As much as I do appreciate an answer, and thank you for it! I really mean that....
It does however not solve this for me. My coding skills are not close to yours, that's why I need something a little more "for dummies". I am aware of the kraken API help site, but can somebody write a simple script which like my 8 lines trading scripts allows me to input CURRENCY, AMOUNT and WALLET and then the script will make a widtdrawal from kraken?
Everything with the API key is setup, secret everything is working but I just need to know how I code the withdrawal part. Anybody?
The only thing I have doubts about is the withdrawal key name. I'd assume it identifies the address the funds will be sent to, and should be on the list of saved withdrawal address.
Other than that, and replacing said "withdrawal key name", the code should be (untested):
$res = $kraken->QueryPrivate('Withdraw', array(
'asset' => 'XBT',
'key' => 'withdrawal key name here',
'amount' => '0.002',
The asset name may be "XXBT" instead of "XBT".