Hey Everyone,
We have created a simple PowerShell script to monitor Claymores Dual Miner and restart the miner if it crashes. We been using it privately for a while and have seen massive improvements in hashrate stability on multiple rigs (tested with R9 390/X, RX4/5 series, GTX 1060) and decided to share this with the rest the crypto community. We have released it open source so you can all look over the code to see whats happening. If anybody has any improvements to suggest we'd be happy to hear from you.
--Monitors Claymore for failed / crashed GPUs and restarts claymore miner app if detected.
--No more waiting to get alerts from the Mining pool, problems are detected in seconds and resolved
--This tool is free, We only ask that the script hosting is done from our site please but you are welcome to link to this post.
This tool will in NO WAY attempt to circumvent any of Claymore’s mining fees nor will we do so please don’t ask. We think the fees charged for a superior, constantly updated miner are more than justified.
We thought about charging a small fee for the app but in the spirit of the blockchain decided to share it for FREE!
If the app is useful to you and fixes hashrate stability issues, donate below to say thanks 🙂
BTCTC: 1PEfw728X4RhRm3HiLvkHUTttYwqMTbwPk
ETH: 0x50AAd2e1B5cB1ce14788d3a2c49Dbda598C7F5e1
If you have any problems drop us a message in the comments and we’ll get back to you when we can.
INSTRUCTIONSDownload the script here –
http://kingsofcrypto.co.uk/kings-crypto-claymore-miner-monitoring-tool-windows-powershell/ (screenshots in post)
Run Powershell as admin and paste the following command in the prompt: set-executionpolicy unrestricted hit enter
When asked do you want to change the policy, you must type Y and hit enter in order for the scripts to work, exit PowerShell
Unzip HydroClaymoreMonitor.zip . When asked for password, enter: 'kingsofcrypto.co.uk'
Edit the “StartHydroEthMonitor.bat” and change the /dir to the folder you extracted the HydroEthMonitor files and save.
Edit the “HydroEthMiner.ps1” in PowerShell and change the /dir of $Minerapplication
Edit the “HydroEthMiner.ps1” in Notepad or PowerShell ISE and change the following values
- $MinerappLocation = “C:\Users\User\Desktop\WIN – Claymore Miner v9.5\” # Directory of Claymore Dual Miner
- $MinerLaunchScript = “start_only_eth.bat” #mining launch bat file
Save and the file and exit
Double click “StartHydroEthMonitor.bat” to run, if configured correctly your miner should launch after 10 secs automatically
#!NOTE!#-If you encounter any errors, please check the /dir & filename you are specifying in the “HydroEthMiner.ps1” & “HydroEthMonitor.bat” files
(mods i read the rules but if I have done anything wrong please let me know!)