Sorry for those having support issues.
Latest stats
We have had 65742 new customers register in the past 26 days
- That being 2528 new users a day.
- We have hired a ton of new support gotta get them up to speed training doesn't happen in a day.
We did 243,000 trades yesterday.
- Compared to our average 40,000 trades prior to the 24th of November.
- We have made significant improvements to many aspects of the operation and continue to do more.
What I can tell you
We will get to your issue.
You will get your coins.
Your coins are safe.
There is a ton of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) spreading out there.
We have had some problems from growth. We will get them fixed.
We have made serious reinvestment into our people, equipment and product and intend to make it as our users demand.
Hope that eases some minds.
Its soo easy to stop issues.
"There being 2528 new users a day" is not something to argue over the issues. If you have issues, overload which totaly affects other areas of the system, than your first priority must be stop taking new users, order new hardware, upgrade etc. Than say, we have increased our system stability, now we can take 5k more users, than close it again, upgrade do again....
When you keep taking users while the system f. up, you can not do a defensive argument.
Do you see this:
Date Type Deposit Address Amount Confirmations
2013-12-20 01:15:33 DOGE DDk54CaTvbm5xKQ4FCTHAbNZdPCj4zURRo 27570.43343641 582
2013-12-20 08:30:34 DOGE DDk54CaTvbm5xKQ4FCTHAbNZdPCj4zURRo 11243.95180624 393
2013-12-20 08:30:38 DOGE DDk54CaTvbm5xKQ4FCTHAbNZdPCj4zURRo 19004.40478397 233
and still pending, i cant do cross trades, i cant do anything, if prices falls down i cant sell anything, will you pay my lose ? this DOGE is just a small issue for example, many coins are stucked and you cant do a little thing.
You cant argue yourself to make sense, there is nothing that can make sense, you are continuning to take new users, you are opening new coins while every corner of your system is in error mode.
In business, if there is a problem, stop taking new users, fix the problem, do upgrade, re-open registiration. Even you can limit tradings for a day, but this way, what ever you do, system will continue to work as hell