Mining with a laptop is doable but due to small form factor and cooling
its not good for the long term life unless you run at super low itensity
you temps should never be above 60 to 70 degrees.
enter the gaming box know there are others that let you buy just the enclosure and the card you get separately but this on I tested
and it works grate.
you might say $600 is too pricy but currently all gtx1070 cards are going for around 500 to 550 anyways and with
this one you get a 450 watt gold psu, 4 usbs , and a system that charges your laptop through the thunderbolt connection so you save a power cord too. Also get a nice spiffy case and led lights the thing is
Im my breif tests it connects and installs as if u plugged in a pcie card,no drivers software needed on win 10 creators
I have a 1060 6gb in my laptop so now in Afterburner i see both.
currently using both on eth and lbr to test and i run the 1060 at ethi 2 so i get 15mhs eth 15lbr 65 degrees stock mem
the gaming box gets 30mhs eth 37 lbry at 600 mem and 85 powerlmit
i tried lower powelimits like my desktop cards but i think its a thunderbolt thing
illconnect them both to a wattmeter later.
So there you have it , easy gpu mining on any laptop with windows and thunderbolt
withoute killing you laptop.
like i said all prices on cards are high at the moment so its not a bad idea to pick one
of these up. High quality 1070 8gb, great cooling , temps stay at 75 in my hot bedroom
and its quiter than the laptop itself