Since I had to realize that locking a thread is not a thing that I can reverse, I wonder how others can do it though, I will now create a thread and not lock it. Which means answers will come in and since I will not deleted other opinions I will not make a self moderated thread either. Which means I will link to the new posts I make.
So first post was: todays one:
I think it makes no sense to go the way I started, I mean step by step. I think first the most important infos should come out.
First: Alberto Armandi is the person behind labcoin
We have proof that he faked the hashing that was going on at one time.
I believe the hotel he tried to sell was posted on here to. We were able to get in contact and a Serra Maria Bonaria talked to an lcsh member, claiming that alberto is her son and why we ask about him. She is 90% shareholder of that hotel.
In a further communication she claimed that she is willing to compensate our losses since she wants to help her children.
Well, we were happy to hear some good news, we could have offered to drop the case and refund every victim on a prozentual loss basis, signing that those that got compensation won't sue again. Those not signing would not get a refund and would have to fight a probably fruitless fight alone.
Unfortunately it took a lot of time until things were ready and at that time Ms. Bonaria did not react anymore. I'm not sure why. Maybe she heard what her son did and heard about the damage he did or something similar. Too bad, it would have been a great ending for all victims. And most probably a better one than simply finding alberto.
Which brought us back to point 1. Finding alberto and seeing if he has some coins left. Which is, seeing his character, pretty useless it seems. But at least, after these investments, he would go where he belongs and it would be a sign to all those f... scammers.
Today I was informed of two articles about him and another known person in the game being catched in january of this year for owning a big amount of drugs. I'm not sure if the police that works on our case is aware of that, since there is no arrest warrant yet, only the police has to question him, but I will see if I can contact the lawyer.
What's important now is to let the italian police question him.