I borrowed an FX380 card today, just to see if I could get it all running.
I compiled a howto, based on Ubuntu 10.10 and Syke's excellent previous post.
I spent only 3-4 hours this time, as compared to 3-4 days doing it by myself.
I added the complication of being behind a proxy that allows for outgoing ssh.
I create a vpn tunnel that enables a "public" bitcoin machine to run in the frontend.
It might also be useful if you want to run several miners behind one public ip adress, (in that case you don't need the tunnel :-)
** XXX ** - Put YOUR stuff here!!!
// Comment (do not type :-)
0) Install Ubuntu 10.10 (use user: local)
1) Make machine useful:
sudo bash
create apt.conf:
Acquire {
Retries "0";
Proxy "http://**proxy.mystarhub.com**.sg:8080";
apt-get update
apt-get install openssh-server
apt-get install vnc4server
python --version // should be 2.6.6
ifconfig -a // check your IP: ** x.y.z.w **
apt-get install emacs
Change the /home/local/.vnc/xstartup
x-window-manager &
gnome-session &
Log in to ubuntu machine (via vnc):
firefox &
// (fix proxy if needed)
Install updates from window manager...
2) Install propertary nVidia drivers (haven't tried ATI)
// I google for nvidia NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.06
// For some reason I always have to restart firefox here :-/
// This driver I used: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.06.run
// It MUST be 260.19.06 for the rest to work with this howto
// You need to shut down your X-server, the installer is also stupid since
// it wants you to shut down your vnc session as well :-(
sudo bash
/etc/init.d/gdm stop // For the physical X-server
vnc4server -kill :1 // Silly installer...
// From a separate login:
sudo bash
chmod a+rx NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run
// Failure again, instruct the driver to permanently disable the "noveau" whatever that is
// ...........................
// Again stop the gdm...
/etc/init.d/gdm stop // (you didn't put vncserver anywhere in autostart did you? :-)
// and again:
./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run // Ignore whining about startup script failure, but it should say "success" at the end of installation :-)
/etc/init.d/gdm start
(start vnc4server as local)
3) Follow this excellent instruction (slightly modified from Syke's)
// google: syke bitcoin
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/easy-ubuntu-python-opencl-mining-setup-2636export http_proxy=http://myproxyip:myproxyport
export https_proxy=http://myproxyip:myproxyport
sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl subversion
http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/bitcoin/Bitcoin/bitcoin-0.3.19/bitcoin-0.3.19-linux.tar.gztar xvf bitcoin-0.3.19-linux.tar.gz
// Subversion proxy is set in:
// ~/.subversion/servers
// Add this to end of file:
http-proxy-host = ** MY proxy ip **
http-proxy-port = ** MY proxy portno **
svn checkout
http://svn.json-rpc.org/trunk/python-jsonrpccd python-jsonrpc/
sudo python setup.py install
cd ..
mkdir .bitcoin
echo "rpcuser= ** un **" > .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
echo "rpcpassword=** pw **" >> .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
wget --no-check-certificate
https://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm/raw/master/BitcoinMiner.clwget --no-check-certificate
https://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm/raw/master/BitcoinMiner.pywget --no-check-certificate
https://github.com/m0mchil/poclbm/raw/master/poclbm.py~/bitcoin-0.3.19/bin/64/bitcoin -server&
python poclbm.py -d 0 --user ** un ** --pass ** pw **
4) If you need to tunnel via ssh, this is a good lazy
google for: "howto poormans vpn ssh"
http://anothersysadmin.wordpress.com/2010/02/26/howto-poor-man-vpn-in-debianubuntu-with-openssh/// There are two small typos: replace "VPN" with "VPNkey"
// Test the tunnel via ping and also you can do a "telnet serverip 8333" to see that you get a response
5) Running the client
// as above in 3, but with a proxy and tunneled to a server outside, you need to run :
** whateverpath **/bitcoin -proxy=ipaddress:port -server & // ipaddress must be ip, not hostname!!!