Dogeparty is very cheap to use and it used Proof of burn to issue the coins.
Fast-forward over 7.5 years later and everything promised in Dogeparty has come true!
If anyone is interested in creating their own NFT on the Dogecoin blockchain for super cheap, I recommend checking out
and download the Dogewallet.
Dogeparty was brought back to life in September of last year and has been kicking butt in the form of Rare Doges and vintage assets, some of which have sold (in wrapped form) on OpenSea for as much as 2 ETH.
I'm willing to provide first-time wallet installers with 0.5 XDP, which is the XDP cost to mint a named token. Unnamed tokens can me minted for free, minus the 1 DOGE tx fees. Just PM me and I'll send it to you.