I need help from 1 long standing (read - trusted) member.
I really need to do a test for 24hrs with minimum of a 6 x 1080ti rig. Can split proceeds, please PM if you're prepared to take a gamble.
If you need the assistance on GPU cards choosing or anything related to graphic cards you can write a thread on altcoin mining section bro. If you wait here in this section you will not get the answer from any miner.
Hope you understand why I am saying. I am mining with rx 570 cards in my room bro but I am unable got your question. If possible brief it better than this and ask for help.
Hi, Thanks
Basically i'm after renting a 1080ti rig....i have tried in the altcoin mining section b4 but they always kick it, and tell me to post in here.....the sections should be clearer....