@ norulezapply Well I define "Begging" as asking for something for nothing for MY own fianical benifit.
If you think thats what I was after then your missing the spirit of the whole post. I was using it as A LEARNING TOOL and nothing else.
I thought it was a novel way to learn how to work with bitcoins before I actually dived into this area
I plan on setting up a mining rig when I can establish whats safe to spend my money on, as at the moment there are competing technoligies arriving ( FPGA vs ASIC ). I dont have the luxury of spending 2000 quid for a rig that MIGHT last 9 to 12 months before its obselete, while I mine say half a bitcoin a day!
Sorry I didn't mean to offend you I just couldn't think of the most suitable word to use.
I do like the spirit of the post but I'm not sure people would trust you is what I was trying to say. Saying that, all transactions are trackable so that could be a way to show that the money is actually going to a charity