't called "palestinians" back then, but rather arabs), hell, they kept attacking nonstop since, I can't see how giving them the 67' territory will stop them from attacking if the 48' one wasn't enough.
That's how they lost the land that was given to them by the LoN, btw (and no, it wasn't theirs prior, they actually signed it off during the Ottoman Empire era to avoid land taxes).

See ? not only that I've answered and provided facts as proven above each time, you are right now not answer the point and claiming with an excuses that I need to back my claim yet you cannot answer the point, and you've been avoiding doing so for the 4 or 5 times in a row, which is a prove of someone out of argument.
You haven't proven a thing, actually. You just keep typing the nonsense that you have over and over again.

The best is not childish it's a warranty that I will not compromise my identity and personal informations to an escrow without a collateral, as for posting Diplomas images it's not a proof in it self especially when they aren't verifiable as with yours, so stop pretending you don't what I'm talking about here (and this not the point of discussion here, so please stop making excuses  and back to the point, you had an argument to answer here I proved you wrong with real facts and you keep refering to the education point as it is your only excuse so far)
Like I already said, I posted, you haven't. Spin your foolishness all you want if that makes you feel better.

Back peddling? no it is not, it would have back peddling if I wrote all those AFTER your point, which is not the case, from the first I replied to to the last one my position on the matter was clear! my OP post is under the supposition if it was real, and I brought facts why it is most likely to be real than it isn't such as previous verified post by IDF soldiers on social media and the fact that IDF soldiers killed palestinian in several occasions and targeting them directly, and I mentioned several times factual examples of this that you've been dodging all along
Again, back peddling. It's not after I post, it's after you post.
And for what it's worth, you haven't actually brought any facts, just faulty assumptions. Can't say I'm surprised though.

No it is not. I stated my opinion on OP under the assumption if it was real, and I explained clearly in my next reply my take on matter, and this is not again back peddling
Yes it is.

Now it's clear what's your strategy is, after failing to answer on point and pushing toward this kind discussion you'll claim that I'm doing repeating the same rhetoric, but yet again you are the one that's not answering on point in the first place and derailing the discussion as you are out of proofs and argument, but I'll remind you of the point you are avoiding right now, you claimed that the Twitter account of that soldiers is the proof that Israeli soldier has a good behaviors on social media and thus he cannot have posted such a thing on Instagram, yet you failed and been avoiding to explain why his same twitter account has almost zero posts before the incident sounds logical huh.
Seeing how a person tends to post and from that deducting that he/she can or cannot post something in a different nature is better than just taking a random post from a private account to a private account and come to the conclusion that this is real.
The fact that it was from private acc to a private acc should of raised superstition all by itself, but for the likes of you it was more than enough to serve as a proof to its validity.

As for me being Muslim or not how is this relevant to discussion? I don't mind answering this even if it is a personal question but can you please enlighten me and the people reading how is this relevant to the conversation ? think carefully, because unlike you I might not be involved or a side in this conflict, hence my judgment is less to be subject to be biased unlike yours, as you are most likely an Israeli according to the certification you've posted above and if it is real that is.
Never said it's relevant. And even if you aren't, that doesn't mean you are any less subjected to be biased. You are, after all, get most of your info from the media and various political entities and than trying to argument from authority to claim anything.

Except that many times it was proven that IDF soldiers targeted and killed civilians lets alone Hamas members and this is not the point, from this quote you are sayng that IDF is as moral of an army as you can get and that they do not kill civilians intentionally and there is no commander that would order attacks on civilians (it's just it happens that almost 2K Palestinians mostly civilians died so far with UN refuges and hospitals being targeted which is in it self a crime war, so which is it? IDF does or doesn't do crimes.
Many times can be 10, 20 or even 100, and yes those numbers still can't point on IDF as a whole.

it's just it happens that almost 2K Palestinians mostly civilians died so far with UN refuges and hospitals being targeted which is in it self a crime war, so which is it? IDF does or doesn't do crimes.
And this is exactly how biased you are. Hamas is the one firing from within populated area, from the vicinity of UN facilities and so it is who is responsible to consequences that follows.
Sure IDF fired at UN facilities, but not with intention to hit civilians, but to hit terrorists which shot from said facilities.

And yes they do target civilians, and this proven several times, I don't understand why you keep insisting on this and if you think this is truly how can you justify the shelling of kids that were playing on the beach or the children in the UN hospital garden, or UN Refugees (7 of them) and I can mention thousands of examples like this now please.
I justify shelling on whatever facility that was used to shell on Israeli civilians. If it was with kids, than that is sad. But Israel can't have its own citizens being killed just because hamas decided to use its own people as human shields.

I'm pretty sure if that number was of Israelis and that if it was your city been blown to pieces you won't have the same opinion, we are talking about human lifes here not just some random number and claiming otherwise proves how terrible of a human being you are, when you don't care about death people as long as it the others and not one of yours and your close people.
My hometown was shelled long before Protective Edge started. So that's that.
And I never said I don't care. I do care, and I don't want to see anyone dead, on either side, but I also am not living in some fantasy world. I have lived most of my live under almost monthly shelling from gaza strip.

Was I there ? No, does the fact that I'm not In Gaza right now doesn't give the right now doesn't give the right to speak about it, No I have every right to speak about it, Are you in Gaza yourself right now? are you whiting the Palestinians population in Gaza so you can denie and approve the facts coming in videos and photos from there? if you aren't then you have no more right to comments on this on me.
Speak as much as you want, the problem is you think that various sources are factual proofs when they aren't. It also means that you haven't got the slightest clue of what's really going on there.

So who gives the orders to attack Gaza, and blow up whole residential neighborhoods and kill nearly two thousands of Palestinians in the last couple of weeks?  is it the IDF Solders doing it on their own? or they are getting orders to do so ? which is it?
You said IDF was giving orders to kill civilians, which is false.
And yet again you failed to provide anything to substantiate your claims.

Your logic again never cease to amaze me
I know, that's just who i am.

ever hear of resistance?
So you justify them? Explains a lot.

and saying just plainly don't care about Palestinians is plainly stupid, as they don't have families or they aren't part of that population, and so far the ones who don't care about the Palestinians, are the one killing them and blocking them and blocking even the minimum necessities that a human being needs to live in such an area and not the other way around, you are making the Victim because the Culprit and the Culprit becomes the Victime, funny.
Oh sure, it's not hamas that's putting the palestinians at risk by launching rockets from their populated areas knowingly that Israel will retaliate there. It's the Israelis fault that they shot from there. I see.
Talk about hypocrisy. How fucking stupid do you need to be to think that way?
Don't answer that.

blocking even the minimum necessities that a human being needs to live in such an area and not the other way around, you are making the Victim because the Culprit and the Culprit becomes the Victime, funny.
They get the minimum.

earlier? you mean in the same comment? in all previous posts you did not which another proof of what I ve been saying so far
Not much I can do if you don't read w/e proof I am linking.

Is there anything to back this here? please show me the previous posts to this event on his Twitter account, the so called moderated posted he had go ahead, His twitter is there and there is no such a thing, so Yes the post are inexistent or deleted, and Invited and I re-invite you to prove me wrong on this if I didn't search properly which seems that you aren't able to do so.
Can't prove or disprove something that didn't exist. Logic isn't your strong suit I see.

If you know what I meant to say then why don't you answer me on context, and no apart from the part where you meant hundreds above something that wasn't clear, because 67 out of hundred or hundreds the sentence still make sense especially considering that there are around 200 UN SC resplutions
226-67 = 159.
159 out of 226 resolution Israel didn't break, so it mostly did follow (70%~).

Oh so UN is biased towards Israel yet the countries in control of the UN are Israel allies?what about the international court or many other OGNs condemning Israel and it's acts, where the international trade commission EU or US sanctions towards Israel as the other countries that had similar resolutions in UN faced. of course.
UN is biased, regardless of what countries actually do outside of it, because that's how politics work.
Same as how China and Russia do vote against Israel in the UN but outside the UN, they haven't applied any sanctions, which is to show that the UN is a biased political group that is actually meaningless in real life application and that any sanctions or resolution that it releases is nothing more than a political spin.
So if you wanna use the UN as proof (which you can't anyway), than don't.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
In other words, you're full of shit.
I posted, you haven't. Spin as you wish, but we saw who's who right here and now.
lol full of shit? I'm pretty sure that you yourself understand that your post is shit, do you want me to post dozens if not hundreds of proofless diplomas picture on my next reply? what that does proof? Like I said before I'm willing to disclose personal informations and providing all the necessary contacts, certifications, thesis, and published papers and what's not to prove the legitimacy of what I'm claiming to an escrow, not some random picture on the Internet, but you are the one chickening out here not me.

And again full of shit.
And I'll also educate you (as evident that you're lacking it): When you claim something it is up to you to prove it, which you haven't. If I reject your claims, which I have, it's not up to me to prove my rejections.
This was lesson 1 in logic 101.
Several times I provided proof to what I said such as official statements, reported facts that were filmed, events on which soldiers were officially prosecuted how these aren't facts please enlighten me.
Full of shit yet again.
All your comments on your several last replies can be resumed to this, no counter arguments, not proof, derailling discussion to something else and avoiding the disussion on point that matter when you lack arguments, which is once again proves my point
And again...
thank you for proving my point once again, now how about, as I asked several times ago, why don't you answer on your point, your strategy of delluting content in this kind of rubbish post would not hide the fact that I asked clear and on point question a few replies ago and to this point you didn't provide answers. Now, can we get back to the point, would please your please answer the points that were mentioned
I admitted US didn't colonize, not that Israel did or does.
No wonder you didn't post any credentials.
Are you in denial status right now? Israel does colonize Palestine
UN Security Council Resolution 242
UN Security council Resolution 478
UN Security council Resolution 497 and many more
International justice court orders
All recognize the occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, do you want me to quote the resolutions for you ?
And if you didn't know Palestine is now recognized an observe state and not an non state entity in the UN, hence it is colonization.
And in reference to what was said above, here is an example of Proof I provide which you on the other hand don't and I'm sure you'll try to derail the discussion once again

Yeah, safety in a zone that is now ruled by terrorists.
I'd say put your life where your words are and go there.
Yes and that's why I was against the illegitimate US attack on Iraq, but geopolitical and economical reason won the argument, and it is in the US responsibility and the allies (it wasn't US alone) to solve the issue and strengthens the government in place and institution, but that's not the point, the point is the US didn't KICK people out of their territories and occupied them which is the US doing, not to mention that Saddam wasn't an angel, and was a threat to your beloved country (one among many reason Iraq was attacked).

Yeah, legal agreements that the winners imposed. Totally legit.
No it wasn't imposed, and if you have a proof of such a thing you can provide them, but obviously there was favoritism and lobbying as the "liberator"

Glad you agree that what happened there is much worse.
Where do you see me agreeing to such a thing, but from another perspective what the Palestinian are suffering is much more than any other population suffered in modern times, yes they are not getting mass murdered in the hundred of thousands, but they are suffering for a century long of harassment, fear of death with thousands of deaths every now and then, and prosecution without warrants of thousands and torture every now and then, with areas like Gaza in total siege and blockade without even the minimum necessities for human beings.
Completely irrelevant that they had a standing army, because that army wasn't comparable to the American one in any way, shape or form.
Totally relevant, because Iraq was a sovereign state with a strong army, that inflict thousands of death in US force and hundred of thousand of injured according to some sources (over 32K officially recognized) not a single room of comparison here with Palestin.
Yes, they do want it to stay as it is, because hamas, which represent the palestinians in the gaza strip has in its front banner the destruction of Israel, so there's actually no1 on the other side to talk to.
More so, in the past Israel was willing to go almost back to 67' borders (beyond me why) and the palestinians rejected it, which is what they claim to have wanted all this time.
I'm sure you can google the full detailed offer, and I'm also sure that you can google what Abbas said in response (hint: no).

So putting the blame on Israel for any failure with the peace process is outrageous to say the least.
So because Hamas has in it banner the destruction of Israel, it makes legitimate to kill thousands of civilians and oppress hundred of thousands on a daily basis? so tomorrow if I take a banner written on it Death to Israel or any other state tomorrow(which is extrem and hatefull) on the street I deserve to be killed, my familly to be killed, my friends, neighbours, and city to be destroyed, what a broken logic is this. not to mention Hamas came to existance and fueled by hatred thanks to the oppression and the death that Palestinians suffered not the other way around (if you didn't know Hamas was created in 1987) so it's mainly Israel faults as they are in position of power, when Israel follows international laws and UN resolution and give Palestinians their rights, and if any groups being it Hamas or whatever attacks Israel or Israel civilians, I'll support Israel being it moraly, politically and even financially in it right to defend it self, but till then Israel is the bully and in the wrong.

As for the peace negotiation you are the one clueless here, and presenting partial facts, maybe you've forgot the Operation Cast Lead that was orchestrated to stop such peace negotiation as the current offensive is to destroy the new unity government. As for the 1967 borders is beyond you maybe you need to check the UN resolutions on the matter as a reference, now lets check Mr Nattanyaho peace agreement which want full control on west bank and the territories that are not under control will be consider buffer zones or defense zones by Israel (IDF can do what ever they want there) Yup sounds fair.

Meant hundredS, but that just prove you aren't actually knowledgeable about the subject if that's your strongest card. Up until 1982 there have been at least 200 resolutions, hundreds more since, so yes, mostly follow, does in fact, applies.
Hundreds? UN Security council resolutions are 226 in total about this issue, with over half of them condemning attacks on Palestinians in several occasions, so again one more of your lies proven to light.
Have you actually read the list you're linking?
Not only are the palestinians not listed there, but there are much more "recent" genocides, which implies the list is up to date.

Israeli government hasn't initiated anything to eliminate the Palestinians, that's just how you see things, which doesn't make it more real.

So no, I am not wrong.
Unlike you I do read what I'm linking, No the Palestinians death are not listed there as it is not yet officially recognized, and what you are basically saying here, is that Jew Holocaust during WW2 wasn't recognized -During- especially by Germans so it was fine, no it doesn't work that way!
While this wasn't the point of my comment as it seems you like,as usual, to derail and not answer on point, I clearly said, that in that list there are event that similar to what happening in Gaza right now and are genocides and there is no reason for this to not be one. Not to mention that most if not all Genocides are officially recognized after events are over.

As for the Israeli Goverment not initiated anything? are joking ? this point was proven before, but lets discuss once and for all.
-First excuse : Hamas Killed 3 Israelis teen, Hamas denied such a thing, there is no proof of Hamas doing such a thing, heck even Israeli media and intelligence reporting that Hamas has nothing to do with it and I linked and can link elements of this but I'm pretty sure you know about this. (this without mentioning the 2 teens that were killed by IDF and were filmed doing so by surveillance cameras a couple of weeks before but this event was barelly mentioned anywhere as apparently Palestinians lives are not equal)
-Second excuse : Hamas fired thousands of rockets against Israel and Israel population hence Israel response and didn't initiate anything, well this is yet another total lie, IDF, penetrated Palestinian terretories and took hundred of Hamas members that it released in a peace deal among other Civilians, breaking peace deal) and killed 6 Hamas  members around 10 civilians, raided thousands of houses, and stole over 3 millions $ among other valuables, not to mention the Palestinian that was filmed (factual proof) being abducted by Israeli extremist and was burned alive and inside out and started air strikes, and all this is between the 12 and the 19 of June right after Reuven Rivlin was elected as president of Israel ( another peace lover of yours that does want a two stats solutions /s), Heck there are even reports that Israel knew that the 3 teen were killed and hours after their abduction on the 12 of June and engaged in cover up operation and banning press for reporting the news.

So please stop with the lies and propagandas.

Thank you for proving my point. IDF, similar to how Toyota doesn't engineer cars to kill people, doesn't shot with intent to kill civilians, which means they do not perform any genocide.
No they don't attend to kill Palestinians, they just point deadly weapons on them and shoot them, sounds logical, do you even read what you say? No Nazi German soldiers doesn't didn't built the chambers they used to Gaz Jews in for the purpose of killing Jews, they just killed Jews in there after receiving orders to do so makes 100% legit, no seriously stop with this it's makes want to puke especially after seeing all the images and reading many books and documents of jew people suffering and which is the same things for Palestinians right now and I invent you to just look at the picture of civilians in Gaza and their suffering and I'm sure if you have remotely a human heart your want such atrocities and this genocide to stop.

Sure, let's:
Remove the US, as they don't export crude oil.
top 10 has US, NL and CA.
I'll let you guess who the 7 others are.

At least 18 (AFAIK) arab countries export oil, so while their population is poor, their leadership isn't.
So yes, arab countries are filthy rich and use, not only their money, but more so, their oil, to buy influence, which is actually stronger incentive than money.

So yeah, sphere it out.
Once again you are totally wrong/lies, and Once again I'll prove you wrong with facts as it seems this is something you keep arguing I don't do enough :
Most Arab countries are POOR not the population but the country in it self, being GDP wise or the money they have available to them but I'll come back to this point a little later.

So lets first of all check your list, where you are talking about top 10 : there are 3 Arab countries in that top list namely Saudi Arabia, Iraq (broken country with Zero influence), and United Arab Emirates, and all tree of them are close US Allies and follow US directives and hate Hamas as they has ties with Iran. So you are WRONG!

You claim 18 arab countries export Oils, yet you fail to gasp that over half of those aren't even self sufficient, and have less than a decade of proven reserves like Yemen, Mauritania, Tunisia, Egypt, and co they are poor countries, the only rich Arab countries are Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and maybe Kuwait, the rest are all third world countries in development with Zero influence or broken like Iraq or Libya, and the 4 countries I mentioned, are all US close allies. The GDPs of most Arab countries are in the 200Billions $ Or less and do not have money to bride anyone, and if you want to see the sphere of influence of the US for example you can check the current US-Africa summet, and who's spending billions to increase it influence in poor countries.

So yeah sphere it out yourself, and get your facts straigthts, and if you want we can go on the case of country by country to prove the point I mentioned before.

From the UN? Not really.
Condemnations? a few.
Sanctions? 0.

Whatever sanctions on Syria came outside the UN.

The Israeli equivalent would be the ongoing arab sanctions that has been lasting for a few decades now.
Actually, it wouldn't be the equivalent, since Syria isn't under sanctions from a few countries for decades, only a few years.
Are you serious? Several UN condemnations and sanctions were vetoed but were upheld by other instances such EU and US and many other organization in several key domains as you've mentioned and comparing these to some Arab countries boycott of Israeli products from occupied lands is a joke, and once again proves your biased way on this matter, if Israel was sanctioned like Syria is being right now, the Israeli economy would have crumbled by now or have been forced to sign the peace treaty, but again Israels allies are the one in control of UN and other relevant institutions hence no sanctions and any sanctions related discussions gets shut down either by veto or lobbying. (and this on it self is a prove that it's not the Arab countries that has influence in the UN as you are claiming but the other way around)

Because Israel breaks some of the resolution it means the UN is biased towards it? lol, please, what a faulty way to think.

What you should ask yourself is how come Israel has had more resolution than all the other countries in the world combined when it hasn't done atrocities such as the Chinese or Russians done.
Or how come Syria didn't get as many resolutions despite the fact the regime there killed over 200k people there thus far, while Israel has killed many, many less.
But, I know you wouldn't ask yourself those questions, because they don't fit your propaganda.
Breaks UN resolutions and doesn't get punished for it! Syria is getting punished pretty hard as you linked your self not to mention that most of the world condemns Syria actions me included and there is no debates in this, So no, the whole problem here is that there are people like you who claims that Israel does no evil which is totally false.

Another pseudo claim without any basis, simply because if Palestinians has their right uphold with their country and the right to exist as a People there ..ect they would not attack their neighbour and hence there would not be any response. it's a causality relation, the groups are fighting in Palestine because their country is colonized and not the other way around!
Yeah, they totally wouldn't sort to terrorism and war. Totally.
I would also tell and go learn some history, how in fact, they gave up their right for the land (the few that did live there) during the Ottoman empire to avoid paying taxes, so when the British took over, it was British / LoN land.
But why meddle in small details.

How about explaining to me and other people reading how is this is relevant to the point? and your AIPAC presentation is totally on point and made the most neutral organization of course ! now again answer me on point, what proof do you have, that the Palestinians will attack the Israelis once they get their rights and land according to UN resolutions, And I remind that in 1948 Israel was created unilaterly on the whole

Not only is it your job to back up your claims, but I also went the extra mile and back up my rejection of your claim.
You haven't, again.
So the one that is dodging here, constantly, since the very beginning (still not posted your credential, but hey, can't blame a child for hiding behind a silly "bet"), is actually you.

See ? not only that I've answered and provided facts as proven above each time, you are right now not answer the point and claiming with an excuses that I need to back my claim yet you cannot answer the point, and you've been avoiding doing so for the 4 or 5 times in a row, which is a prove of someone out of argument.

The best is not childish it's a warranty that I will not compromise my identity and personal informations to an escrow without a collateral, as for posting Diplomas images it's not a proof in it self especially when they aren't verifiable as with yours, so stop pretending you don't what I'm talking about here (and this not the point of discussion here, so please stop making excuses  and back to the point, you had an argument to answer here I proved you wrong with real facts and you keep refering to the education point as it is your only excuse so far)

Back peddling? no it is not, it would have back peddling if I wrote all those AFTER your point, which is not the case, from the first I replied to to the last one my position on the matter was clear! my OP post is under the supposition if it was real, and I brought facts why it is most likely to be real than it isn't such as previous verified post by IDF soldiers on social media and the fact that IDF soldiers killed palestinian in several occasions and targeting them directly, and I mentioned several times factual examples of this that you've been dodging all along
Yes, that actually does constitute as back peddling. You added a very one sided comment in your OP and than tuned it down, after stating your obvious opinion. That's called back peddling.
You're welcome.
No it is not. I stated my opinion on OP under the assumption if it was real, and I explained clearly in my next reply my take on matter, and this is not again back peddling, you back peddling when you are forced to, and you obviously didn't force me to make those replies in that thread is they were stated way before you even try to make this an argument of yours.

Funny, considering you have been saying over and over again the same rhetoric "dodge this, dodging that" and not answering a thing.
Irony at its best.

Are you muslim?
Now it's clear what's your strategy is, after failing to answer on point and pushing toward this kind discussion you'll claim that I'm doing repeating the same rhetoric, but yet again you are the one that's not answering on point in the first place and derailing the discussion as you are out of proofs and argument, but I'll remind you of the point you are avoiding right now, you claimed that the Twitter account of that soldiers is the proof that Israeli soldier has a good behaviors on social media and thus he cannot have posted such a thing on Instagram, yet you failed and been avoiding to explain why his same twitter account has almost zero posts before the incident sounds logical huh.

As for me being Muslim or not how is this relevant to discussion? I don't mind answering this even if it is a personal question but can you please enlighten me and the people reading how is this relevant to the conversation ? think carefully, because unlike you I might not be involved or a side in this conflict, hence my judgment is less to be subject to be biased unlike yours, as you are most likely an Israeli according to the certification you've posted above and if it is real that is.

I said none? Said IDF doesn't ever do wrong? Quote me.
I said IDF doesn't shot to kill civilians. Doesn't train to kill innocent.
Ok let's check what said
You can, but it's irrelevant because I know from personal experience how IDF are trained - they are trained to value life, not death.
They don't train to kill civilians, kids, women or men.
And if they happen to kill a civilian, it was not intentional.
I know for a fact that no commander there, in the field or otherwise, would even command his troops to shot civilians or even to shot unarmed hamas member that is a known terrorist.

So yes, for me IDF is as moral of an army as you can get.

But unlike you, I know, you just think you know.
Except that many times it was proven that IDF soldiers targeted and killed civilians lets alone Hamas members and this is not the point, from this quote you are sayng that IDF is as moral of an army as you can get and that they do not kill civilians intentionally and there is no commander that would order attacks on civilians (it's just it happens that almost 2K Palestinians mostly civilians died so far with UN refuges and hospitals being targeted which is in it self a crime war, so which is it? IDF does or doesn't do crimes.

And yes they do target civilians, and this proven several times, I don't understand why you keep insisting on this and if you think this is truly how can you justify the shelling of kids that were playing on the beach or the children in the UN hospital garden, or UN Refugees (7 of them) and I can mention thousands of examples like this now please.

Yes, it is a number, so?
Have you been there? Do you know the circumstances? Have you actually been in a war? (don't answer, I know you haven't).
I'm pretty sure if that number was of Israelis and that if it was your city been blown to pieces you won't have the same opinion, we are talking about human lifes here not just some random number and claiming otherwise proves how terrible of a human being you are, when you don't care about death people as long as it the others and not one of yours and your close people.

Was I there ? No, does the fact that I'm not In Gaza right now doesn't give the right now doesn't give the right to speak about it, No I have every right to speak about it, Are you in Gaza yourself right now? are you whiting the Palestinians population in Gaza so you can denie and approve the facts coming in videos and photos from there? if you aren't then you have no more right to comments on this on me.

Source? Proof? Anything solid to back up the claim that they got orders to kill civilians?
Got a feeling you're just gonna type something silly or snarly instead of providing a proof for that.
So who gives the orders to attack Gaza, and blow up whole residential neighborhoods and kill nearly two thousands of Palestinians in the last couple of weeks?  is it the IDF Solders doing it on their own? or they are getting orders to do so ? which is it?

If Israel is the winner, why is hamas doing what it does? (hint: they don't actually care about the palestinians).
More so, if you had an AMAZING jock strap, reducing pain by 90%, can I still kick you in the balls without you retaliating?
So they being useless or not is irrelevant, they shouldn't provoke to begin with and seek peaceful routes.

Not to mention that you make it sound like they are small kids cursing. They shot fucking rockets, home made or not, those are meant to kill.
Your logic again never cease to amaze me, ever hear of resistance? and saying just plainly don't care about Palestinians is plainly stupid, as they don't have families or they aren't part of that population, and so far the ones who don't care about the Palestinians, are the one killing them and blocking them and blocking even the minimum necessities that a human being needs to live in such an area and not the other way around, you are making the Victim because the Culprit and the Culprit becomes the Victime, funny.

Did, earlier.
earlier? you mean in the same comment? in all previous posts you did not which another proof of what I ve been saying so far

And you still didn't provide anything to back up your claims... Again...
Is there anything to back this here? please show me the previous posts to this event on his Twitter account, the so called moderated posted he had go ahead, His twitter is there and there is no such a thing, so Yes the post are inexistent or deleted, and Invited and I re-invite you to prove me wrong on this if I didn't search properly which seems that you aren't able to do so.
Again the same twitter comment is a Proof in it self of what I said.
So you do admit he did it for sure...
I see.

That was amusing, despite the fact that I know you meant to write "didn't do".
Maybe I'll just be like you and take things exactly as they are, outside of the general context.
If you know what I meant to say then why don't you answer me on context, and no apart from the part where you meant hundreds above something that wasn't clear, because 67 out of hundred or hundreds the sentence still make sense especially considering that there are around 200 UN SC resplutions
Quote? It's in almost all your posts.
You say Israel and IDF, knowing that it represent the Israel population (what else could it), both of them (almost all Israelis been to IDF).

Yeah, you wrote extremists a few times, good for you.
Here goes the excuses again when you can't even quote me once saying what are claiming I said , yet I've proven you wrong by showing where I clearly made the distinction between the population, extremists IDF and people in control.

Documented facts such video proofs image proofs that were not denied, documented facts are those of soldiers being judged for crimes by the Israel which is of course totally biased towards them yet they was no room to make any excuses, documented facts such UN Resolutions against Israel, Documented facts are Supreme court orders against Israel. but no all these are lies according. As for you being there, that much I could figure out my self and in the way you are defending the crimes that are made in Gaza.
Which brings us back to how biased the UN is.

When you'll actually be there and see how it is, than you can actually talk about what you know vs what you think you know.

I know I know, you think you know. (this is where I repeat).

Oh so UN is biased towards Israel yet the countries in control of the UN are Israel allies?what about the international court or many other OGNs condemning Israel and it's acts, where the international trade commission EU or US sanctions towards Israel as the other countries that had similar resolutions in UN faced. of course.
Activity: 2562
Merit: 1071
This looks like FUD to me (aka propaganda). Palestine has made many of these types of videos praising the death of Jews, but to my knowledge Israel has not made these kind of videos, nor have they done what the OP is claiming.

It says this video is private. wtf

You can still download it with SMPlayer or something like that - it usually bypasses Youtube's limitations. But here's a better video (at least it offers more in the way of context): (about 10 min long). It's probably good to stress that this doesn't represent the whole Israeli society, fortunately; but the sentiment seems widespread. So, don't be too quick to assume only Palestinians make these kinds of videos - Israelis are just as capable.

hero member
Activity: 988
Merit: 1000
This looks like FUD to me (aka propaganda). Palestine has made many of these types of videos praising the death of Jews, but to my knowledge Israel has not made these kind of videos, nor have they done what the OP is claiming.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
It says this video is private. wtf
Activity: 72
Merit: 10
Absolutely do not believe the sentiment cheering the deaths of kids represents most or all.

Important though to at least admit it exists on both sides.   

If Israel was totally outgunned and losing citizens at the rate the folks in Gaza do - then you'd see it growing.

Something to remember next time you see Pals protesting and chanting the usual "death to "
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
As I thought, you would back out because you are not that confident, and your picture doesn't a prove a thing and is not verifiable, hence the escrow, to which I can provide all the necessary documents and contacts to verify them, Papers that were published, Diplomas, Certifications Thesis...ect ect
In other words, you're full of shit.
I posted, you haven't. Spin as you wish, but we saw who's who right here and now.

Once again you are dodging the point, and since you claim anything I said is not factual then how about proving me wrong while you are at it?
And again full of shit.
And I'll also educate you (as evident that you're lacking it): When you claim something it is up to you to prove it, which you haven't. If I reject your claims, which I have, it's not up to me to prove my rejections.
This was lesson 1 in logic 101.

Pathetic? you don't even answer on point, one again, and claim it is pathetic? an argument/tool you used yourself on your previous comment, yet you fail to acknowledge such a thing, it's obvious which attitude is more pathetic here.
Full of shit yet again.

This is what it come to, when you can't argue you call people stupid or pathetic, these attribute you are mentioning reflect exactly the personality of the person trowing them around at other when they can't even answer, so can we get to the point and back to threads instead of giving these kind of replies that do you no favor ?
And again...

So you admit that the US didn't Colonize Iraq and co like Israel is doing with Palestine
I admitted US didn't colonize, not that Israel did or does.
No wonder you didn't post any credentials.

Again fleeing the fights and seeking safety they come back once it was over, they had the right to stay, and they come back once it was all safe again, which is not as being kicked out of your land with no right to return, so again it's totally different.
Yeah, safety in a zone that is now ruled by terrorists.
I'd say put your life where your words are and go there.

Yes and not only the Oil companies but every single sector, BUT the big difference here is everything is under legal agreements with contracts and co, (it's still not totally fair and it's still not the rule of free market) the Iraqis are still getting proper return from the resources and it's totally different from the Palestinians are getting which ZERO and in fact it's the opposite it's a very negative return as they are getting their land and resources exploited and drained. As proven once again it is a totally different
Yeah, legal agreements that the winners imposed. Totally legit.

Yes they did, and I'm glad that you agree that it's totally different than what's happening in Palestine
Glad you agree that what happened there is much worse.

Comparing? Again did Iraq had a regular army or not ? for reference if you didn't know, just the ground army of Iraq consisted of 375,000 troops, organized into five corps. In all, there were 11 infantry divisions, 3 mechanized divisions, and 3 armored divisions and another 80000 of the Republican Guard consisted troops. so once again you are total wrong and what Israel is doing is totally uncomparable to the US intervention
Completely irrelevant that they had a standing army, because that army wasn't comparable to the American one in any way, shape or form.

Except that the current leading regime in Israel want the situation to remain as it is they don't want peace, as peace would push them to the negotiation table, they want to continue to exploit the land and resources of Palestinians and anything is an excuse to keep the situation as it is, (I'm not saying that Hamas and co are clean, but there is a difference between the one that hold the power and in the strength position and the other that is being oppressed)
So so far point by point you've tried to argue and I'm not going to go trought the ones you avoided to mention and dodging, the Palestinian is not similar and that by any aspect to the Iraqi invasion.
Yes, they do want it to stay as it is, because hamas, which represent the palestinians in the gaza strip has in its front banner the destruction of Israel, so there's actually no1 on the other side to talk to.
More so, in the past Israel was willing to go almost back to 67' borders (beyond me why) and the palestinians rejected it, which is what they claim to have wanted all this time.
I'm sure you can google the full detailed offer, and I'm also sure that you can google what Abbas said in response (hint: no).

So putting the blame on Israel for any failure with the peace process is outrageous to say the least.

Irrelevant? they mostly do follow yet just the line after you say they broke (officially that is) 65 out of 100 resolution? do you even read what you write you are auto-contradicting your self, and also UN resolutions are quite relevant and a proof that Israel is breaking international law and getting away with it which the whole point our conversation
Meant hundredS, but that just prove you aren't actually knowledgeable about the subject if that's your strongest card. Up until 1982 there have been at least 200 resolutions, hundreds more since, so yes, mostly follow, does in fact, applies.

Yes you are repeating the same argument from another thread and I can quote if you want.
So yes let's bring things into perspective, a Genocide is not about killing millions here you go
Here is the list of officially recognized genocides by death toll and you can clearly see at the bottom of the list genocides that corresponds exactly to what's happening right now in Palestine which is a fact , and in 3 weeks over 1500 Palestinian died so far and more to come and this is also a fact so no you are totally wrong!
Have you actually read the list you're linking?
Not only are the palestinians not listed there, but there are much more "recent" genocides, which implies the list is up to date.

Israeli government hasn't initiated anything to eliminate the palestinians, that's just how you see things, which doesn't make it more real.

So no, I am not wrong.

As for your Toyota example, Toyota engineers and works didn't run civilians with those cars in the goal of killing them, and if we apply this same broken logic of yours, the Plague or Cholera killed way more people than Hitler killed Jew, so the Holocaust is not a genocide and it's perfectly fine. such thinking just makes want to puke.
Thank you for proving my point. IDF, similar to how Toyota doesn't engineer cars to kill people, doesn't shot with intent to kill civilians, which means they do not perform any genocide.

Once you are proven wrong with facts, you are dodging again, but let's follow up with your broken argument once again, the Arab countries are not rich in fact the VAST majority is poor except tree or foor at most. The Arabs has almost zero influence on other countries in comparison to Israel main allies such as the US, the UK or France. want to me to list the sphere of influence of these countries in comparison to Arabs richest countries?
Sure, let's:
Remove the US, as they don't export crude oil.
top 10 has US, NL and CA.
I'll let you guess who the 7 others are.

At least 18 (AFAIK) arab countries export oil, so while their population is poor, their leadership isn't.
So yes, arab countries are filthy rich and use, not only their money, but more so, their oil, to buy influence, which is actually stronger incentive than money.

So yeah, sphere it out.

BUT a lot of sanctions passed and applied Syria,
From the UN? Not really.
Condemnations? a few.
Sanctions? 0.

Whatever sanctions on Syria came outside the UN.

The Israeli equivalent would be the ongoing arab sanctions that has been lasting for a few decades now.
Actually, it wouldn't be the equivalent, since Syria isn't under sanctions from a few countries for decades, only a few years.

what about Israel that's been breaking UN resolutions half a century officially that is?  once again it's a proof that the UN it's biased towards Israel not against! since the majority of countries that hold executive and real power in the UN are Israeli allies and not the other way around like the one I mentioned above
Because Israel breaks some of the resolution it means the UN is biased towards it? lol, please, what a faulty way to think.

What you should ask yourself is how come Israel has had more resolution than all the other countries in the world combined when it hasn't done atrocities such as the Chinese or Russians done.
Or how come Syria didn't get as many resolutions despite the fact the regime there killed over 200k people there thus far, while Israel has killed many, many less.
But, I know you wouldn't ask yourself those questions, because they don't fit your propaganda.

Another pseudo claim without any basis, simply because if Palestinians has their right uphold with their country and the right to exist as a People there ..ect they would not attack their neighbour and hence there would not be any response. it's a causality relation, the groups are fighting in Palestine because their country is colonized and not the other way around!
Yeah, they totally wouldn't sort to terrorism and war. Totally.
I would also tell and go learn some history, how in fact, they gave up their right for the land (the few that did live there) during the Ottoman empire to avoid paying taxes, so when the British took over, it was British / LoN land.
But why meddle in small details.

For the 4th time again, why are you avoiding and dodging the point I mentioned about this, whevere you are out of arguments you dodge and avoid to answer, how about answering my argument instead of pretending you didn't read it or blindless.
Not only is it your job to back up your claims, but I also went the extra mile and back up my rejection of your claim.
You haven't, again.
So the one that is dodging here, constantly, since the very beginning (still not posted your credential, but hey, can't blame a child for hiding behind a silly "bet"), is actually you.

Back peddling? no it is not, it would have back peddling if I wrote all those AFTER your point, which is not the case, from the first I replied to to the last one my position on the matter was clear! my OP post is under the supposition if it was real, and I brought facts why it is most likely to be real than it isn't such as previous verified post by IDF soldiers on social media and the fact that IDF soldiers killed palestinian in several occasions and targeting them directly, and I mentioned several times factual examples of this that you've been dodging all along
Yes, that actually does constitute as back peddling. You added a very one sided comment in your OP and than tuned it down, after stating your obvious opinion. That's called back peddling.
You're welcome.

So far, it's been a trait of yours, and whenever you don't have argument you just dodge, how about answering on point instead.
Funny, considering you have been saying over and over again the same rhetoric "dodge this, dodging that" and not answering a thing.
Irony at its best.

Are you muslim?

Ah so now you've moved from there are none, to there are some of them, weren't the one saying that you IDF Training and they never do wrong?
I said none? Said IDF doesn't ever do wrong? Quote me.
I said IDF doesn't shot to kill civilians. Doesn't train to kill innocent.

So far and in the last 3 weeks 1500-1600 Palestinians died mostly civilians, that's a huge number for a supposed army that didn't trained to murder civilians. (while yes I can agree that soldiers are not trained to kill civilians but trained to kill full stop and to follow orders,
Yes, it is a number, so?
Have you been there? Do you know the circumstances? Have you actually been in a war? (don't answer, I know you haven't).

the orders can be to kill civilians which is the case here.
Source? Proof? Anything solid to back up the claim that they got orders to kill civilians?
Got a feeling you're just gonna type something silly or snarly instead of providing a proof for that.

If they could they would? well lets say that they can Hamas attacked are proven to be useless, and the accuracy claims of the attacks has proven wrong. It is Israel the winner of such attack they can keep the situation as it is with no peace perspective as Israel is not in the receiving end, who cares about Palestinians deaths.
If Israel is the winner, why is hamas doing what it does? (hint: they don't actually care about the palestinians).
More so, if you had an AMAZING jock strap, reducing pain by 90%, can I still kick you in the balls without you retaliating?
So they being useless or not is irrelevant, they shouldn't provoke to begin with and seek peaceful routes.

Not to mention that you make it sound like they are small kids cursing. They shot fucking rockets, home made or not, those are meant to kill.

You never said this in any of your replies to me, and this is the first post when you say such a thing!
Did, earlier.

Hence I said they were either Deleted or Inexistent
And you still didn't provide anything to back up your claims... Again...

No it's does not cut, and that why I did say he did it for sure! but from previous happenings and crimes there are legitimate reason to think it might be true more than being it fake, but yes and I said on the thread on that matter it's doesn't rule a position for 100%
So you do admit he did it for sure...
I see.

That was amusing, despite the fact that I know you meant to write "didn't do".
Maybe I'll just be like you and take things exactly as they are, outside of the general context.

Got any quote of such a thing? I can quote my self dozen of times where I specify, heck, you claimed I generalize to the whole Israeli population on that same post, yet I specified clearly (the post you are dodging in this same point you quoted partially here)  Israeli EXTREMISTs. So no it's a clear proof of you lying once again
Quote? It's in almost all your posts.
You say Israel and IDF, knowing that it represent the Israel population (what else could it), both of them (almost all Israelis been to IDF).

Yeah, you wrote extremists a few times, good for you.

Documented facts such video proofs image proofs that were not denied, documented facts are those of soldiers being judged for crimes by the Israel which is of course totally biased towards them yet they was no room to make any excuses, documented facts such UN Resolutions against Israel, Documented facts are Supreme court orders against Israel. but no all these are lies according. As for you being there, that much I could figure out my self and in the way you are defending the crimes that are made in Gaza.
Which brings us back to how biased the UN is.

When you'll actually be there and see how it is, than you can actually talk about what you know vs what you think you know.

I know I know, you think you know. (this is where I repeat).
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
Oh, I am not willing to send 10 BTC to anyone, escrow or otherwise, I will however, post my credentials right here

My other educational credentials are at my hometown I'm afraid, a tad far away.
You can go a head and post yours here too.
As I thought, you would back out because you are not that confident, and your picture doesn't a prove a thing and is not verifiable, hence the escrow, to which I can provide all the necessary documents and contacts to verify them, Papers that were published, Diplomas, Certifications Thesis...ect ect

Funny you say that considering you haven't got any factual knowledge, because the vast majority of your "facts" are coming from the media or worse.
Once again you are dodging the point, and since you claim anything I said is not factual then how about proving me wrong while you are at it?

Kind of a pathetic way of not answering the question, didn't expect much though.
Pathetic? you don't even answer on point, one again, and claim it is pathetic? an argument/tool you used yourself on your previous comment, yet you fail to acknowledge such a thing, it's obvious which attitude is more pathetic here.

Thank you for confirming your stupidity.
This is what it come to, when you can't argue you call people stupid or pathetic, these attribute you are mentioning reflect exactly the personality of the person trowing them around at other when they can't even answer, so can we get to the point and back to threads instead of giving these kind of replies that do you no favor ?
They didn't colonize, they just occupied vast territories for many years.
So you admit that the US didn't Colonize Iraq and co like Israel is doing with Palestine
Tell that to the millions who fled.
Again fleeing the fights and seeking safety they come back once it was over, they had the right to stay, and they come back once it was all safe again, which is not as being kicked out of your land with no right to return, so again it's totally different.

Tell that to the oil companies.
Yes and not only the Oil companies but every single sector, BUT the big difference here is everything is under legal agreements with contracts and co, (it's still not totally fair and it's still not the rule of free market) the Iraqis are still getting proper return from the resources and it's totally different from the Palestinians are getting which ZERO and in fact it's the opposite it's a very negative return as they are getting their land and resources exploited and drained. As proven once again it is a totally different

Right, they just killed hundred of thousands of people in the duration of a few years.
Yes they did, and I'm glad that you agree that it's totally different than what's happening in Palestine
You seriously compare the Iraqi army to the US one? Like they had a fighting chance.
Comparing? Again did Iraq had a regular army or not ? for reference if you didn't know, just the ground army of Iraq consisted of 375,000 troops, organized into five corps. In all, there were 11 infantry divisions, 3 mechanized divisions, and 3 armored divisions and another 80000 of the Republican Guard consisted troops. so once again you are total wrong and what Israel is doing is totally uncomparable to the US intervention

More reasons for them not to provoke Israel and seek to get their objectives in a peaceful manner, unless they know they will have casualties, and a lot and it could somehow serve them.
Except that the current leading regime in Israel want the situation to remain as it is they don't want peace, as peace would push them to the negotiation table, they want to continue to exploit the land and resources of Palestinians and anything is an excuse to keep the situation as it is, (I'm not saying that Hamas and co are clean, but there is a difference between the one that hold the power and in the strength position and the other that is being oppressed)
So so far point by point you've tried to argue and I'm not going to go trought the ones you avoided to mention and dodging, the Palestinian is not similar and that by any aspect to the Iraqi invasion.

Irrelevant if they respect it or not, what matter is if they follow it or not, which they mostly do.
Israel broke 65 resolution thus far out of hundred of resolutions.

But honestly, who cares. The UN is a rigged board where countries vote in blocks, and Israel will always get the short end of the stick no matter what they do.
Irrelevant? they mostly do follow yet just the line after you say they broke (officially that is) 65 out of 100 resolution? do you even read what you write you are auto-contradicting your self, and also UN resolutions are quite relevant and a proof that Israel is breaking international law and getting away with it which the whole point our conversation

I actually am no repeating myself, this was the first time I wrote such a thing here or in any other thread. You however, like to listen to your own voice.
But lets get things into perspective, shall we?
There were about 18,000 palestinians dead since 48 (including Israels Independence war, without it, it's down to 10,000~)
No only that 18,000 people out of million+ does not qualify for a genocide or anything near, since that would be insulting to nations who actually been through a genocide, like the Armenians, but if you'd compare it to palestinians dead due to car accidents, you'd find that there are more palestinians dying every year from car accidents than from Israeli actions.
18,000 (palestinians casualties since 48) divided by 66 (that's how old Israel is) and you'll get 272.72 - that means that, on average, 272 palestinians die every year from from Israeli actions, or 0.74 per day.
In car accidents however, 18~ palestinians die every day (in 2013), was 17~ in 2012.

So I guess we should all blame Toyota for genocide.

The 18,000, btw, include terrorists, armed civilians that acted as soliders (during the 48 war) and civilians, so if one would actually deduct the number of hired soliders/terrorist from those numbers you'd have a small death per day.


I feel so sorry for nations who really went through it, such an insult that "pro-palestinians" use that word so lightly.
Yes you are repeating the same argument from another thread and I can quote if you want.
So yes let's bring things into perspective, a Genocide is not about killing millions here you go
Here is the list of officially recognized genocides by death toll and you can clearly see at the bottom of the list genocides that corresponds exactly to what's happening right now in Palestine which is a fact , and in 3 weeks over 1500 Palestinian died so far and more to come and this is also a fact so no you are totally wrong!
As for your Toyota example, Toyota engineers and works didn't run civilians with those cars in the goal of killing them, and if we apply this same broken logic of yours, the Plague or Cholera killed way more people than Hitler killed Jew, so the Holocaust is not a genocide and it's perfectly fine. such thinking just makes want to puke.

I see you're one of those people that need to be spoon fed.
Arab countries got oil and got money, and with that money and oil they easily buy the votes of other countries, namely poor ones.
While Argentina and Brazil, for example, aren't arab or communist countries, they are allied with that block and votes with them, and thus, you got a block that is been led by arab countries and communists ones.
So correct, the majority isn't arab countries, but they are being led by them, and that's the point I tried to convey, I guess I need to keep it in really simple terms next time.

It's an obvious and a known political situation. You have got to be really, really thick to not see it.
Once you are proven wrong with facts, you are dodging again, but let's follow up with your broken argument once again, the Arab countries are not rich in fact the VAST majority is poor except tree or foor at most. The Arabs has almost zero influence on other countries in comparison to Israel main allies such as the US, the UK or France. want to me to list the sphere of influence of these countries in comparison to Arabs richest countries?

That's the security council, and for what it's worth, China and Russia veto out their allies too, so I fail to see your point.
lol? because the security council isn't part of the UN? if you didn't know, the security council is institution of the UN that enforces sanctions among many other functions and Yes China and Russia vetoed and tried to veto some resolution, BUT a lot of sanctions passed and applied Syria, what about Israel that's been breaking UN resolutions half a century officially that is?  once again it's a proof that the UN it's biased towards Israel not against! since the majority of countries that hold executive and real power in the UN are Israeli allies and not the other way around like the one I mentioned above

No, what I'm saying is that any other country out there would have already wiped the palestinians off the face of the earth, thus committing this genocide you keep speaking of.
Israel hasn't and doesn't do that.
Another pseudo claim without any basis, simply because if Palestinians has their right uphold with their country and the right to exist as a People there ..ect they would not attack their neighbour and hence there would not be any response. it's a causality relation, the groups are fighting in Palestine because their country is colonized and not the other way around!

3rd time I'll post it, you're really, really thick, makes me curious as to what you educational credentials are. Probably philosophy.

"Not only is his twitter account is full of moderated posts (contrary to the fake post in the OP), but both instagram accounts that were used are private, how convenient."

Those two alone (private accounts and twitter account with moderated posts) is more than enough for me to assume it's fake.
But you, just seeing some image that someone random posted somewhere, is more than enough to convince you with its authenticity considering what I presented.

That says a lot about you.
For the 4th time again, why are you avoiding and dodging the point I mentioned about this, whevere you are out of arguments you dodge and avoid to answer, how about answering my argument instead of pretending you didn't read it or blindless.
Back peddling after the OP where you wrote:
Back peddling? no it is not, it would have back peddling if I wrote all those AFTER your point, which is not the case, from the first I replied to to the last one my position on the matter was clear! my OP post is under the supposition if it was real, and I brought facts why it is most likely to be real than it isn't such as previous verified post by IDF soldiers on social media and the fact that IDF soldiers killed palestinian in several occasions and targeting them directly, and I mentioned several times factual examples of this that you've been dodging all along

When you can't think, mimic.
So far, it's been a trait of yours, and whenever you don't have argument you just dodge, how about answering on point instead.

There aren't tons of, there are some, most of them are faked, not that it's relevant, because you got extremists everywhere, including in IDF.
The point was that IDF doesn't train soldiers to murder civilians, hamas on the other hand, does.
Ah so now you've moved from there are none, to there are some of them, weren't the one saying that you IDF Training and they never do wrong? So far and in the last 3 weeks 1500-1600 Palestinians died mostly civilians, that's a huge number for a supposed army that didn't trained to murder civilians. (while yes I can agree that soldiers are not trained to kill civilians but trained to kill full stop and to follow orders, the orders can be to kill civilians which is the case here.)

While this is true, it's also irrelevant.
As I have already said, if IDF could of avoided those casualties, it would have. If paletinians could kill Israelis, they would of.
If they could they would? well lets say that they can Hamas attacked are proven to be useless, and the accuracy claims of the attacks has proven wrong. It is Israel the winner of such attack they can keep the situation as it is with no peace perspective as Israel is not in the receiving end, who cares about Palestinians deaths.

As I said, there are extremists everywhere, but IDF as a whole, isn't like that.
You never said this in any of your replies to me, and this is the first post when you say such a thing!

Proof that they existed and were deleted?

Hence I said they were either Deleted or Inexistent so How come you the tweeter account that you claim it's a proof and represent the personality of this guy, has no previous posts previous to the event, See how your argument doesn't even stand.

Sorry, but "tends to" doesn't cut it.
You should watch this:
No it's does not cut, and that why I did say he did it for sure! but from previous happenings and crimes there are legitimate reason to think it might be true more than being it fake, but yes and I said on the thread on that matter it's doesn't rule a position for 100%

Of course you generalize, all your posts are filled with 1 sided attacks where you base your attacks on the actions of few.
Got any quote of such a thing? I can quote my self dozen of times where I specify, heck, you claimed I generalize to the whole Israeli population on that same post, yet I specified clearly (the post you are dodging in this same point you quoted partially here)  Israeli EXTREMISTs. So no it's a clear proof of you lying once again

Yeah, those are definitely "facts".

I've been there, I've seen it with my own eyes, felt it with my own body.

That's more than you could ever say, because nothing is easier than hiding behind a computer monitor.
Documented facts such video proofs image proofs that were not denied, documented facts are those of soldiers being judged for crimes by the Israel which is of course totally biased towards them yet they was no room to make any excuses, documented facts such UN Resolutions against Israel, Documented facts are Supreme court orders against Israel. but no all these are lies according. As for you being there, that much I could figure out my self and in the way you are defending the crimes that are made in Gaza.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
So far not only you didn't prove this point, but you are clearly avoiding the discussion of proving that the current ruling regime in Israel is not fascist, but to prove how wrong once and for all about this (even if I find this childish) I dare you to bet 10BTCs on my education level, we can use an escrow and I'm willing to provided all the necessary proofs about such a thing, let's if you the balls to do so.
Oh, I am not willing to send 10 BTC to anyone, escrow or otherwise, I will however, post my credentials right here

My other educational credentials are at my hometown I'm afraid, a tad far away.
You can go a head and post yours here too.

Again I didn't say they are not responsible that's your own assumption, the only thing I didn't advance anything as I don't have the knowledge to claim it was or it wasn't the case for sure. See the big difference between you and me in our thought process, you claim things that didn't happens and make broken argumentation, I argue about something when I have enough knowledge to do s.
Funny you say that considering you haven't got any factual knowledge, because the vast majority of your "facts" are coming from the media or worse.

Didn't just say that I ruled out the impossibility of the US committing war crimes in Iraq ? do I need to quote ? do you Alzheimer or something?
Kind of a pathetic way of not answering the question, didn't expect much though.

It's more than enough proof when someone like you claim that I said or didn't say something, or your logic process overheated or something, please enlighten me how this is wrong
Thank you for confirming your stupidity.

No the situation is not comparable and this is just intellectually malsaint, I don't recall the US colonizing Iraq for half a century (officially that is according to UN)
They didn't colonize, they just occupied vast territories for many years.

I don't recall the US kicking local populations
Tell that to the millions who fled.

and stealing their land and resources
Tell that to the oil companies.

I don't recall the US killing thousands of civilians every couple of months or so,
Right, they just killed hundred of thousands of people in the duration of a few years.

I do recall that Iraq is a country that has a regular army with weapons, jet fighters, tanks, missiles, warships, arterially ....ect ect,
You seriously compare the Iraqi army to the US one? Like they had a fighting chance.

where as Palestine doesn't even have the right to be a country, and doesn't have anything remotely close to an army,
More reasons for them not to provoke Israel and seek to get their objectives in a peaceful manner, unless they know they will have casualties, and a lot and it could somehow serve them.

Israel is not respecting any single UN resolution on the matter or the La Haye supreme court orders ..... and for half a century now!.I can go on and on I can write a thousands things proving that the two cannot be compared
Irrelevant if they respect it or not, what matter is if they follow it or not, which they mostly do.
Israel broke 65 resolution thus far out of hundred of resolutions.

But honestly, who cares. The UN is a rigged board where countries vote in blocks, and Israel will always get the short end of the stick no matter what they do.

This is again totally false, and you are the one repeating your self, there are many listed and recognized Genocides by the UN, in where the population growth was not affected, yet the population growing that not make it any less of genocide or systematic killing.
I actually am no repeating myself, this was the first time I wrote such a thing here or in any other thread. You however, like to listen to your own voice.
But lets get things into perspective, shall we?
There were about 18,000 palestinians dead since 48 (including Israels Independence war, without it, it's down to 10,000~)
No only that 18,000 people out of million+ does not qualify for a genocide or anything near, since that would be insulting to nations who actually been through a genocide, like the Armenians, but if you'd compare it to palestinians dead due to car accidents, you'd find that there are more palestinians dying every year from car accidents than from Israeli actions.
18,000 (palestinians casualties since 48) divided by 66 (that's how old Israel is) and you'll get 272.72 - that means that, on average, 272 palestinians die every year from from Israeli actions, or 0.74 per day.
In car accidents however, 18~ palestinians die every day (in 2013), was 17~ in 2012.

So I guess we should all blame Toyota for genocide.

The 18,000, btw, include terrorists, armed civilians that acted as soliders (during the 48 war) and civilians, so if one would actually deduct the number of hired soliders/terrorist from those numbers you'd have a small death per day.


I feel so sorry for nations who really went through it, such an insult that "pro-palestinians" use that word so lightly.

I don't how can you lie so balantly with a straight face, but lets break down and prove that this is another lie of yours
-UN Members = 193 Nations
-Arab Members = 21 or 22 if we count intermediate status
-communist countries in UN =  5
So communist + arabs = 22+5 which is wait for it 27 out of 193 that's not even 14% of UN members.
I see you're one of those people that need to be spoon fed.
Arab countries got oil and got money, and with that money and oil they easily buy the votes of other countries, namely poor ones.
While Argentina and Brazil, for example, aren't arab or communist countries, they are allied with that block and votes with them, and thus, you got a block that is been led by arab countries and communists ones.
So correct, the majority isn't arab countries, but they are being led by them, and that's the point I tried to convey, I guess I need to keep it in really simple terms next time.

It's an obvious and a known political situation. You have got to be really, really thick to not see it.

Tell me how biased the UN is? didn't they slam Syria with different resolutions and economical and political sanctions, or you mean maybe Iran, the UN is definity biased, because a minority holds the power in UN, and the majority of that minority support Israel (their official statement) hence not a single sanction ever touched Israel. so no the UN is far from being the pinnacle of human achievement but when the votes are democratically made the resolutions are clear but as long as the veto system exist it will remain broken, and I'm not even going to mention the lobbyism of super powers.
As for the amount of resolutions it's simple the when you do not apply to any resolution made for over half a century they tend, wait for it, to accumulate.
That's the security council, and for what it's worth, China and Russia veto out their allies too, so I fail to see your point.

Neither the US or Chinas or Even Russia, are colonizing a country for over half a century and terrorizing millions, and killing thousands every couple of months/years without any judgment, but that's not even the point, how can you make excuse of a regime killing thousands of innocent civilians, just by saying oh look they are other badies in the world and we are not the only ones, but that doesn't surprise from you.
No, what I'm saying is that any other country out there would have already wiped the palestinians off the face of the earth, thus committing this genocide you keep speaking of.
Israel hasn't and doesn't do that.

So where is your proof? so that's all you've got to say on the matter?
3rd time I'll post it, you're really, really thick, makes me curious as to what you educational credentials are. Probably philosophy.

"Not only is his twitter account is full of moderated posts (contrary to the fake post in the OP), but both instagram accounts that were used are private, how convenient."

Those two alone (private accounts and twitter account with moderated posts) is more than enough for me to assume it's fake.
But you, just seeing some image that someone random posted somewhere, is more than enough to convince you with its authenticity considering what I presented.

That says a lot about you.

Maybe you missed these huh (btw you see how quoting one self or someone can be a proof ?
Back peddling after the OP where you wrote:
The most moral army in the world demonstration again how humain they are. This solder is braging about sniping 13 children in one day and that's it is a normal accurance for him, and today US decided to restock Israel as ammunition seems to be going low

but you on the other hand decide it's fake from no where,
4th time... CBA to repeat it.

Why think when you can sheep.
When you can't think, mimic.

It might fake but there are tons of videos, and reports of people doing and being proud of such things, this beyond not having morals, this is a psychopath murderer doing whatever he wants
There aren't tons of, there are some, most of them are faked, not that it's relevant, because you got extremists everywhere, including in IDF.
The point was that IDF doesn't train soldiers to murder civilians, hamas on the other hand, does.

Well the truth of war we have to this instant is 1391 Palestinians Killed, Mostly Children, Women and Elderly, the children death toll on it own exceeds 300s I'll edit this when I'll get a more precise value, as for the source of death, they are not mentioned, so the death toll cannot denie (as there are hundreds of children deaths) and cannot confirm (as we do not know how they died)
While this is true, it's also irrelevant.
As I have already said, if IDF could of avoided those casualties, it would have. If paletinians could kill Israelis, they would of.

but again the balance between tends towards it being for real for the simple reason that there were previously extrem posts on instagram by idf soldiers and here is a soft example from an Israeli source
and Palestinian children were sniped by Israeli soldier before and this is also a fact.
As I said, there are extremists everywhere, but IDF as a whole, isn't like that.

So your reason is a tweeter account on which previous posts were deleted/inexistant (unless I searched wrong and you can correct me)
Proof that they existed and were deleted?

sounds reasonable as a proof I refer you to the last time I quoted my self where I present real Proofs on occurrences, and reasons why that Instagram post tends to presenty reality and not fake, but again you see the difference between you and me, I don't claim the 100% veracity of that post, yet you on several occasions you didn't do such a thing and claimed it was fake.
Sorry, but "tends to" doesn't cut it.
You should watch this:

not only but once again you are lying claiming that I generalise to Israeli civilian populations,
Of course you generalize, all your posts are filled with 1 sided attacks where you base your attacks on the actions of few.

So it is your knowledge of how IDF members are trained vs documented facts, hmm it's pretty obvious which side to follow here. Your logic never cease to amazes me.
"documented facts". You means documents written in a political environment which is influenced by political agendas?

Yeah, those are definitely "facts".

I've been there, I've seen it with my own eyes, felt it with my own body.

That's more than you could ever say, because nothing is easier than hiding behind a computer monitor.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
Doubtful you got an education, as you don't even know what fascism is.
So far not only you didn't prove this point, but you are clearly avoiding the discussion about that the current ruling regime in Israel and it being a fascist regime or not, but to prove how wrong once and for all you are about this (even if I find this childish) I dare you to bet 10BTCs on my education level, we can use an escrow and I'm willing to provided all the necessary proofs about such a thing, let's if you the balls to do so.

By saying that war crimes were committed by individuals you disassociated the US from it, as to say they aren't responsible. Bullshit.
Again I didn't say they are not responsible that's your own assumption, the only thing is I didn't advance anything as I don't have the knowledge to claim if it was or it wasn't the case for sure. See the big difference between you and me in our thought process, you claim things that didn't happens and make broken argumentation, I argue about something when I have enough knowledge to do so.
Did I? What exactly?
Didn't you just say that I ruled out the impossibility of the US committing war crimes in Iraq ? do I need to quote you again ? do you Alzheimer or something similar?

Didn't know that quoting ones self is acceptable proof. Now I know why you think you're always right when you aren't. Seems legit.
It's more than enough proof when someone like you claim that I said or didn't say something, or your logic processor overheated or something, please enlighten me how this is wrong

Of course they didn't go there for free. Oil isn't free, WMD was bullshit of course.
And yes, you can compare, both are wars between 2 entities, what you can't do is say that those 2 situation are equal, as what happened in Iraq is many times worse.
No the situation is not comparable and this is just intellectually malsaint, I don't recall the US colonizing Iraq for half a century (officially that is according to UN) , I don't recall the US kicking local populations and stealing their land and resources for half a decade, I don't recall the US killing thousands of civilians every couple of months or so, I do recall that Iraq is a country that has a regular army with weapons, jet fighters, tanks, missiles, warships, arterially ....ect ect, where as Palestine doesn't even have the right to be a country, and doesn't have anything remotely close to an army, the international even if it was fooled during the intervention, approved the attacks where as Israel is not respecting any single UN resolution on the matter or the La Haye supreme court orders ..... and for half a century now!.I can go on and on I can write a thousands things proving that the two cannot be compared

No they aren't.
The fact that their population grew over time is enough evidence for that.
But I guess you just like repeating yourself in hopes it'll become true.
This is again totally false, and you are the one repeating your self, there are many listed and recognized Genocides by the UN, in where the population growth was not affected, yet the population growing that not make it any less of genocide or systematic killing. do you want me to list some?

You say it as if excuses matter when the UN is comprised mostly from communist and arab countries (dictatorships) who automatically vote against Israel.
Just go research a bit on how biased the UN is when you compare it to other REAL problems where hundred of thousands or even millions are dying. I doubt you will though, I bet you think the UN is the pinnacle of human achievements.
Ah, wait, maybe you hate them because they don't do enough against Israel...
But than, you can't really explain how come Israel is the country with majority of resolutions against. I guess the crimes in China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia are all childs play compared. lol.

Luckily, Israel is selfish enough to do what is best for itself.

Beyond me why Israel don't take the approach that China would have taken, or US, or Russia if they had hamas as a neighbor.
I don't know how can you lie so blatantly with a straight face, but lets break down and prove that this is another lie of yours
-UN Members = 193 Nations
-Arab Members = 21 or 22 if we count intermediate status
-communist countries in UN =  5
So communist + arabs = 22+5 which is wait for it 27 out of 193 that's not even 14% of UN members.
Tell me how biased the UN is? didn't they slam Syria with different resolutions and economical and political sanctions, or you mean maybe Iran, the UN is definity biased, because a minority holds the power in UN, and the majority of that minority support Israel (their official statement) hence not a single sanction ever touched Israel. so no the UN is far from being the pinnacle of human achievement but when the votes are democratically made the resolutions are clear but as long as the veto system exist it will remain broken, and I'm not even going to mention the lobbyism of super powers.
As for the amount of resolutions it's simple the when you do not apply to any resolution made for over half a century they tend, wait for it, to accumulate.

Of course Israel is doing the best for it self, that is destroying any peace and negotiating possibility so they can keep the situation as it is as a colonialist that rules over most of the land of Palestine and steal it resources.

Neither the US or Chinas or Even Russia, are colonizing a country for over half a century and terrorizing millions, and killing thousands every couple of months/years without any judgment, but that's not even the point, how can you make excuse of a regime killing thousands of innocent civilians, just by saying oh look there are other badies in the world and we are not the only ones, but that doesn't surprise me from you, your logic is so strong on this matter.

Oh please...
So where is your proof? so that's all you've got to say on the matter?

Totally neutral.
Maybe you missed these huh (btw you see how quoting one self or someone can be a proof ? yet you've denied just a few line ago in your same post
If it is my opinion you are asking for I can't say 100% it is legit as I have no prove, but I'm just reporting the news which seems to be legit as the profile does exist or did exist till a few mins/hours ago you can still find information in google cache for example. is unbelievable, no there way to much proves that shows such behavious from some IDF soldiers, heck even the civilians does worse things, remember the teenager that was burned both inside out, and outside
but you on the other hand decide it's fake from no where,
Why think when you can sheep.
It might fake but there are tons of videos, and reports of people doing and being proud of such things, this beyond not having morals, this is a psychopath murderer doing whatever he wants
Well the truth of war we have to this instant is 1391 Palestinians Killed, Mostly Children, Women and Elderly, the children death toll on it own exceeds 300s I'll edit this when I'll get a more precise value, as for the source of death, they are not mentioned, so the death toll cannot denie (as there are hundreds of children deaths) and cannot confirm (as we do not know how they died)

but again the balance between tends towards it being for real for the simple reason that there were previously extrem posts on instagram by idf soldiers and here is a soft example from an Israeli source
and Palestinian children were sniped by Israeli soldier before and this is also a fact.

Wrong. I had pretty good reasons to assume it's fake, but you just ate it as it is because it fitted your propaganda.

Not surprised you'd post such bullshit.

Not only is his twitter account is full of moderated posts (contrary to the fake post in the OP), but both instagram accounts that were used are private, how convenient.

But I guess asking from some people to turn their brains on is just to much.

Why think when you can sheep.
So your reason is a twitter account on which previous posts were deleted/inexistent (unless I searched wrong and you can correct me on this), sounds reasonable as a proof I refer you to the last time I quoted my self where I present real Proofs on occurrences, and reasons why that Instagram post tends to present reality rather than being fake, but again you fall to see the difference between you and me, I don't claim the 100% veracity of that post, yet you on several occasions you didn't do such a thing and claimed it was fake.

Yes, Israelis are capable of it, but the incident with the kid has nothing to do with IDF, it was the work of 2 or 3 extremists and TBH, if you'd actually go back and check the history of how many times Israeli civilians actually retaliated with killing a palestinians, you'd be surprised, but hey, why check when 1 time is enough to generalize.
I'll even raise you one and say there's a group of extremists in Israel called 'Price Tag', and while they retaliate often about various Arab aggressions and terrorist attack, they haven't actually taken the life of an arab.
More so, if you'd actually asked Israelis, you'd find out that most of them condemn their actions, something you can't say about the Palestinians.
And where did I say the kid was killed by IDF? I clearly stated Israeli extremist, (and I do my search maybe you need to check your stuff a little bit more not only that but once again you are lying claiming that I generalize to Israeli civilian populations, yet I clearly stated Israeli extremist) then I moved on to IDF by giving a couple of example of atrocities.

You can, but it's irrelevant because I know from personal experience how IDF are trained - they are trained to value life, not death.
They don't train to kill civilians, kids, women or men.
And if they happen to kill a civilian, it was not intentional.
I know for a fact that no commander there, in the field or otherwise, would even command his troops to shot civilians or even to shot unarmed hamas member that is a known terrorist.

So yes, for me IDF is as moral of an army as you can get.

But unlike you, I know, you just think you know.

So it is your knowledge of how IDF members are trained vs documented facts, hmm it's pretty obvious which side to follow here. Your logic never cease to amazes me.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
I'm pretty sure I have a decent education and probably more than you'll ever do, but back to the point. and the definition is exactly what the current Israeli regime in control is.
Doubtful you got an education, as you don't even know what fascism is.

Again where did I rule out the impossibility of war crimes by the US in Iraq
No, there is a huge difference here and no room in comparison, while there might have been some war crimes by some individuals, the US isn't...
By saying that war crimes were committed by individuals you disassociated the US from it, as to say they aren't responsible. Bullshit.

you are claiming things that are totally false and can be proven just by quoting my self from previous comment
Did I? What exactly?

can be proven just by quoting my self from previous comment
Didn't know that quoting ones self is acceptable proof. Now I know why you think you're always right when you aren't. Seems legit.

The US didn't go to Iraq for free, and the excuse they made about WMD in Iraq was found to be a lie later, and the contracts that US scored in Iraq after the war in the billions, but again comparing Iraq and Palestine is total and plain ignorance (a word you enjoy apparently).
Of course they didn't go there for free. Oil isn't free, WMD was bullshit of course.
And yes, you can compare, both are wars between 2 entities, what you can't do is say that those 2 situation are equal, as what happened in Iraq is many times worse.

As for Israel killing systematically Palestinians, well yes they are
No they aren't.
The fact that their population grew over time is enough evidence for that.
But I guess you just like repeating yourself in hopes it'll become true.

they are not killing EVERYONE for the simple reason that they'll have no excuse to give to the international community afterwards, they need to maintain a certain statut quo, but they are killing indiscriminately Palestinians in Gaza and the statistics proves so.
You say it as if excuses matter when the UN is comprised mostly from communist and arab countries (dictatorships) who automatically vote against Israel.
Just go research a bit on how biased the UN is when you compare it to other REAL problems where hundred of thousands or even millions are dying. I doubt you will though, I bet you think the UN is the pinnacle of human achievements.
Ah, wait, maybe you hate them because they don't do enough against Israel...
But than, you can't really explain how come Israel is the country with majority of resolutions against. I guess the crimes in China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia are all childs play compared. lol.

Luckily, Israel is selfish enough to do what is best for itself.

Beyond me why Israel don't take the approach that China would have taken, or US, or Russia if they had hamas as a neighbor.

As for the Instagram post, do you have a prove it is fake? you are the one that is being unreasonable here, I had a neutral position on the matter without ruling the possibility of it being fake
Oh please...
The most moral army in the world demonstration again how humain they are. This solder is braging about sniping 13 children in one day and that's it is a normal accurance for him, and today US decided to restock Israel as ammunition seems to be going low
Totally neutral.

but you on the other hand decide it's fake from no where,
Why think when you can sheep.

Wrong. I had pretty good reasons to assume it's fake, but you just ate it as it is because it fitted your propaganda.
Not surprised you'd post such bullshit.

Not only is his twitter account is full of moderated posts (contrary to the fake post in the OP), but both instagram accounts that were used are private, how convenient.

But I guess asking from some people to turn their brains on is just to much.

Why think when you can sheep.

well let me tell you, it was proven, thousands of times that Israelies are capable of such a things being it extremist in the populations (remember the teen that was burned inside out a few weeks ago?) or the 8 years old kids that were shelled in the beach in front of the international press, or again the 5-10 yo kids that were shelled in the hospital, I can mentions thousands of examples like this, but for you Israel or it IDF does no bad, they are the defenders of peace.
Yes, Israelis are capable of it, but the incident with the kid has nothing to do with IDF, it was the work of 2 or 3 extremists and TBH, if you'd actually go back and check the history of how many times Israeli civilians actually retaliated with killing a palestinians, you'd be surprised, but hey, why check when 1 time is enough to generalize.
I'll even raise you one and say there's a group of extremists in Israel called 'Price Tag', and while they retaliate often about various arab agressions and terrorist attack, they haven't actually taken the life of an arab.
More so, if you'd actually asked Israelis, you'd find out that most of them condemn their actions, something you can't say about the palestinians.
I can mentions thousands of examples like this, but for you Israel or it IDF does no bad, they are the defenders of peace.
You can, but it's irrelevant because I know from personal experience how IDF are trained - they are trained to value life, not death.
They don't train to kill civilians, kids, women or men.
And if they happen to kill a civilian, it was not intentional.
I know for a fact that no commander there, in the field or otherwise, would even command his troops to shot civilians or even to shot unarmed hamas member that is a known terrorist.

So yes, for me IDF is as moral of an army as you can get.

But unlike you, I know, you just think you know.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
Educate yourself, won't hurt.
While education has no end, and each individual has to seek more knowledge I'm pretty sure I have a decent education and probably more than you'll ever do, but back to the point. and the definition is exactly what the current Israeli regime in control is.

US army committed plenty of war crimes in Iraq, not to mention the millions who have fled when the US invaded Iraq, same as millions of people always flee when there's a war and it's also no secret that american companies took over the oil reserves there "stealing their resources", and let's not forget the huge mess they left there, many times bigger than what the palestinians got now.
But all's good, when it's not Israel it's justified and reasonable.

Also, Israel doesn't systematically kill anyone. If they wanted to wipe the palestinians, they could of already done it 10 times over. That's just how people who hate Israel just because, think.

But hey, when you're a person who just believes whatever he reads on the internet, I don't blame you for being so ignorant. That's why you were so quick to post some hoax involving an Israeli soldier just because you saw a fake instagram post that fitted your agenda.

Again where did I rule out the impossibility of war crimes by the US in Iraq, see here is the biggest difference between you and me, you are claiming things that are totally false and can be proven just by quoting my self from previous comment, and then you dare to claim that I'm ignorant, it's pretty obvious who's the ignorant at this point but lets get back to the real point once again.
The US didn't go to Iraq for free, and the excuse they made about WMD in Iraq was found to be a lie later, and the contracts that US scored in Iraq after the war in the billions, but again comparing Iraq and Palestine is total and plain ignorance (a word you enjoy apparently) .

As for Israel killing systematically Palestinians, well yes they are, they are not killing EVERYONE for the simple reason that they'll have no excuse to give to the international community afterwards, they need to maintain a certain statut quo, but they are killing indiscriminately Palestinians in Gaza and the statistics proves so.

As for the Instagram post, do you have a prove it is fake? you are the one that is being unreasonable here, I had a neutral position on the matter without ruling the possibility of it being fake but you on the other hand decide it's fake from no where, well let me tell you, it was proven, thousands of times that Israelies are capable of such crimes being it extremist in the populations (remember the teen that was burned inside out a few weeks ago?) or IDF (the 8 years old kids that were shelled in the beach in front of the international press, or again the 5-10 yo kids that were shelled in the hospital, I can mentions thousands of examples like this), but for you Israel or it IDF does no bad, they are the defenders of peace.
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
No not whole of Israel but it's current leaders and people in control are.
Educate yourself, won't hurt.

No, there is a huge difference here and no room in comparison, while there might have been some war crimes by some individuals, the US isn't colonizing and wasn't colonizing Iraq for half a century now while stealing it resources and kicking it people from their land and sieging about 2millions in a land strip while cutting minimum resources, the US didn't go for systematic killing of civilians as Israelies are doing, and wasn't going against international law, UN resolutions and supreme court orders
US army committed plenty of war crimes in Iraq, not to mention the millions who have fled when the US invaded Iraq, same as millions of people always flee when there's a war and it's also no secret that american companies took over the oil reserves there "stealing their resources", and let's not forget the huge mess they left there, many times bigger than what the palestinians got now.
But all's good, when it's not Israel it's justified and reasonable.

Also, Israel doesn't systematically kill anyone. If they wanted to wipe the palestinians, they could of already done it 10 times over. That's just how people who hate Israel just because, think.

But hey, when you're a person who just believes whatever he reads on the internet, I don't blame you for being so ignorant. That's why you were so quick to post some hoax involving an Israeli soldier just because you saw a fake instagram post that fitted your agenda.
sr. member
Activity: 518
Merit: 250
No, there is a huge difference here and no room in comparison, while there might have been some war crimes by some individuals, the US isn't colonizing and wasn't colonizing Iraq for half a century now while stealing it resources and kicking it people from their land and sieging about 2millions in a land strip while cutting minimum resources, the US didn't go for systematic killing of civilians as Israelies are doing, and wasn't going against international law, UN resolutions and supreme court orders

I think collateral murder was against international law and these kind of things happened on a daily basis by our troops, it's not like this was an incident. It wasn't systematic killing, but if they didn't like their face it was enough reasons to shoot them.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

No not whole of Israel but it's current leaders and people in control are.

Well then open a book or soemthing and learn what fascism means.

No, there is a huge difference here and no room in comparison, while there might have been some war crimes by some individuals, the US isn't colonizing and wasn't colonizing Iraq for half a century now while stealing it resources and kicking it people from their land and sieging about 2millions in a land strip while cutting minimum resources, the US didn't go for systematic killing of civilians as Israelies are doing, and wasn't going against international law, UN resolutions and supreme court orders
By justifying 100,000+ civilian deaths caused by the US i understand you don't really care about human rights you just hate Israel. thanks for the clarification.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501
Problem is,Israel is not a Fasicst state.

No not whole of Israel but it's current leaders and people in control are.
How so? according to this logic the US is also a Nazi state because they bombed Iraqi children.

No, there is a huge difference here and no room in comparison, while there might have been some war crimes by some individuals, the US isn't colonizing and wasn't colonizing Iraq for half a century now while stealing it resources and kicking it people from their land and sieging about 2millions in a land strip while cutting minimum resources, the US didn't go for systematic killing of civilians as Israelies are doing, and wasn't going against international law, UN resolutions and supreme court orders
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

to be fair He never said Zionism has something to do with Nazim of vice-versa, he said they both are fascist ideologies which is quite true when you consider what's happening in Palestine right now, and the whole principals on which Zionism was built upon
Problem is,Israel is not a Fasicst state.
fascist ideologies which is quite true when you consider what's happening in Palestine right now,

How so? according to this logic the US is also a Nazi state because they bombed Iraqi children.
hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 501

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!

Jews cant be Nazi,facist maybe,but not Nazi. please learn what Nazism means before talking bullcrap.

On topic:The Palestininans reap what they sow. and vice versa.

Both Nazism and Zionists are fascist ideologies, two sides of the same coin 

No,they arent.
Defenders of Zionism say it is a national liberation movement for the repatriation of a dispersed socio-religious group to what they see as an abandoned homeland millennia before.[5][6][7] Critics of Zionism see it as a colonialist[8] or racist[9] ideology that led to the denial of rights, dispossession and expulsion of the "indigenous population of Palestine".[10][11][12][13]


Still dosent have to do anything with Nazism.
to be fair He never said Zionism has something to do with Nazim of vice-versa, he said they both are fascist ideologies which is quite true when you consider what's happening in Palestine right now, and the whole principals on which Zionism was built upon
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
I would believe Tusk to be somewhere in East Europe or Russia.

They have sort of broad notion of Nazism, they can quite define it and it was like the bogeyman of Soviet Russia.
You can see it with the Ukraine separatists, they are "defending themselves of Nazis and Fascists", even if Ukraine or EU isn't any of those.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!

Jews cant be Nazi,facist maybe,but not Nazi. please learn what Nazism means before talking bullcrap.

On topic:The Palestininans reap what they sow. and vice versa.

Both Nazism and Zionists are fascist ideologies, two sides of the same coin 

No,they arent.
Defenders of Zionism say it is a national liberation movement for the repatriation of a dispersed socio-religious group to what they see as an abandoned homeland millennia before.[5][6][7] Critics of Zionism see it as a colonialist[8] or racist[9] ideology that led to the denial of rights, dispossession and expulsion of the "indigenous population of Palestine".[10][11][12][13]


Still dosent have to do anything with Nazism.
sr. member
Activity: 444
Merit: 260

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!

Jews cant be Nazi,facist maybe,but not Nazi. please learn what Nazism means before talking bullcrap.

On topic:The Palestininans reap what they sow. and vice versa.

Both Nazism and Zionists are fascist ideologies, two sides of the same coin 

No,they arent.
Defenders of Zionism say it is a national liberation movement for the repatriation of a dispersed socio-religious group to what they see as an abandoned homeland millennia before.[5][6][7] Critics of Zionism see it as a colonialist[8] or racist[9] ideology that led to the denial of rights, dispossession and expulsion of the "indigenous population of Palestine".[10][11][12][13]

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!

Jews cant be Nazi,facist maybe,but not Nazi. please learn what Nazism means before talking bullcrap.

On topic:The Palestininans reap what they sow. and vice versa.

Both Nazism and Zionists are fascist ideologies, two sides of the same coin 

No,they arent.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
Its a shame those people forgot that "whoever saves one life saves the world entire"
sr. member
Activity: 444
Merit: 260

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!

Jews cant be Nazi,facist maybe,but not Nazi. please learn what Nazism means before talking bullcrap.

On topic:The Palestininans reap what they sow. and vice versa.

Both Nazism and Zionists are fascist ideologies, two sides of the same coin 
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!

Jews cant be Nazi,facist maybe,but not Nazi. please learn what Nazism means before talking bullcrap.

On topic:The Palestininans reap what they sow. and vice versa.
Activity: 3374
Merit: 1824
It's very sad to watch such things.
It looks that in extreme situation like war, it's very easy to loose sense of humanity and allow negative feelings like hatred to lead life.
I still believe that most people in Israel doesn't feel this way.
sr. member
Activity: 444
Merit: 260
It really is amazing to what kind of extreme lengths people will go when their lives are somehow threatened. The only reasons these Israelis actually  support their government's war crimes is because they feel threatened by Hamas, even though the reality is that only a few Israelis ever get killed by their rockets, while hundreds of people die on the Palestinian side. Threaten people's lives, and you can get them to agree and support the most vile agendas.

Because the illegal occupation of Palestine has no moral basis the Nazi state deliberately uses fear to justify its existence
sr. member
Activity: 280
Merit: 250
Knowledge is Power
It really is amazing to what kind of extreme lengths people will go when their lives are somehow threatened. The only reasons these Israelis actually  support their government's war crimes is because they feel threatened by Hamas, even though the reality is that only a few Israelis ever get killed by their rockets, while hundreds of people die on the Palestinian side. Threaten people's lives, and you can get them to agree and support the most vile agendas.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!

Are they? Apparently this little mob is either composed of a few hooligans or made up to look like it was Israelis celebrate.

There's an old saying around there and that's that "In Middle East everybody sleeps with everybody". So it's hard to tell where the truth lies there (or if is long dead).
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
this shit is bad, but i don't act like there wouldn't be americans who'd pull this shit. you have to remember that hamas DID shoot rockets at israeli civilians. that's why i don't take one media representation and apply it to the whole of israel. at the same time, i don't take israel's side either..
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
For some reason, watching this reminded me of the fanaticism that some brainless Americans displayed toward Muslims after 9/11.

The enemy is not any country, race, or religion, the enemy is the hate-filled mindset that can infiltrate any of us.

sr. member
Activity: 444
Merit: 260

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/

Yes they are your typical nazi brainless thugs same that oppressed the Jews in the holocaust, Wake the fuck up!
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
I suppose as long as this is contained between Israel and Hamas that is the best that can be hoped for at this point. Seems as Israel is content to keep up their part while Hamas gets rid of their missile caches but it's not like they won't get more from Turkey and maybe even the DPRK. I just don't see how this religious holy war can ever be truly squashed.
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
Not surprised... children are the gateway of truth for how the the adults truly feel (they dont know better to keep quiet). You would imagine that the "people" that live in israel would be sensitive to ethic prosecution ... stupid is as stupid does...
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000

Killing children and then cheering on their demise. Sickening, twisted, and delusional people.

Don't forget to turn on captions for the video.

Am I supposed to think the whole country is represented by that group of skinheads/hooligans singing?
Sad people, no doubt about it, but Israel is meant to be more civilized than that... even if a huge majority (at both sides) is supporting that war... Damn! :/
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
I've been so conflicted during this.entire thing. Israel has tried really hard to make themselves look good by saying they set all the proper precautions and giving warning. But they started it by using the three kids as an excuse for their reign of terror. Hamas are too prideful to back down. Israel is just being a bully. Also guys we have to separate the israelis from the government. Of course.the Israelis are going to say hateful things.
hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
Pretty disgusting behavior, shows how easy people can be dehumanized to other peoples suffering when they've been brainwashed with enough propaganda.

We have to remember that not all Israelis are psychos like these...
sr. member
Activity: 288
Merit: 250
This is just getting worse. The sad part of it is that I see no way out of it peacefully. Both countries have too many religious addicts.
Activity: 1049
Merit: 1006
Thank you for the links. Sharing on my own forums.  Cry
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1001
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