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Key Dump
eta numeris 392D8A3EEA2527D6AD8B1EBBAB6AD
sin topper D6C4C5CC97F9CB8849D9914E516F9
project runway 847D8D6EA4EDD8583D4A7DC3DEEAE
7FG final request 831CF9C1C534ECDAE63E2C8783EB9
fall of cassandra 2B6DAE482AEDE5BAC99B7D47ABDB3
echo "392D8A3EEA2527D6AD8B1EBBAB6AD" > eta-numeris.hex echo "D6C4C5CC97F9CB8849D9914E516F9" > sin-topper.hex echo "847D8D6EA4EDD8583D4A7DC3DEEAE" > project-runway.hex echo "831CF9C1C534ECDAE63E2C8783EB9" > 7FG-final-request.hex echo "2B6DAE482AEDE5BAC99B7D47ABDB3" > fall-of-cassandra.hex
openssl enc -aes256 -in eta-numeris.hex -out eta-numeris.key openssl enc -aes256 -in sin-topper.hex -out sin-topper.key openssl enc -aes256 -in project-runway.hex -out project-runway.key openssl enc -aes256 -in 7FG-final-request.hex -out 7FG-final-request.key openssl enc -aes256 -in fall-of-cassandra.hex -out fall-of-cassandra.key
for w in $(ls .aes256); do for k in $(ls keys/.key); do echo "$w, $k, $(echo "$(openssl enc -d -aes256 -in $w -kfile $k -bufsize 8 | xxd -l 8 | sed s/00000000://g)" | cut -c 1-23)";
done; done;
wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/7FG-final-request.key, 6f46 30e1 c6f3 385d wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/eta-numeris.key, f22d 7304 8224 8ad6 wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/fall-of-cassandra.key, 07d6 db54 f3c2 7d4a wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/project-runway.key, da46 2913 216c 9a0d wlinsurance-20130815-A.aes256, keys/sin-topper.key, 48ab b7eb ceda f42d wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/7FG-final-request.key, fde0 5ea5 34a9 c372 wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/eta-numeris.key, 52f3 436e 82db 1fde wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/fall-of-cassandra.key,ca1c c808 dfbd 0d23 wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/project-runway.key, a10a 3571 a17b 8898 wlinsurance-20130815-B.aes256, keys/sin-topper.key, b1a0 64d4 0004 8865 wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/7FG-final-request.key, 998a f677 3d20 33da wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/eta-numeris.key, 5aec a6e6 5de9 dfdb wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/fall-of-cassandra.key, 197f 378d 63b0 3e54 wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/project-runway.key, acb3 a582 a477 75c6 wlinsurance-20130815-C.aes256, keys/sin-topper.key, d0f1 6154 a193 8905