There are a lot of Telegram groups out there. What makes you think that people should join? What can you offer that other telegram groups don't have. Do you consider yourself as pump-and-dump groups?
What is your basis for making your forecast and predictions? What is our forecast results accuracy? You using certain algorithm? or develop your own in making your forecast?
Thank you for your questions, all the answers are on our ICO site and the related Whitepaper we realized our own algorithm based on machine learning, since years we are working in time series predictions fields in the "traditional" financial markets,
since August we are trying to do the same on coins and tokens.
The basis, of course, are financial, statistics and maths.
Pardon me, I didn't know that you have a ICO and I thought that this is just another group for pump-and-dump. Another question though, I'm sure that you already know that crypto markets operates differently as compare to "traditional" financial markets, so what might work on traditional market might not be applicable to crypto.
And since you are using it to interpolate data in crypto, do you think it will be effective in using and applying to the crypto industry?
Will go to your Whitepaper now. Thanks.