---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bernard von NotHaus <
[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2011
Subject: Kevin is OUT!
Kevin is really out.
Praise the Lord and all of you who have supported Kevin while he was incarcerated!
I am very pleased to report that after almost two years in stinking county jail, Kevin Innes, my male co-defendant in the Liberty Dollar case, was released at 4:PM on Aloha Friday, May 6, 2011!
He is currently living with his wife, Julia, who stood by her man and was the biggest moving force to get him released.
Kevin is currently working on becoming an American citizen and assisting Julia in her dove business of releasing trained white doves at weddings, funerals and other important life events.
Please send a quick email to Kevin via:
[email protected].
Julia can be reached via:
[email protected].
Her website is: