Another small utility I whipped up the other day. I was having stability issues with xmr-stak; as well as wanting to have a clean auto-reboot mechanism in my miners. Nowadays I tend to use teamviewer to track all of my devices and have easy access, but it tends to have strange crashes and not respond every now and then. So; two birds with one stone. I don't use windows task scheduler.... it is... unreliable at best.
This simple batch file can be used to reset your process periodically, and set a system reboot timer as well.
Feel free to hack and splice this any way you wish; Just remember; if you incorporate it; just give credit where credit is due as everyone should.
I do not ask for donations for my work. But if you feel so inclined, there's a tiny donation address that can be found via the batch link in my signature.
REM JK's Application and system rebooter v1.0 11/04/2018
REM AP is the program's filename that you wish to run and kill periodically. AL is the long launch string; using a separate a batch file containing that is preferable, but not necessary.
SET AL=xmr-stak.exe
SET AP=xmr-stak.exe
REM A is the base counter for keeping track of when we started.
REM C1 is the amount of seconds between each application restart. (default 7200; 2 hours)
REM C2 is the amount of seconds between each system reboot. (default 86400; 24 hours)
SET /A A=0
SET /A C1=7200
SET /A C2=86400
REM Some fancy math for the text readout.
SET /A B=%A%/%C1%
SET /A C=%C2%-%A%
SET /A D=%C%/3600
ECHO JK's Rebooter v1.0
ECHO Executing: %AP%
ECHO Number of application restarts: %B%
ECHO Projected next system reboot in %D% hours.
REM Start our program
ECHO Waiting...
REM Wait 2 hours for a keypress that will never happen and increment the counter
CHOICE /c ú /n /t %C1% /d ú
SET /A A=%A%+%C1%
REM If the counter is greater than or equal to our C2 reboot counter, reboot the machine. Comment out this next line if you don't want complete system reboots.
IF A GEQ %C2% reboot /r
REM Otherwise just kill our process and go back up to where it starts again because our timer ran out.
REM Wait 1 second to let the app close up. It's not necessary, but a smart thing to do.
CHOICE /c ú /n /t 2 /d ú