stupid part is doing softfork to kill asicboost is temporary, because when removng the cludge to bring it to 1 merkle later on allows for the asic boost to be used again..
but lets word it in ways you REDDIT script readers would understand
which means imagine CIA used asic boost to make their own chain by being 20% faster than the bitcoin network..
all they have to do is wait for the later decludging and then broadcast their alternative chain and suddenly we start sinking to the cia chain.
oprhaning off all the blocks of the cludge period, causing loads of double spends
whats best is to allow real bitcoiners use the most efficient ways possible to make blocks. not try to temporarily stop them.
think about bitcoin network security not personal gain.
ya anyone wanting segwit first are only interested in the half gsture hope and utopian DREAM of making an income from being a LN hop.