The user created a self-moderated thread that was disguised as a request for assistance regarding a $225,000 withdrawal. However, the true intent of the post was to deceive people into visiting a phishing site.
It is a mistake that a large group of people makes when they connect their primary wallet. The best thing is if they want to try, they should not forget always to create a new wallet that does not contain any funds. The scammers want to attract and lure victims with vast amounts of money, as this scammer did, who cannot withdraw 225 thousand dollars and puts his phishing link as a popular swap or exchange platform. When the victim helps in the hope that he takes a percentage of the withdrawn money, he opens the link of the phishing site and connects his main wallet; Then, if he does not disconnect the connected sites or revoke his wallet address, his entire funds will be in the hands of this scammer.