Hey hey
I'm writing a python script to take stratum tcp messages recorded through a mining proxy to reconstruct blockheaders and verify the miners' work. Documentation seems fairly sparse and at times conflicting.
From an initial 'mining.subscribe' response, we can gather the ExtraNonce1 (or from a later 'mining.set_extranonce')
From a 'mining.notify' job specification, we can gather the version, previous hash, time, and nBits towards the blockheader, additionally we can gather both the coinbase bits and the merkle branches.
From a 'mining.submission', we can gather the extraNonce2 and the nonce.
We can build the merkle root applying the following by first constructing the coinbase_hash:
coinbase_hash_bin = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(binascii.unhexlify(coinbase)).digest()).digest()
and then the following:
def build_merkle_root(merkle_branch, coinbase_hash_bin):
merkle_root = coinbase_hash_bin
for h in merkle_branch:
#merkle_root = doublesha(merkle_root + binascii.unhexlify(h))
merkle_root = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(merkle_root + binascii.unhexlify(h)).digest()).digest()
return binascii.hexlify(merkle_root)
From here is where things seem to get fuzzy, as
https://github.com/ricmoo/nightminer/ gives a different order for the blockheader than say
https://braiins.com/stratum-v1/docs where ricmoo has the nbits before the ntime, whilst the latter (and most other documentation) has nbits after ntime.
I can build a simple byte reversal and swap for the merkel_root via:
def swap_order(s):
for i in range(0,len(s),2):
return ''.join(a)
and get towards the following:
but this does not seem to result in hashes that are below the target difficulty.
I've struggled to find a straightforward version of this kind of a script and would appreciate any tips, insights, or links to related projects