No. I guess you are wrong on that, because that's not the exact reason why today's Trump innoguration was done on a low key and indoor precisely, because if you could remember 3 weeks ago, you would have heard about the news of American ex-president "Jimmy Carter" who died at 100years old, and according to tradition, it's always compulsory that whenever an ex-president dies, the flags are place at half-Staff (which symbolize a state of mourning) for 30 days in honor of the deceased president. And we all know it's not up to 30 days since ex president Jimmy Carter died, which is why the innoguration today was done in a low key and indoor, to symbolize that the United States of America is still mourning the death of it's ex president.
However, I think this thread belows to the "Politics & Society" sub board of our local board.
Oh really?
If traditions were that sacred to them and the mourning of their ex president was that auspicious to them, why couldn’t they just postpone the inauguration ceremony until they’re done mourning, then they can move ahead with the inauguration ceremony, that would’ve made more sense, or wouldn’t you agree with me?
However, I think this thread belows to the "Politics & Society" sub board of our local board.
Yeah I thought so too, I initially posted it on the P/S board here, but then I thought again, that since the thread also carries a crypto related question, I’d be better to move it over here for better visibility.
But if the mod feels it’s better over there, then he can do us the pleasure…