Join the Bitcoin and Ethereum Dapp and Service Development Skype Group and CommunitiesWe develop Bitcoin, Ethereum Dapps and other services together
I provide free groups and administration services myself, as well as free ideas for Bitcoin, Dapps and other service development.
I am currently trying to build a Skype Group and some communities for people who have ideas for Bitcoin and Ethereum Dapps and for those can can code the smart contracts and front ends and also for other people as well who may have useful skill sets. Since a Solidity contract can be fairly short and still have a big impact, the development time from idea to working Dapp could sometimes be very short and inexpensive, meaning there are probably lots of opportunities out there. Let's explore them together
We already have more than 50 people in the Skype group at the time of this post (if this post lives for a long time that number could have gone up a lot, I do believe it could grow quite a bit more).
Hurry, hurry, there is no time to loose building Dapps : D <--Join Here <--Or Here