Well, whaddya know, someone comes here trying to sift through bullshit and gets even more bullshit to sift through.
Everyone from every angle has a peppering of disingenuousness as far as I'm concerned. Everyone's convinced they're right. Anyone who is not right is declared Satan's golfing partner.
As the OP can do nothing about any of it I'd advise him not to worry about it. It will either all be sorted out in the wash or Bitcoin will be left behind as a salutary lesson to all.
My take on it is, Satoshi should've seen this coming when the 1mb limit was introduced and left a roadmap for others to work on. It was objected to in 2010 for the reasons that have panned out exactly as predicted back then.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.23049Anyone could tell him or you that a daily capacity of 250,000 or so isn't enough. Even if it wasn't the right roadmap, it would be something to draw on.
And here's my prediction for the day - this thread will degenerate into the same old people arguing about the same old things, none of whom have any influence anyway.
Thanks for the link...
Bad mistake. Reddit is a pile of crap. Mostly useless opinions and attacks, rather than proper debates.
Understanding is a three-edged sword; Core side, BU side and the truth. You need to find the truth, which is your own understanding based on your research. Ask yourself what is Bitcoin to you? Peer to peer electronic cash (BU, individuals like me) or settlement payment for the few (Core) or whatever. From there you can do you research and decide for yourself. If someone has an opposite view from you, it doesn't mean they are shrilling, bad, wrong etc. It just that they have decided that Bitcoin to them is different from Bitcoin to you. Of course those who can't debate becomes shrillers/FUDs, basically using any arguments, no matter how stupid/childish they look, in order to forcibly persuade oppositions to their side. Ignore those cretins.
Yes, personal gain. Changing the codes in order to siphon fees away from miners to private centralised entity is a no no in my opinion. There is something else in play. Pride and ego. Pride is 1 of the 7 deadly sins. Remove the ego will reduce pride and allows humility. At the moment i see egos all around me. As The One, i see pride and ego useless 'emotions' to have. A small bit of ego in certain circumstance that doesn't affect anyone else is fine. A small bit of pride that doesn't affect anyone else is fine. Pride for a child that wins a race is fine. Thus developers need to evolve as a human being, remove the ego and pride, one removes stubbornness. Then there is greed, another deadly sin. Greed not from the decentralise nature of Bitcoin, but from the centralised nature of those outside Bitcoin, trying to change Bitcoin into an earning stream for themselves. I, and many others, detest this centralisation.
Again, truth is subjective. UASF is a very risky move with many unseen side effects. Many of us see a simple increase in blocksize, whether fixed or dynamic, is something that can easily be done. It is painfully obvious that 1mb, a temporary measure, is too low. No one is asking for 1gb blocksize.
Bitcoin as a decentralised software is working as intended. No one can force a change in codings when there are oppositions, thus preventing the decentralise nature of Bitcoin from corruption. Thus the "civil war" is ongoing.
Thank you, this is helpful. Thank you for being as objective as you can be, unlike most of this thread which seems to be a continuation of r/bitcoin and r/btc lol...
I was in a similar same boat for some time. I found this guide to be helpful:
https://www.weusecoins.com/uasf-guide/I find the newly created celebrity aspect (billionaire CEOs and secret meetings, developers with massive egos, troll armies shitposting on twitter, this forum, /r/bitcoin, etc.) of Bitcoin completely stupid and annoying. I only care about XBT becoming more useful and valuable in time.
I finally took the time to read through that guide and some other resources today, and then decided to set my nodes to signal.
Going to check this out also, thanks.