In this program, I implemented an algorithm that generates various nonce values and applies them to the mining process. While I am aware that the probability of successfully mining a block is extremely low, I would like to confirm whether my solo mining Python program is technically correct and operates without errors on the actual Bitcoin network.
It would be greatly helpful if you could review my program and let me know if there are any issues or potential improvements. I sincerely appreciate your time and assistance with this request.
Thank you once again, and I look forward to your response.
I've implemented various algorithms. Could you please verify whether they actually function when integrated with a real Bitcoin Core node via RPC
import hashlib
import requests
import json
import struct
import time
import random
import threading
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Tuple
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import base58
# RPC settings
RPC_USER = "userID"
RPC_PASSWORD = "userPasswd"
RPC_URL = ""
# User-defined address
MINING_ADDRESS = "your_bitcoin_address"
# Elliptic Curve SECP256K1 settings
A = 0
B = 7
Gx = 0x79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798
Gy = 0x483ADA7726A3C4655DA4FBFC0E1108A8FD17B448A68554199C47D08FFB10D4B8
G = (Gx, Gy)
# Global variables
current_template = None
template_lock = threading.Lock()
stop_event = threading.Event()
def mod_inverse(a, p):
"""Calculate modular inverse."""
return pow(a, p - 2, p)
def point_addition(P1, P2):
"""Elliptic curve point addition."""
if P1 is None:
return P2
if P2 is None:
return P1
x1, y1 = P1
x2, y2 = P2
if x1 == x2 and y1 != y2:
return None
if x1 == x2:
s = (3 * x1 * x1 + A) * mod_inverse(2 * y1, P) % P
s = (y2 - y1) * mod_inverse(x2 - x1, P) % P
x3 = (s * s - x1 - x2) % P
y3 = (s * (x1 - x3) - y1) % P
return (x3, y3)
def scalar_multiplication(k, point):
"""Scalar multiplication."""
result = None
addend = point
while k:
if k & 1:
result = point_addition(result, addend)
addend = point_addition(addend, addend)
k >>= 1
return result
def decode_bitcoin_address(address: str) -> bytes:
"""Convert a Bitcoin address to a script pubkey."""
decoded = base58.b58decode(address)
version = decoded[0]
hash160 = decoded[1:-4]
if version == 0: # P2PKH
return b'\x76\xa9\x14' + hash160 + b'\x88\xac'
elif version == 5: # P2SH
return b'\xa9\x14' + hash160 + b'\x87'
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported address version: {version}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Address decoding error: {e}")
return b'\x76\xa9\x14' + b'\x00' * 20 + b'\x88\xac'
def create_merkle_root(transactions: List[Dict]) -> bytes:
"""Create Merkle root."""
if not transactions:
return None
def double_sha256(data: bytes) -> bytes:
return hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()).digest()
hashes = [unhexlify(tx["txid"])[::-1] for tx in transactions]
while len(hashes) > 1:
if len(hashes) % 2 == 1:
new_hashes = []
for i in range(0, len(hashes), 2):
new_hashes.append(double_sha256(hashes + hashes[i+1]))
hashes = new_hashes
return hashes[0][::-1] if hashes else None
def create_coinbase_transaction(height: int, coinbase_value: int, mining_address: str) -> bytes:
"""Create a coinbase transaction."""
height_script = bytes([len(hex(height)[2:])]) + \
int(height).to_bytes((height.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='little')
script_pubkey = decode_bitcoin_address(mining_address)
tx = (
b"\x01\x00\x00\x00" # version
+ b"\x01" # input count
+ b"\x00" * 32 # prev_output_hash
+ b"\xff" * 4 # prev_output_index
+ bytes([len(height_script)]) # script length
+ height_script # height script
+ b"\xff\xff\xff\xff" # sequence
+ b"\x01" # output count
+ struct.pack(" + bytes([len(script_pubkey)]) # script length
+ script_pubkey # output script
+ b"\x00\x00\x00\x00" # locktime
return tx
def build_block_header(version: int, prev_block: str, merkle_root: bytes, timestamp: int, bits: str) -> bytes:
"""Create a block header."""
header = struct.pack("
header += merkle_root
header += struct.pack("
return header
class MiningAlgorithm:
"""Parent class for common mining algorithms."""
def __init__(self, block_header: bytes, target: int):
self.block_header = block_header = target # Target value computed from bits
self.best_nonce = None
self.best_hash = None
self.start_time = time.time()
def check_nonce(self, nonce: int) -> Tuple[bool, int]:
"""Compute hash for the given nonce and compare it with the target."""
header = self.block_header[:-4] + struct.pack("
# Valid only if current_hash is smaller than
return current_hash <, current_hash
def print_status(self, iterations: int, extra_info: str = ""):
"""Print mining status."""
elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time
hash_rate = iterations / max(elapsed, 0.001)
print(f"Iteration {iterations:,d}: Hash rate: {hash_rate:.2f} H/s {extra_info}")
class PrimeBasedMining(MiningAlgorithm):
"""Prime-based mining."""
def mine(self, max_iterations: int = 1000000) -> Optional[int]:
print("Starting prime-based mining...")
primes = [
for p in range(2, 10**6)
if all(p % d != 0 for d in range(2, int(p**0.5) + 1))
iterations = 0
for prime in primes:
nonce = prime % (2**32)
success, current_hash = self.check_nonce(nonce)
if success:
self.best_nonce = nonce
self.best_hash = current_hash
return nonce
iterations += 1
if iterations % 10000 == 0:
return None
class GeneticMining(MiningAlgorithm):
"""Genetic algorithm-based mining."""
def mine(self, max_generations: int = 1000) -> Optional[int]:
print("Starting genetic algorithm-based mining...")
population = [random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) for _ in range(100)]
for generation in range(max_generations):
fitness_scores = [ - self.check_nonce(n)[1] for n in population]
best_nonce = population[fitness_scores.index(max(fitness_scores))]
success, current_hash = self.check_nonce(best_nonce)
if success:
self.best_nonce = best_nonce
self.best_hash = current_hash
return best_nonce
if generation % 10 == 0:
population = [random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) for _ in range(100)]
return None
class BinarySearchMining(MiningAlgorithm):
"""Binary search-based mining."""
def mine(self, max_iterations: int = 1000000) -> Optional[int]:
print("Starting binary search-based mining...")
left, right = 0, 2**32 - 1
iterations = 0
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
success, current_hash = self.check_nonce(mid)
if success:
self.best_nonce = mid
self.best_hash = current_hash
return mid
if current_hash >
right = mid - 1
left = mid + 1
iterations += 1
if iterations % 1000 == 0:
return None
class EfficientRandomSearchMining(MiningAlgorithm):
"""Random search-based mining."""
def mine(self, max_iterations: int = 1000000) -> Optional[int]:
print("Starting random search-based mining...")
iterations = 0
for _ in range(max_iterations):
nonce = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1)
success, current_hash = self.check_nonce(nonce)
if success:
self.best_nonce = nonce
self.best_hash = current_hash
return nonce
iterations += 1
if iterations % 1000 == 0:
return None
class EllipticCurveMining(MiningAlgorithm):
"""Elliptic curve-based mining."""
def mine(self, max_iterations: int = 1000000) -> Optional[int]:
print("Starting elliptic curve-based mining...")
private_key = random.randint(1, P - 1)
current_point = scalar_multiplication(private_key, G)
iterations = 0
while iterations < max_iterations:
x, _ = current_point
nonce = x % (2**32)
success, current_hash = self.check_nonce(nonce)
if success:
self.best_nonce = nonce
self.best_hash = current_hash
return nonce
current_point = point_addition(current_point, G)
iterations += 1
if iterations % 1000 == 0:
return None
def rpc_request(method: str, params: List = None) -> Dict:
"""RPC request."""
payload = json.dumps({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "mining", "method": method, "params": params or []})
response =, auth=(RPC_USER, RPC_PASSWORD), data=payload, headers={"content-type": "application/json"})
return response.json()["result"]
def get_new_template(interval: int = 60):
"""Request a new template."""
global current_template
while not stop_event.is_set():
current_template = rpc_request("getblocktemplate", [{"rules": ["segwit"]}])
print(f"New template updated: {current_template['height']}")
def mine_block(block_template: Dict, algorithm: str) -> Optional[Dict]:
"""Mine a block using the specified algorithm."""
version = block_template["version"]
prev_block = block_template["previousblockhash"]
timestamp = int(time.time())
bits = block_template["bits"]
target = int(block_template["target"], 16)
# Create coinbase transaction
coinbase_value = sum(tx.get("fee", 0) for tx in block_template["transactions"]) + \
coinbase_tx = create_coinbase_transaction(
transactions = [{
"txid": hexlify(
# Create Merkle root
merkle_root = create_merkle_root(transactions)
block_header = build_block_header(version, prev_block, merkle_root, timestamp, bits)
# Select algorithm and run
if algorithm == "prime":
miner = PrimeBasedMining(block_header, target)
elif algorithm == "genetic":
miner = GeneticMining(block_header, target)
elif algorithm == "binary":
miner = BinarySearchMining(block_header, target)
elif algorithm == "random":
miner = EfficientRandomSearchMining(block_header, target)
elif algorithm == "elliptic":
miner = EllipticCurveMining(block_header, target)
raise ValueError("Unknown algorithm: " + algorithm)
nonce = miner.mine()
if nonce is not None:
# Return the block header and related information
final_header = block_header[:-4] + struct.pack("
"header": hexlify(final_header).decode(),
"coinbase": hexlify(coinbase_tx).decode(),
"transactions": [tx["txid"] for tx in block_template["transactions"]]
return None
def main():
"""Main function."""
print("Starting Bitcoin mining.")
print("1. Prime-based")
print("2. Genetic algorithm")
print("3. Binary search")
print("4. Random search")
print("5. Elliptic curve")
choice = input("Choose (1/2/3/4/5): ").strip()
algorithm = {"1": "prime", "2": "genetic", "3": "binary", "4": "random", "5": "elliptic"}[choice]
last_template = None
template_request_time = 0
MIN_TEMPLATE_INTERVAL = 5 # Minimum interval for requesting a template (seconds)
while True:
current_time = time.time()
# Check if enough time has passed since the last template request
if current_time - template_request_time >= MIN_TEMPLATE_INTERVAL:
# Retrieve a new block template
block_template = rpc_request("getblocktemplate", [{"rules": ["segwit"]}])
template_request_time = current_time
# Only handle if different from the previous template
if last_template is None or block_template['height'] != last_template['height']:
print(f"\nReceived a new block template - Height: {block_template['height']}")
last_template = block_template
# Mine using the selected algorithm
block = mine_block(block_template, algorithm)
if block:
print("\nBlock found! Submitting...")
result = rpc_request("submitblock", [block["header"]])
if result is None:
print("Block submission successful!")
print(f"Block submission failed: {result}")
# Continue mining with the existing template
if last_template:
block = mine_block(last_template, algorithm)
if block:
print("\nBlock found! Submitting...")
result = rpc_request("submitblock", [block["header"]])
if result is None:
print("Block submission successful!")
print(f"Block submission failed: {result}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":