Freedom of speech is currently dead. The Charlie Hebdo massacre clearly demonstrates that there is an effective death penalty for criticism of Islam. If we cannot freely discuss Islam, there is no free society. We are not living in a free society. To make things worse, many people in the "mainstream" will blame those who are killed for their deaths. They feel more comfortable insulting the dead than insulting their murderers.
I've struggled for months thinking about an appropriate strategy for counteracting this. Obviously we can't deal with the main problem (jihadists who have no concept of freedom in general or freedom of speech in particular) until we deal with their protectors. Their protectors include many people who blamed Benghazi on that youtube video, people who blame Charlie Hebdo, people who are afraid to even show the cartoons not to mention defend the cartoonists. Some examples of these people are Will Saletan, the AP reporters who blamed Pamela Geller for the attack in Texas, the news readers at networks who refuse to even show the cartoons. These cowards, these co-conspirators, these must be our real targets if we are ever to reclaim the freedom required to have a modern civilized liberal society.
A good strategy would lead to these co-conspirators having the same fear of defending jihadis as the obvious fear they have of defending freedom of speech. The problem, obviously, is that we are reasonable people. We are not going to go around randomly killing journalists, and to be very clear: I'm not advocating that.
But we should keep in mind that we do have access to a very powerful weapon: the ignorance of jihadis.
We need a movement of people willing to draw Mohammed cartoons and criticize Islam. But instead of doing it under our own names, we should have a list of "targets." These would be the people who have proven they do not value freedom of speech, those like Will Saletan (
/archives/332844.php]ace.m[Suspicious link removed]/archives/332844.php) who refused to stand with the maker of the youtube video Innocence of Muslims, those who condemn Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders for what they say instead of the jihadis for trying to kill them. We should use the names of those "protectors" when we draw Muhammed, when we point out the inherent violence in Islam, in the Quran and in the life of Muhammed.
We should make our targets their targets. This would at least muddy the waters.
I propose "Hebdonymous" as the name for this movement.
It would be very important that the identities of the people actually creating the artwork or writing the prose remain hidden. The best guide I ever read for remaining anonymous on the internet was the "Jolly Roger's Security Guide for Beginners." With Tor, bittorrent, and bitcoin (or altcoins) we could strike back against those protecting Islam in a very effective manner. We would need a method of identifying and distrubting the names of those who make excuses for jihadis and a way of distributing the content we create using their names.