LastMail is the world's first passive post-mortem message system. It lets you send a good-bye to your friends and contacts, and pass on your (digital) belongings.
It can be found at
https://last-mail.orgWhy is this important?I made LastMail with the following two purposes in mind:
1. To send a final message to your digital contacts. In this 21st century age, we have lots of contacts through the internet. Often, our family does not have a clear picture of who these people are.
So that's why it might be a better idea to send such a message yourself.
Of course, this also means that you can leave a final kind wish for them. (or, if you really really want to, an evil sneer)
2. To have a secure way to pass on your digital belongings. This is where Bitcoin comes in.
Current systems of passing on belongings rely on a human to actually pass on these things.
This works well with physical objects, as there always is very clear evidence when they disappear.
With Bitcoin wallets, this is not the case. It is extremely easy for someone to copy over some of your coins to another wallet before presenting your next of kin your inheritance.
Thus, why not eliminate this human factor all-together?
When using, the only human you need to trust is me, the site owner.
Don't trust me? Not a problem, you can instead grab the source from GitHub, and host a version of the site for yourself: How does LastMail check if users are still alive?LastMail checks if its users are still active by sending them an email regularly.
Included in this email is an image. When users open the mail and the image is loaded, this lets the server know that you still are alive.
Thus, activity checking is passive: all the user needs to do is to read their mail.
(For mail programs that don't like HTML content, there's also a link to use instead of the image, of course. )
When a user does not check their mail for a very long amount of time, (The exact amount is configurable by the user) the system decides that the user, or at least this identity of the user, is not alive anymore.
LastMail then goes ahead and sends out the Last Mails that the user wrote before.
How is this different from what's already there?Right now, the only system that is somewhat similar to LastMail is something called
"Dead Man's Switch".
LastMail has the following features that make it better, in my opinion:
- LastMail is 100% FREE and Open-Source.
- LastMail enables you to use HTML formatting in your mails.
- LastMail lets you send any number of messages to any number of email-addresses. All free.
- LastMail does not require you to click on a link to check your activity. Viewing the image in the e-mail is enough.
So, that's LastMail in a nutshell.
I'm happy to hear about all your feedback, thoughts and ideas.
If you like the system, it would be nice if you send some coins to
1E5sWvnH6G38Zr5LcGJRwU1LQGxXFexZBuThank you for your time!