I am trying to synchronize with tesnet in order to participate in my Digital Currency Programming class. The next step in class is writinge python script to interact with the tesnet. I believe I do need a complete copy of the testnet or at the minimum a node that is synconrized. My instructructions were to use snap package using "$ sudo snap install bitcoin-core" which was successful and then "$ bitcoin-core.daemon -testnet -daemon" which never completes for me. I don't think my node is configured yet since it hasn't been successfully initialized yet after installation.
I did a complete factory reset on my computer and simply started over. I have a Aorus 5SE with windows 11. I am using VirtualBox 7.0.6 and Ubuntu 20.04.
My new virtual machine has 4GB of base memory, 4 CPUS, and the optical drive has 95GB. The equivalent of dynamic space adaptation is functioning. (I was recommended by my teacher to use 2GB, 2 CPUs, and 60 GB)
Before using "$sudo snap install bitcoin-core" and letting my computer run over night, "df" indicated my '/' directory had 15% of memory used. However, the default system information that prints at start up indicated 13.5% of 45.64GB for "/". This confused me since I don't recall configuring that number, nor the ability to change it.
https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZthIZ.jpgThis morning, my computer somehow went to sleep but the download appears to still be running, just very slowly. The session information indicates 0% guest activity and 50-75% VMM load of CPU usage. The results of "df" indicate 89% usage of my " / " directory. I ran it again after some time and the usage increased by 92 1K-Blocks. Is this abnormal?