Bitcoin is a foretaste of the kind of future we will be having. It has many advantages and positive features which the people are clamoring for especially after the economic near-collapse in 2008-2009. We need a better financial system away from the controlling interest of the greedy and corrupt traditional monetary platform we have right now. However, the road to this better financial system is not an easy one...can be just as bumpy as hell in fact. Change is not something that will happen has to be fought and there will be casualties along the way (which can make things and people go sour).
Bitcoin and the technology behind it (the blockchain) since just another man-made is not perfect and nothing will be... but it has the features that can minimize the pull of human nature. Things are hinging on how we the people would appreciate Bitcoin and how we can use it for good and not just another tool for our greedy and corrupt human nature. Right now, we are always experiencing volatility all because of over speculation (partly cased by our desire for more or greed).
I agree to your point. A better financial system out the controlling interest for greedy institutional investors was a priority after the sub-prime crisis in 2008-09. Crypto currency was initially started as a p2p currency with no one actually control the entire game. But with time, we have seen an influx of similar kind of greedy personalities in the crypto space as well whose who have tried to bring down bitcoin for their own interest. Hard fork is another way of doing the same and we have seen a number of hard forks in 2017 and another one is coming shortly. So we can't say that bitcoin has achieved its primary goal here. Instead of being a de-centralized p2p currency, bitcoin and other cryptos are now considered as an investment asset. So we have already diverted from the main goal. But I believe that shift was decided by the open-market rule. So more people wanted it to become an investment asset instead of changing the face of world economy. But with the increased adoption of crypto currency by the countries, is giving us hope that the chance will happen, slowly but surely.
]We should be hoping that after all the dusts are settled, Bitcoin will not be just another failed experiment...or just another man-made system that fell because we failed to go beyond our shortsighted human weaknesses.
Bitcoin is not a failed experiment for sure. We have seen a lot of resistance from the organized banking system and centralized governments but still it has made its way to some countries with progressive government. Now a time has come, where governments are issuing their own crypto currency backed by the real world asset. So blockchain has not failed. Instead countries are opening up research wings to explore the potential of blockchain technology. So bitcoin is not falling in to the parameter of failed experiment in any way. Instead, I believe, we will see a lot more countries to come forward and adopt bitcoin in their economy. It started with Israel and many more to be added in 2018. Fingers crossed!