You may as well change the official logo to read "Bitcoin: Currency of teh crazy"
Unless catering to a specific crowd, legit businesses don't mention politics. Its a good way to alienate at least half of your potential customer base. There are not enough Libertarians in the world to support bitcoin. Satoshi chose his initial adoption crowd well, but bitcoin is outgrowing the "herp! all governderp is bad!" crowd. You were useful, now it is time to put the politics aside and let real businesses step in and see this through to its maximum potential. You get a nice reward for early adopting, but bitcoin is a digital currency, not a revolution. Try to bill it as such and it will utterly fail with the general public, and condemn bitcoin to being a footnote in Wikipedia.
I would find it extremely amusing if the reason bitcoin 1.0 died was because the anti-gov't ideologues couldn't stfu from their rants long enough to let it grow. The absolute best thing the dev team could do would be to kill these forums and let other sites continue the conversations. Maybe leave the technical discussion and have it heavily moderated.