Fecha de lanzamiento 04/02/2014 - SIN PREMINADO
Basada en ScryptProof-Of-Coins (PoC) con Karmashares
Incluye el algoritmo Kimoto Gravity Well
1 bloque por minuto
2.1M de bloques (~4 años)
Approximadamente 92 billones de monedas en total
10,000 monedas por bloque con un bonus adicional dependiendo de la cantidad de bloques ya minados
Dificultad recalculada cada 240 bloques
Puerto 9432
0-10,000 bloques => 10,000 +1,000,000 bonus
10,000-25,000 bloues => 10,000 + 750,000 bonus
25,000-50,000 bloques => 10,000 + 500,000 bonus
50,000-100,000 bloques => 10,000 + 250,000 bonus
100,000-200,000 bloques => 10,000 + 100,000 bonus 200,000-300,000 bloques => 10,000 + 25,000 bonus
300,000-400,000 bloques => 10,000 + 10,000 bonus
400,000+ bloques => 10,000 monedas
-Nuevo hilo Oficial para Karmacoin en Bitcointalk AQUÍ !
-Ahora estamos en Cryptsy (KARM/LTC)
https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/193-KarmasharesLLC, cambia tus monedas por KarmaShares! (acciones de KarmasharesLLC)
http://www.karmashares.comKarmacoin es una nueva forma de dedir "Me Gusta" a tu familia, amigos, organizaciones, causas, etc. Puedes pensar en ellas como una especie de token actual que representa aprecio. Karmacoin proporciona un método común y fácil de usar para las personas que quieran premiar a otros por hacer cosas buenas.
Nuestra meta es que Karmacoin se covierta en una "moneda con corazón" global y en una plataforma de Econimía Sostenible. Karmacoin hace que sea fácil enviar pequeñas cantidades de dinero a sus amigos, familiares, compañeros de trabajo, vecinos, organizaciones de caridad y otras causas por los buenos actos realizados.
Queremos convertir el "Give+Karma" (Dona+Karma) en una realidad tanto en internet y en la vida real como en todas martes así como lo es "Me Gusta"
We will enable people to "Give+Karma" via the 5 elements of the Karma ecosystem:
Tipping - Internet tipping systems for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, Reddit
Donating - Karmafund.me (Donate to a cause or charity)
Buying/Selling -"Trade for Good" at Karmatrade.me. A way to exchange Karmacoin for products/services.
Sharing - Karmashare.me (P2P donations)
P2P Finance - Karmapay.me (P2P microfinance and merchant system)
Karmashares LLC is the operating entity of Karmacoin, the Bitcoin and Litecoin-like digital currency that is based on "doing good". It is currently forming in the state of Wyoming, USA, for purposes of creating long term value for holders of Karmacoin by developing revenue-generating products and services.
Qualifiying holders of Karmacoin will receive a share of Karmashares profits. 100% of profits will be distributed to members on a quarterly basis according to each member's percentage owned of Karmashares LLC.
In accordance with Karmacoin's core principle of "doing good", we will make it easy for members to give a percentage of their earnings to a cause of their choice in the Karma Fund, as well as make it easy for both users and members to donate Karma and other types of currencies. Each member or user will be able to donate as little or as much as they choose, or opt out entirely.
Karmashares is unique because it is the first cryptocurrency to offer the proof-of-coin (PoC) model. PoC enables us to offer users a stake in a for-profit company while growing our economy and raising capital to further our growth, with no need to interfere with the coin's algorithm or functionality.
How to get Karma ?
http://karmacoin.me/getting_karmacoinWindows wallet
http://karmashare.me/wallets/karmacoin-qt-windows- wallet
http://karmacoin.me/wallets/mac/karmacoin-qt- wallet
http://www.reddit.com/r/karmashares Main Subreddit Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karmacoin.me
http://www.reddit.com/r/Karmacoin http://www.reddit.com/r/karmabounty Exchanges
https://www.mintpal.com/market/KARM/LTC Cryptsy :
https://www.cryptsy.com/markets/view/193Bittrex :
https://bleutrade.com/exchange/KARM/BTCCoin-Swap: https://coin-swap.net/
https://cryptx.io/Buy Karmacoin with Skrill :
http://cryptokopen.eu/buy-karmacoinMore Karma market Informations :
http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/v2/coins/show/karmhttp://coinwarz.comhttp://altcoinstats.comhttp://coinmarketcap.comWallet Generator
http://karmaaddress.org Websites
http://www.karmacoin.me/ http://www.karmafund.me/ http://www.karmashare.me/
Mining Pools
http://www.xhash.net Faucets
http://chunkypools.com/karm/ http://karma.hashstrike.com http://karmacoin.altcoinfaucet.net/http://karm.multi-pool.eu/ http://karmacoin.cyanrainbow.com/p2pool.altcoin.dk:9435
http://bitcoinmafia.com/other-altcoins/karmacoin/ http://karm.hasher.cahttp://karma.miners-point.com/http://pool.code4.us/karm/Games Resources
Coin Horse
https://coin-horse.com/ Block Explorer: http://explorer.karmacoin.me/chain/karmacoin
Prisoners Dilemma
http://karmagames.info/prisoner Source Code: https://github.com/karmacoin-team/karmacoin