
Topic: Jeb Bush courts evangelicals, defends religion in public life (Read 1403 times)

Activity: 1162
Merit: 1001
Stephen Goldstein: President Jeb planning more neocon wars

Are you up for more war – a really, really lot of it? More invasions of sovereign nations like Iraq? More “Mission Accomplished” banners? More Americans maimed and killed, for what, in places like Afghanistan?  More trillions spent to protect Halliburton’s bottom line?
It’s A-OK by Jeb Bush.

Long before his brother was conned into being a neocon by Dick Cheney, as early as June 1997, Jeb Bush signed “The Statement of Principles” of the Project for the New American Century, along with Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, “Scooter” Libby, Cheney of course, and 20 ignoble others, mostly chicken-hawks.
The goal of the Project was “to promote American global leadership” (aka world domination) through a Ronald Reagan-inspired military supremacy and manifest destiny on steroids spiked with “American exceptionalism.” It was our time to remake the planet in our image.
During the Bill Clinton administration, the Project began its call for toppling Saddam Hussein, citing the threat of his stockpile of weapons of mass destruction to U.S. national security. After 9/11, its pressure on George W. Bush, and the public, was relentless.
In other words, Jeb Bush is a member of the cabal directly responsible for the duplicity that got us into Iraq and produced the greatest military and diplomatic debacle in U.S. history, which has destabilized today’s Middle East and the rest of the world it planned to dominate.
You’d think Jeb would have learned from his brother’s catastrophe, at least enough to keep quiet about it. But Bushes never look back or accept responsibility for their mistakes. Self-doubt isn’t in their DNA. Quite the opposite.
Still pretending he’s undecided about running for president, Jeb recently outlined his “Doctrine” on foreign policy, a self-delusional repackaging of the failures of the Project for the New American Century and the Bush-Cheney Doctrine.
 Wannabe president Jeb will fight our foes anywhere he finds them – and promises actively to go looking. (Soon enough, he’ll be saying, “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”) Predictably, before his applauding Cuban-American crowd in Coral Gables, Florida, Jeb proposed strengthening the 50-year failed embargo against Cuba. Of course, he’s for increased military spending, because it helps expand free trade and protects corporate interests, which is why we police the world in the first place.
 That ain’t doctrine. It’s just jive, designed to keep Dick Cheney’s heart transplant pumping. ... more


Kelly: "On the subject of Iraq, very controversial, knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

Bush: "I would have, and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody, and so would almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got."

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
Stephen Goldstein: President Jeb planning more neocon wars

Are you up for more war – a really, really lot of it? More invasions of sovereign nations like Iraq? More “Mission Accomplished” banners? More Americans maimed and killed, for what, in places like Afghanistan?  More trillions spent to protect Halliburton’s bottom line?
It’s A-OK by Jeb Bush.

Long before his brother was conned into being a neocon by Dick Cheney, as early as June 1997, Jeb Bush signed “The Statement of Principles” of the Project for the New American Century, along with Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, “Scooter” Libby, Cheney of course, and 20 ignoble others, mostly chicken-hawks.
The goal of the Project was “to promote American global leadership” (aka world domination) through a Ronald Reagan-inspired military supremacy and manifest destiny on steroids spiked with “American exceptionalism.” It was our time to remake the planet in our image.
During the Bill Clinton administration, the Project began its call for toppling Saddam Hussein, citing the threat of his stockpile of weapons of mass destruction to U.S. national security. After 9/11, its pressure on George W. Bush, and the public, was relentless.
In other words, Jeb Bush is a member of the cabal directly responsible for the duplicity that got us into Iraq and produced the greatest military and diplomatic debacle in U.S. history, which has destabilized today’s Middle East and the rest of the world it planned to dominate.
You’d think Jeb would have learned from his brother’s catastrophe, at least enough to keep quiet about it. But Bushes never look back or accept responsibility for their mistakes. Self-doubt isn’t in their DNA. Quite the opposite.
Still pretending he’s undecided about running for president, Jeb recently outlined his “Doctrine” on foreign policy, a self-delusional repackaging of the failures of the Project for the New American Century and the Bush-Cheney Doctrine.
 Wannabe president Jeb will fight our foes anywhere he finds them – and promises actively to go looking. (Soon enough, he’ll be saying, “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”) Predictably, before his applauding Cuban-American crowd in Coral Gables, Florida, Jeb proposed strengthening the 50-year failed embargo against Cuba. Of course, he’s for increased military spending, because it helps expand free trade and protects corporate interests, which is why we police the world in the first place.
 That ain’t doctrine. It’s just jive, designed to keep Dick Cheney’s heart transplant pumping. ... more

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Taking the stage 10 minutes after Paul, Lindsey Graham went out of his way to defend Bush, blaming the unraveling of stability in Iraq on President Barack Obama, not George W. Bush.

Graham, who has made a habit of trolling the Kentucky senator, also mocked Paul’s focus on civil liberties, picking up on his statement that the federal government should still “call a lawyer” to get a warrant before arresting terrorists instead of illegally spying.

“I’m not going to call a judge,” said Graham. “I’m going to call a drone and kill you.”

full member
Activity: 248
Merit: 100
When Dubya was being sold to retarded voters the story was that it didn´t matter if he was dumb as a doorbell and crazy as a loon because he´d be bringing with him all those wonderful and experienced folks that had worked with his father. You remember, an all crazy cast of neocons. The following disasters are still history in the making. And I´m sure that this new Bush screwball will bring more of the same. The only question is will it be worse than the next Clinton nutcase.

It's ridiculous. He's receiving insane amount of cash funding from the same people that supported his father.

That's the problem with this two party system. I don't want to vote for either candidate. It's basically the lesser of two evils.

Yeah, yeah the war industry loves these nutballs obviously and funds their campaigns generously I´m sure. And fills their administrations with appropriate people to serve industry purposes after they´ve been elected. It´s gigantic business and businessmen typically try to create business opportunities. Dubya was a huge windfall for them and so they have very high hopes for this one.

The Senate Armed Services Committee just voted in a bill with overwhelming bipartisan support for $612 billion in Defense funding.  That money for defense goes straight into the pocket of contractors which use parts of that money to lobby all the fucking senators they want.

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) was unable to provide an audit opinion on the 2010 financial statements of the US Government because of 'widespread material internal control weaknesses, significant uncertainties, and other limitations'. The GAO cited as the principal obstacle to its provision of an audit opinion 'serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense that made its financial statements unauditable'.

Again in 2011, the GAO could not "render an opinion on the 2011 consolidated financial statements of the federal government", with a major obstacle again being "serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense (DOD) that made its financial statements unauditable".

They blow this insane amount of money on weapons which isn't even accounted for but they squabble over a few million dollars for important shit like education. Makes me sick.

Why pay for education when you can have brain dead zombies follow your orders.
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1001
When Dubya was being sold to retarded voters the story was that it didn´t matter if he was dumb as a doorbell and crazy as a loon because he´d be bringing with him all those wonderful and experienced folks that had worked with his father. You remember, an all crazy cast of neocons. The following disasters are still history in the making. And I´m sure that this new Bush screwball will bring more of the same. The only question is will it be worse than the next Clinton nutcase.

It's ridiculous. He's receiving insane amount of cash funding from the same people that supported his father.

That's the problem with this two party system. I don't want to vote for either candidate. It's basically the lesser of two evils.

Yeah, yeah the war industry loves these nutballs obviously and funds their campaigns generously I´m sure. And fills their administrations with appropriate people to serve industry purposes after they´ve been elected. It´s gigantic business and businessmen typically try to create business opportunities. Dubya was a huge windfall for them and so they have very high hopes for this one.

The Senate Armed Services Committee just voted in a bill with overwhelming bipartisan support for $612 billion in Defense funding.  That money for defense goes straight into the pocket of contractors which use parts of that money to lobby all the fucking senators they want.

The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) was unable to provide an audit opinion on the 2010 financial statements of the US Government because of 'widespread material internal control weaknesses, significant uncertainties, and other limitations'. The GAO cited as the principal obstacle to its provision of an audit opinion 'serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense that made its financial statements unauditable'.

Again in 2011, the GAO could not "render an opinion on the 2011 consolidated financial statements of the federal government", with a major obstacle again being "serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense (DOD) that made its financial statements unauditable".

They blow this insane amount of money on weapons which isn't even accounted for but they squabble over a few million dollars for important shit like education. Makes me sick.
full member
Activity: 248
Merit: 100
When Dubya was being sold to retarded voters the story was that it didn´t matter if he was dumb as a doorbell and crazy as a loon because he´d be bringing with him all those wonderful and experienced folks that had worked with his father. You remember, an all crazy cast of neocons. The following disasters are still history in the making. And I´m sure that this new Bush screwball will bring more of the same. The only question is will it be worse than the next Clinton nutcase.

It's ridiculous. He's receiving insane amount of cash funding from the same people that supported his father.

That's the problem with this two party system. I don't want to vote for either candidate. It's basically the lesser of two evils.

Yeah, yeah the war industry loves these nutballs obviously and funds their campaigns generously I´m sure. And fills their administrations with appropriate people to serve industry purposes after they´ve been elected. It´s gigantic business and businessmen typically try to create business opportunities. Dubya was a huge windfall for them and so they have very high hopes for this one.

Clinton was a huge windfall for bankers he removed the law that would have prevented the market crash of 08.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
When Dubya was being sold to retarded voters the story was that it didn´t matter if he was dumb as a doorbell and crazy as a loon because he´d be bringing with him all those wonderful and experienced folks that had worked with his father. You remember, an all crazy cast of neocons. The following disasters are still history in the making. And I´m sure that this new Bush screwball will bring more of the same. The only question is will it be worse than the next Clinton nutcase.

It's ridiculous. He's receiving insane amount of cash funding from the same people that supported his father.

That's the problem with this two party system. I don't want to vote for either candidate. It's basically the lesser of two evils.

Yeah, yeah the war industry loves these nutballs obviously and funds their campaigns generously I´m sure. And fills their administrations with appropriate people to serve industry purposes after they´ve been elected. It´s gigantic business and businessmen typically try to create business opportunities. Dubya was a huge windfall for them and so they have very high hopes for this one.
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1001
When Dubya was being sold to retarded voters the story was that it didn´t matter if he was dumb as a doorbell and crazy as a loon because he´d be bringing with him all those wonderful and experienced folks that had worked with his father. You remember, an all crazy cast of neocons. The following disasters are still history in the making. And I´m sure that this new Bush screwball will bring more of the same. The only question is will it be worse than the next Clinton nutcase.

It's ridiculous. He's receiving insane amount of cash funding from the same people that supported his father.

That's the problem with this two party system. I don't want to vote for either candidate. It's basically the lesser of two evils.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Does Jeb Bush even really want to be US president?

This brings us to Jeb Bush, heir to the Bush political dynasty. In an interview that aired on Monday, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked the former Florida governor if – knowing what we know now – he would have approved the Iraq invasion.

Over the course of the past week Mr Bush has taken five attempts (one of which included the words, “I don’t know” and “mistakes were made”) to finally arrive, on Thursday, at what hopes to be his final answer: “I would not have gone into Iraq.”

So why did Jeb hem and haw so much over a question that couldn’t have surprised him?
The Bushes are famous for family loyalty, and one can understand how fraternal fidelity might make it difficult for him to rebuke his brother’s legacy.

Another hypothesis is that he’s simply stubborn – that he wanted to do things his way and is above pandering for votes. Support for the Iraq war has become deeply unpopular, even among the American Right, but Mr Bush’s initial response was “I would have [invaded], and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody,”.
This explanation makes sense when you consider his backing for policy positions which are controversial on the right, such as Common Core educational standards and immigration reform. And it comports with comments he made last year, when he said a candidate should be willing to “lose the primary [election] to win the general election without violating your principles.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
GOP lawmakers flabbergasted by Bush stumbles on Iraq

Jeb Bush stumbled over questions about the Iraq War this week, unnerving some congressional Republicans who wonder if he has what it takes to win the White House.

Steadfast allies to the former Florida governor say Bush is just a bit rusty and insist the gaffes won’t be debilitating ahead of his expected campaign for the 2016 GOP nomination.

But others on Capitol Hill were scratching their heads as Bush struggled during four consecutive news cycles to articulate his position on the unpopular war that defined the presidency of his older brother, George W. Bush.
“[I’m] flabbergasted at the degree of back and forth that’s ensued this week on the Middle East answer, correction, non-answer, correction, etc.,” said one GOP lawmaker from a early primary state who has yet to endorse anyone in the race.

“When your brother’s been president and authorized the use of force and your father was president and authorized the use of force,” the lawmaker added, “that’s a zone of certainty” that question will be asked.

A handful of GOP senators huddling on Capitol Hill were “incredulous” Bush wasn’t better prepared on the Iraq issue, joking about how many press aides he needed to answer such a basic question, according to an account in The New York Times.

And House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who hasn’t endorsed anyone but has spoken favorably of another presidential hopeful, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), suggested that Bush’s evolving answers on Iraq raised questions about his foreign-policy chops.

“Foreign policy is pretty important … Anybody who is running for president better darn well understand foreign policy. It’s not something you can be taught once you get on the job,” Chaffetz told The Hill in an interview. “It’s the big leagues and they’re playing hard ball. [Bush] has to explain it himself and if he has to re-explain it as he’s doing now, so be it.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
College Student to Jeb Bush: ‘Your Brother Created ISIS’

RENO, Nev. — “Your brother created ISIS,” the young woman told Jeb Bush. And with that, Ivy Ziedrich, a 19-year-old college student, created the kind of confrontational moment here on Wednesday morning that presidential candidates dread.

Mr. Bush, the former governor of Florida, had just concluded a town-hall-style meeting when Ms. Ziedrich demanded to be heard. “Governor Bush,” she shouted as audience members asked him for his autograph. “Would you take a student question?”

Mr. Bush whirled around and looked at Ms. Ziedrich, who identified herself as a political science major and a college Democrat at the University of Nevada.

She had heard Mr. Bush argue, a few moments before, that America’s retreat from the Middle East under President Obama had contributed to the growing power of the Islamic State. She told the former governor that he was wrong, and made the case that blame lay with the decision by the administration of his brother George W. Bush to disband the Iraqi Army.

“It was when 30,000 individuals who were part of the Iraqi military were forced out — they had no employment, they had no income, and they were left with access to all of the same arms and weapons,” Ms. Ziedrich said.

She added: “Your brother created ISIS.”

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
The International Military Tribunal convicted German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop of all four counts of the indictment -- conspiracy, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity and he was executed in October 1946.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
“I would have [authorized the invasion], and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody. And so would almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got,” Bush told Fox News' Megyn Kelly in an interview scheduled to air Monday.

The guy´s totally out of it. Everybody remembers the fake "intelligence" and all the fraud involved in manhandling through the Iraq war scam.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb Bush Annoying Conservatives Again By Not Promising To Never Raise Taxes

Unlike most of the other Republican 2016 hopefuls, Jeb Bush has pointedly refused to rule out raising taxes on the wealthy, opening up another divide between the ex-Florida governor and conservatives in his party.Americans for Tax Reform, an influential conservative group, has for more than two decades circulated a pledge in which candidates commit to opposing any net tax increase. Most Republican members of Congress have signed it, as have more than a dozen GOP governors and about 1000 state legislators, according to ATR.

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas have signed the pledge as presidential candidates over the last few weeks. They have committed, in the words of the agreement, to oppose "any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business" and "any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates."

hero member
Activity: 976
Merit: 575
Cryptophile at large
This is shaping up to be one of the greatest U.S. presidential reality shows ever. Both Dubya and Bill Clinton´s corpse will be back in the limelight. Wonderful.

I'm looking forward to Bill Clinton being the first lady  Cheesy (or will he be the second?). I bet that will be pretty embarrassing, though it would be worse if he hadn't already had been the president.

Brilliant. Consulting W for advice on anything having to do with international relations, especially the Middle East, is like consulting Dr. Mengele on medical ethics.
Well so much for Jeb being the smart one of this vile family.

It doesn't matter what they may or may not say right now as both candidates have the Bush and Clinton name so they will just carry on the policies and business as usual.

Jeb Bush: I, Too, Would Have Authorized Iraq Invasion

“I would have [authorized the invasion], and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody. And so would almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got,” Bush told Fox News' Megyn Kelly in an interview scheduled to air Monday.

Of course they would. They're all war profiteers. Whoever gets in will likely start new wars. This is how America now works sadly.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Alert: Jeb Bush Won’t Go to Iowa Straw Poll

No Iowa Straw Poll for Jeb Bush.

The likely Republican presidential candidate will instead attend a competing event, the RedState Gathering in Atlanta, the day of the Iowa event, GOP sources in Iowa told The Des Moines Register on Tuesday. A spokesman for Bush confirmed the report.

Bush, a former Florida governor, is the first among the Republican 2016 presidential field to officially opt out of the straw poll, a nationally renowned event that has drawn significant criticism over the years.

The Republican Party of Iowa, which hosts the Iowa Straw Poll, has been working to shore up the event's reputation and lure candidates by addressing some of the most prevalent complaints. Last week, Iowa GOP officials announced they'll provide free tent space and utilities for the campaigns. The straw poll has been bashed as having outsized importance, even to the point of having losing candidates drop out of the race. Campaigns sometimes spend hundreds of thousands of dollars at the straw poll as a sort of dry run for the Iowa caucuses.

But for the GOP presidential contenders, whether to compete in the straw poll is more of a risk-reward analysis. For those who compete, the aim is to do better than expected. This cycle, some contenders have said, they intend to focus instead on the caucuses, which will take place in precincts across the state on Feb. 1.

In a statement Tuesday afternoon, Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann told the Register: "We hope Governor Bush rethinks his decision and realizes that grass-roots will only grow in Iowa if he waters them. The RedState Gathering is a four-day event, and other candidates have already indicated that they will be attending both. We don't buy this excuse and neither will Iowans." Grin

sr. member
Activity: 331
Merit: 250
I wouldn't mind jeb if rand doesn't get the nomination just because we at least know what were going to get with him.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ingraham Bashes Jeb Bush: ‘Has to Be Something Wrong’ with Him to Still Support Iraq Invasion

If Jeb Bush would still invade Iraq knowing what we know now, 12 years after the fact, then “there has to be something wrong” with him, conservative radio host Laura Ingraham said Monday morning.

In a pre-taped Fox News interview, Megyn Kelly asked Bush whether he’d still send American forces into Iraq, as we did in 2003, knowing now about the faulty intelligence that drove the initial occupation. Not only did he answer in the affirmative, but he suggested Hillary Clinton would do the same.

That response was worrisome, according to Ingraham. “No, Hillary wouldn’t,” she exclaimed. “[She] wouldn’t authorize the war now, if she knew what she knew now then. No, of course not!”

Even though the question is purely hypothetical, Ingraham continued, “You have to say ‘No’ to that; you can’t say, ‘Yes, I’d still would have gone into Iraq.’”

And then came the kicker: “Or if you do, then there has to be something wrong with you. You can’t think going into Iraq now, as a sane human being, was the right thing to do. That’s like you have no ability to learn from past mistakes at all.”

Listen below, via The Laura Ingraham Show: Working video in the link
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
On Taxes, Jeb Bush Is Annoying Conservative Republicans Again

Unlike most of the other Republican 2016 hopefuls, Jeb Bush has pointedly refused to rule out raising taxes on the wealthy, opening up another divide between the ex-Florida governor and conservatives in his party.

Americans for Tax Reform, an influential conservative group, has for more than two decades circulated a pledge in which candidates commit to opposing any net tax increase. Most Republican members of Congress have signed it, as have more than a dozen GOP governors and about 1000 state legislators, according to ATR.

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas have signed the pledge as presidential candidates over the last few weeks. They have committed, in the words of the agreement, to oppose "any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rate for individuals and business" and "any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Yeah, it seems as though these guys (particularly Jeb) feel that the way W handled the Iraq war is actually popular again considering what Hillary, Obama and their overthrowing of dictators did and the subsequent handing over of tons of US military equipment to these rebels has caused.

So, in essence, go to war frivolously and wipe out the dictator in charge that held the extremists at bay. Then, when the fox guarding the hen house is gone we give all the little miscreants weapons they never would've had so they can terrorize the landscape and get the PR going again for more military intervention.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
" flash to the world, if they’re trying to find places where there’s big space between me and my brother, this might not be one of those," Jeb Bush said.

Yeah Jeb you confirm what everyone already knows and that is you and your brother George are one and the same nutball. If I can borrow a famous quote from Dubya and add a slight twist to it. Here ‘ya Jeb! "Fool me once, shame on ... shame on you. Fool "us" twice... We can't get fooled again!"
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb Bush: I, Too, Would Have Authorized Iraq Invasion

“I would have [authorized the invasion], and so would have Hillary Clinton, just to remind everybody. And so would almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got,” Bush told Fox News' Megyn Kelly in an interview scheduled to air Monday.

But he acknowledged that the "intelligence that everybody saw, that the world saw, was faulty," adding that after the invasion, the U.S. ought to have focused on securing and stabilizing Iraq in order to shield its people from sectarian violence.

“By the way, guess who thinks that those mistakes took place as well? George W. Bush. Yes, I mean, so just for the news flash to the world, if they’re trying to find places where there’s big space between me and my brother, this might not be one of those," Jeb Bush said.

hero member
Activity: 630
Merit: 500
Wonder if Jeb realises the implications of having Dubya (the butcher of Baghdad) advise him on the Middle East Wink

I would have invaded Iraq’ like my brother did - Jeb Bush

hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
When Dubya was being sold to retarded voters the story was that it didn´t matter if he was dumb as a doorbell and crazy as a loon because he´d be bringing with him all those wonderful and experienced folks that had worked with his father. You remember, an all crazy cast of neocons. The following disasters are still history in the making. And I´m sure that this new Bush screwball will bring more of the same. The only question is will it be worse than the next Clinton nutcase.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 501
Brilliant. Consulting W for advice on anything having to do with international relations, especially the Middle East, is like consulting Dr. Mengele on medical ethics.
Well so much for Jeb being the smart one of this vile family.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
This is shaping up to be one of the greatest U.S. presidential reality shows ever. Both Dubya and Bill Clinton´s corpse will be back in the limelight. Wonderful.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser

Washington (CNN)Jeb Bush cited his brother, former President George W. Bush, as one of his main advisers on the Middle East in a private meeting in Manhattan on Tuesday, according to three people who attended the off-the-record event.

The comment came as a shock to some who were in the room because Jeb, a likely presidential contender, has taken pains to publicly distance himself from his brother and his controversial policies, particularly in that area of the world.

In a national security speech in February, Bush said, "I am my own man," and he has insisted he would develop his own policies on foreign affairs if he decides to run for president.

His comments behind closed doors indicate a closer connection to his brother. After a previous dust-up about who was counseling him on world issues, Jeb was asked Tuesday about his foreign policy advisers. That's when he listed his brother.

The Washington Post reported that Jeb cited his brother as an adviser on Israel, however, four sources confirmed to CNN that the comments were focused on foreign policy more broadly. Three of them said Jeb noted his brother was an adviser on the Middle East.

One of the people in the room jotted down Jeb's comment as such: "What you need to know is that who I listen to when I need advice on the Middle East is George W. Bush."


What could possibly go wrong?
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
LYNCHBURG, VA. — Looking to win over skeptical evangelical voters, Jeb Bush pushed back Saturday against what he said are modern intrusions on religion as he lauded graduates and their families at Liberty University, a Christian college popular on the path to the Republican presidential nomination.

“Fashionable ideas and opinions – which these days can be a religion all by itself – have got a problem with Christians and their right of conscience,” Bush told an audience of 34,000 in the school’s football stadium.

“That makes it our problem, and the proper response is a forthright defense of the first freedom in our Constitution.”

Some evangelicals view Bush warily, questioning whether the former Florida governor and likely candidate for the Republican presidential nomination would provide a suitable bulwark against gay marriage, illegal immigration and other issues key to conservatives.

Read more here:

Keep in mind that Liberty University forces all students to attend when a speaker is in town, so that is pretty low for the administrators at this so-called Christian University to subject their people to such a person as Bush. The establishment part of the GOP has been courting (using/stringing along) evangelicals for decades now and in the end, they always are used as the useful idiots that they are. I certainly don't take seriously when a Bush or their democratic equivalent mentions the Constitution.
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