I wonder why you couldn't open a new thread and instead had to bring this issue up in this asswipe's thread that hurls insults at someone's mother just for fun.
I am 3d Sculptor, and I do this for a living full time, so I want to share my thought on one accusation " Offering Multimedia service" i believe I can shed some light on real-world practices.
After reading this particular thread, I am surprised that how legendster get away with this. I checked his trust, and I suppose @Lutpin and @suchmoon gave negative feedback at first but then changed it to neutral. The only explanation i can think of is that they both didn't know how bad this practice is and frowned upon in 3d industry.
No arguments there.
I was tagged. Why the tag was changed to a neutral? Because
I never scammed anyone.And that has basically been my only defense. I know what I was doing was wrong. I know I was trying to get high paying jobs while not having a similar history to back it up. - But admitting my fault does not exonerate me. I get that. But how will tarnishing my reputation now help anyone?
Just because I made a mistake 4 years ago, does it mean that I have to cower and whimper every time when someone threatens to blackmail and extort me? JRSAW - you sir, you are enabling that.
I have never sweetened my words because I like to stay on point.
I am human, I made a mistake. I was tagged. I learned my lesson and I moved on. I don't even sell my 3D services here anymore. I never cheat anyone of their money. Did what I was paid for. I took the jobs with a mixed bag of portfolio that had my work along with some polished pro work that I lifted off the internet.
That was wrong. And I should have never done that. Let me tell you what happens to those students who steal other portfolios. They get exposed on the first day when they go live on the floor during the test and after this blacklisted from the studio. And if done by any Senior Artist, then no major animation studio hires them in India ever because there are hardly 10 reputed 3d Studios in India. Every Art director, Lead, Manager, artists know at least a few peoples from each studio. forget about international studio, they take test first.
As a student, I won an annual competition for 3D animation.
That formed part of the psyche I could do anything in 3D no matter how advanced it looked like. A failed theory. This combined with the fact that as soon as I passed out of Arena Multimedia and I started freelancing in 3D animation & modeling. In fact, I started doing textures right from the 2nd sem of the batch for getafreelancer.com clients. That site has now been merged with freelancer.com
To me, I did not know what the "freelancing" world comprised of.
I learned from what I saw regularly. One freelancer stealing other freelancer's portfolio and still getting the job and doing it. getting good star ratings and making thousands of dollars. I wanted that for myself.
As a pro, I only worked online and all I got was international clients through Elance and Getafreelancer.com and during later years from Linkedin and Fiverr as well.
legendster posted his "Last Human anatomy" too; it's stolen as well. I am 100% positive because wireframe of the torso is pro's work. How am I so sure about that? Because Checking wireframe is the first step in gaming studio when reviewing 3d models, its basic practice around the world. Placement of Wireframe tells you the complete story about the 3d modeler's experience.
Can any student achieve this level under 2-3 years? Yes, 1 in 500(after practicing 12 hours day and continuously 365*2 ) and after that every studio gets in line to hire them. They don't need to steal other works
You are right. No one learns that quick. But I did. How? Thank CGpersia for that. I torrented a video tutorial I followed the Gnomon's organic surface modeling tutorial where it had a video lesson on how to create a realistic 3D torso.
Which is why I can
probably still show you the file I worked on. Although I am not 100% whether I have the file since it's been a while.
and that too architectural work? NOPE, NEVER! note even in their dreams.
The sourced images were of: A classic teapot scene, a TV. an SUV (Hummer X3) and a Kitchen scene.
Stuff that I did regularly as I got contracted to a lot of props and stuff for some games and some clients even bought and sold them on Turbosquid. A place where I still sell a few pieces myself.
Now, why on Earth would I rip off some of the simplest things on Earth to nab clients? If I was stealing images to do work that
I could not do would not have I gone for more advanced stuff?
Its common practice among students when they submit their assignments for class >dowload human body> copy paste hands, torso, feet etc> submit assigments> That's it.
is stealing common practice among the artists and students to land their first job in industry? Hell NO !!
No arguments here. I did not share all of my own work because I knew exactly what the online freelancing world was like. I knew that people were ready to steal my own hard work - no matter how good or bad it was and slap their own watermark on it and call it their own.
That is exactly what I saw and what I learned and what I tried to do.
In Interweb some nutjob do, who thinks they are smarter than everyone else. They are cancer which gives a bad name to the freelance industry or in some cases their respective Countries as well and when caught their pants down then they shamelessly come up with this shit.
That was a 24 year old guy defending the way - the only way - he knew how to put food on the table. It was wrong. It should not have been done like that.
I remember interacting with legendster on one occasion where we were discussing annual Pay Grade for 3d Character Artist
HERE. In the end, I told him to contact me with his work because I regularly distribute a good amount of work on a commission basis whenever my plates get full.
I received PM from him with his TG and email add (I must add No portfolio). In response, I asked about portfolio link before moving forward but didn't received any response after that. Now i am glad i didn't do any business with him.
The following interaction happened on 17th of April.
My mother seriously fell ill during this time and on April 24th (or 27th bad memory) I had to hospitalize her.
Sending you my portfolio for a job connection that you may never include me in was not at the top of my priority list and I subsequently forgot about it.
However, you might notice where I said "Yet I made close to 10lpa at my peak years." - I was inferring to when I was active back between 2012 - 2015 as a 3D animator / modeler. Also a contributing factor to why I did not immediately forward my portfolio to you.
20lpa is average amount in my line of work. If one got experienced and contacts then he-she can earn more than 20 lakh pa. If none of them then one can't even earn 5 lakh. Have experienced both scenarios.
I am full time freelancer and work as a 3d character artist - modeler for 3d games and miniature industry.
One piece of advice stay away from desi clients if one wants respect, work satisfaction and handsome pay.
How ironic! I am from the same industry and a freelancer as well. Yet I made close to 10lpa at my peak years.
You must really have strong connections .. and a really beast of a render machine.
Returning to the topic at hand. OP should only pay taxes on the invoiced FIAT equivalent of the crypto amount at the time of its creation. Since btc or any crypto is not regulated and not even a legal payment mode yet, you can't pay tax on "capital gains" and neither is it a good or service -unless you are selling the crypto as a broker, in that case, you'd be paying a forex tax - which is treated as just regular business income in India.
I already read his defense and it pretty much BS because I have seen a fair amount of similar cases in the real world. So I am not interested in his argument at all. I hope legendster will respect my point of view and will not send me a direct PM.
I believes and 100% sure that his account should be tag on this issue alone due to his shady practices. its very wrong behavior and should not be encouraged at all. But I am not jumping on him because I want to hear what community has to say on only one point.
1. Is it okay to tag his account after 3-4 years? Considering the fact this event took place in 2015-2016. If it's alright, then please let me know will tag this account right away. if not then i have no beef with him.
3 - 4 years is a long time to learn a lesson from a mistake.
In 3 - 4 years time I'd be surprised if kabit9 remembers my name.
Tagging me now for a mistake that I admitted to years ago will not change history. It will only serve to show that no one cares if someone makes
a mistake and tries to rectifies it. It will show the world that when a guy is getting berated by an asswipe like Kabit9 - people no matter how good they are, turn into opportunists just to show proof of their own point and superiority about a subject without caring of the consequences the other guy will face.
Which is fine. You are entitled to your opinion about me and you have the right to react in a subject that you have a lot of experience in. But saying that you are not interested in hearing my explanation and being ready to hurt my livelihood is not fair. A lot of time has passed. Even the jails let you go after you serve your time. And I served my time way before you started actively engaging on this forum.
And my defense may seem like bullshit to you, after all, you could afford to get the best education, and subsequently, make bucket loads of money by working for Steam and Konami. I never had that chance. Being the sole earner of my family and I had to do what I thought was right at the time to get as much money as soon and as quickly as possible without ripping someone off.
Ironically, if only I had intended to rip people off like the thousand others that I saw, I'd have effortlessly done so and lived my life tension free somewhere else. Yes JSRAW, you may have the real-world experience of what it may be like to be at the top of the food chain. Maybe visit the bottom of the barrel sometime and see what it's like for the likes of us out there.
As for your question, should you tag? I say yes, tag me if you have proof that I have scammed someone. That's what the trust system is for.
I saw your
no pm request too late so I have already sent 3 messages to you. Do ignore that.
Anyone reading this. Should also voice their opinion. Just don't spam or hurl insults. Otherwise, your replies will be deleted.