Some don't even have the IQ or honesty to admit they are controlled by the JS, others believe they will gain more by cooperating to fuck them later... anyway, their texts are clear as the purest water of the aljaazeeeRHa , aka pristine.
They say one nation one religion.
okay I understand. Thanks for your infos.
the RSS is right, in a state of war it's important to have unification and homogeneity.
I believe that removing the fake mahatma was critical for survival... .
furthermore, christians are too prone to fall to the Jewish supremacists shenanigans, as such maybe killing them is a little hard, but for sure removing them from any decisions making or influence during the war is critical...
concerning the muslims, I prefer not to enter this long discussion, as I have spend too much time already before the screen...
just saying that the supply line China > Russia > Iran will always be easy , what ever happen anywhere - - -
some are really getting desperate by the day on the subject of the JS, even starting to be really and deeply pathetic, who could it be, not you mersal for sure, thanks a lot for your answers.
I don't have much questions, nor any, way to busy for now with and in China, but who knows, one day, I may have some .
ahh yes I have one ! How are going the tigers? the pandas say hellos ! and yes, what's the difference between an india elephansts (how many species in india) with a chinese one? it's over, I am already in the Wild !