good stuff. why are you selling these?
Are they in good condition?
Firmware upgraded?
PSU included?
Can ship overseas?
enough for now ... more is coming
they run pretty well.
overseas to what country?
I have shipped overseas ,but shipping is costly. I am willing to check shipping price for 1, 2 or 3 units to see if it works for you.
PSU 's are needed for my upgrade to the s-9.
I need PSU 's and cables and you don't because you can't use them for S9 's. They are 40% more power hungry. Distination will be Dubai, UAE. and I'll take all 3 units on the following conditions:
0- PSU 's with cabling are included (I've not run Avalon before and I prefer not to go through a try and error process for power supply stuff)
1- I need 3-4 days to do the deal (take care of the money)
2- I need your word about the units to be in a very good condition
3- I need one week money back guarantee (shipping costs on me if I just returned the units without an excuse and on you if it was your fault)
4- At least one moderator here can confirm your identity and that there is no reputation, evidence or complain about you being a scam. Sorry, you see I'm new here and have not a clue about you.