If the ultimate tax is hyperinflation, Bitcoin's some kind of government kryptonite.
We need taxes, they just have to be adjusted, severely!!
You'll get much farther once you do the following:
1. Stop saying we. You are not me, so stop speaking for me. Say "I", as in "I need to be taxed", as it sounds much better and less crazy. When you say we, it makes me believe that you're okay with people being robbed, as long as you're not the only one getting shafted.
2. There is nothing the government offers that must be forced upon us, nor is there anything the government offers which cannot be taken care of by the private sect. If we truly need the services provided by the government, and many of them I believe we do, then it would be difficult to believe that the market could not handle these services.
Example: I like protection. I want to pay an entity to protect me when something bad happens. Right now, I'm not only forced to pay for protection, but if I don't like the service, tough! The government is the top dog on security, and even if I hired a private security firm to protect me, they must ultimately answer to the men on top, none of which I've elected to protect me, none of which I wish to pay, and whose services I do not want, yet would have to pay for on top of private security. If the services provided by all forms of government through tax are enough to pay for both an oversized military and local police, and highway police, and constables and sheriffs, all through the little bites taken out of every dollar I earn, would I not then, if I were no longer taxed, earn enough to pay for these services on my own, if I truly wanted them?
3. If the men in power adjusted taxes, do you truly believe they will do it in the average Joe's favor? And if they did, how long do you believe, given the political history of, say, America, that these tax changes will remain until they begin to change again? It would be better to simply remove the ability for the men in power to tax, and to strive for a system as explained in point 2. This way, there's no opportunity for a central source of power to become corrupt, as we've seen happen time and time again, as there would be no central source with enough power for bribery to be a lucrative investment. In this case, it would be the average Joe who has all the power, and he would have little power: ideally, only enough power to alter his own life, and no one else's.