
Topic: Legal help on a human rights violation case if Finland (Read 1387 times)

Activity: 89
Merit: 10
Here is my not so perfect English translation of Mr. Vanhanen's opinion piece from the newspaper Suomenmaa July 30th, 1985 issue for anyone that is interested in the details:

Baltic Star

Vice president of the protesters who arrived in Finland on the ship Baltic Star gave reasons for their demonstration. He said that the demonstration was organized to support Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian struggle for freedom, and they also defended their Finnish brothers. I have not noticed Finland having requested the help of these stragglers in any matter.

It was an example of openness and transparency of the Finnish legal system and political leadership, that this kind of provocation was allowed to be organized in Finland. I assume that every viewer of the television news understood the motives of the demonstrations and classified the accordingly.

The Finnish organizer and permit holder of the demonstration was a town council member of the Finnish Agrarian Party. Agrarian Party representatives rejected the views of the person, and even claimed that he was not a party member. Regardless of this, he still was a candidate of the Agrarian Party in the elections, and his votes were counted for the Agrarian Party.

The themes and attitudes of the demonstrators reflected blatant disregard for the realities of post war Europe, and the audacity of openly wanting to change the Soviet system. Neither of these views is compatible with Finnish policy. One of the cornerstones of OSCE process is recognize the post war situation. Another special feature of the Finnish policy is that we do not openly state our opinions on the internal matters of countries friendly to us.

I don't think that the protesters would have been equally eager if a ship full of national of different Soviet states had arrived here and in other Scandinavian countries to express their support for ”freeing” of the Scandinavian states.

Many people in Finland who express their concerns on the matters of our brother nations think that the Soviet system is the cause for their concerns. It would be much better form of co-operation to support the research on Finno-Ugrig languages in the Soviet state of Komi. Also, the recent massive song festival in Tallinn showed the strong national culture in the Soviet state of Estonia. The difference between capitalism and socialism is not a significant divisive matter during the millenia of history in our brother nations.

I was dismayed, that some so called Danish ”refugee” came here to tell us that he supported Finland as a brother nation, while at the same time speaking of some internal struggle inside Soviet Union. Like if that was not enough, they also organized an illegal demonstration near the Soviet embassy.

I remember how the person of criminal legacy Mr. Roosna fled his home country. The Soviet sources mentioned that the person in guestion was a petty criminal and a hooligan. In the Scandinavian states his flight was considered a political demonstration. Now he has done his ”robbery” in Finland, and claimed that this action was to help other ”refugees”.

Today these ”refugees”, who are largely second or third generation Americans, say that they are coming here to help the Finns. It would have been better that they had stayed home.

It was an entirely different serious matter, that couple of thousand people from Helsinki gave their support to this provocation by joining the demonstration.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
Your first priority should be to download truecrypt and learn how to do full volume encryption on every PC that you own.

Good luck in your quest though, sounds like you really kicked the hornets nest.
hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
Agreed, that is fucked up on a colossal scale.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
That sounds pretty damn bad and even a violation of EU human rights which is probably why your lawyer wouldn't go to the EU courts with the kind of stuff you were talking about. Obviously normally I'd never want violence, but in that sort of situation you really do have no choice but to fight back. If any police officer forced people to wear a straight jacket for no reason over here or tried making up stuff/withdrawing medication to keep you in jail they'd have the media all over it and the police involved might even get jail time.
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
It's not Socialism, it's Corporatism and Imperialism >_>
At least the economic system in Finland is a combination of socialism and private cartels. Gambling, public healthcare, rail traffic and alcohol retail are state run monopolies. Privately owned cartels run other public transportation, taxis, pharmacies, grocery stores. In addition the people have to pay a special tax to pay for the state run TV and radio channels. Political parties in power blatantly use taxpayer money for their operations and campaigning. Kickbacks from public contracts are fully legal if they are made in the form of election campaign donations. Extreme taxation pays for the corrupt political system. Election fraud and corruption are so systematic and widespread that most people consider it normal. That's why Finland holds top positions many corruption studies as having the least amount of corruption. If the same statistical methods were used in North Korea, they might be able to beat Finland as having even less corruption.

The legal system is totally corrupt, with the police running the drug trade and enforcing drug laws to protect their monopoly. Police officers use their power to exact revenge on people who try to expose them or try to compete with their criminal activity. In a recent case police planted a package of sugar on a targeted individual and then arrested the individual and claimed that the sugar amphetamine. The individual received a long prison sentence, but a higher court "reduced" the sentence. The police is almost never prosecuted for their criminal activity, and in the rare cases that they do receive absurdly small sentences. In a recent case a police officer lured a runaway child into his home. Gave her alcohol to drink and raped her and took photos. The police officer in question received no jail time but only a suspended sentence in the municipal court. The court systems can blatantly convict innocent people without evidence because there is no penalty for judges for doing so. Like in my case the judges in the same court can even conspire between each other to convict and innocent person for the benefit of the other judge. In some cases a third judge from the same court can act as a witness.

No separation of powers either. Prime minister Vanhanen exercised all three branches of power simultaneusly. Finland has a constition with human rights and political rights, but constitution cannot be argued in court, so it is effectively null and void.

Unlike western democracies, Finland has compulsory peacetime military service for all males, who medically capable for military and are not Jehowah's Wittnesses and do not live on the autonomous island of Åland. The alternative is a much longer "civilian service" slave labor period or prison time.

Here is the favorite item used for torture of prisoners in Finland. Prisoners are made to wear a jumpsuit they cannot remove. Prisoners are made to wear this torture device for over a week at a time forcing them to urinate and defecate into the jumpsuit. The excuse used by sadistic prison guards is that this enables them to find illegal drugs hidden in the digestive track of the prisoner supposedly preventing the prisoner from swallowing the package again. There has been no reduction in drugs in prisons since they invented this form of torture. Apparently drug trade in prisons is done by guards.
hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
It's not Socialism, it's Corporatism and Imperialism >_>
You say monopoly, I say monopoly. Wink
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1000
It's not Socialism, it's Corporatism and Imperialism >_>
hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
While I can't offer any legal advice, or help you select a good lawyer, I can say this:

This is the inevitable result of socialism. The ruling elite can brook no criticism.
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
And yes, I think that moving to Belgium would enable me to sue the Finnish officials for their serious human rights violations in a Belgian court. Can anyone recommend a good Belgian human rights lawyer?
Activity: 89
Merit: 10
Here is the situation. Myself and another person republished Finnish prime minister's newspaper opinion piece from 1985 in which prime minister Matti Vanhanen condemned Estonian independence activists as hooligans. Normally this kind of information about current Finnish politicians' Soviet collaboration is not talked about, and it is pretty much taboo to dig the memory hole. Afterward it turned out that this launched an unprecedented retaliation by the Finnish authorities. Incidentally prime minister Vanhanen later resigned after it became public knowledge, that he had used state owned gambling monopoly profits meant for national health work for his re-election campaign.

I had been active in politics since late nineties and the other person even longer. We both ran again as candidates in Finnish parliamentary elections in 2007. We had a small party with only five candidates in the elections. I was operating as party secretary running the party web site and email from my home.

Few days before the election day I was walking to a nearby post office to mail an election related letter to another candidate. I was captured by the Finnish secret police KRP while I was walking to the post office. I was interrogated in local police jail about some Skype discussions. I followed the advice I had read on the Internet, and answered only ”no comment” to their questions in addition to identifying myself. After this my home was searched and my computers and cell phones were confiscated by the police. This included the computer used to for party email and web site, effectively making the party unable to operate as the election campaign was going on. Police never has claimed finding anything illegal or evidence of illegality either in the search of my home or on the computers or the cell phones.

Without my knowledge criminal charges were pressed against myself for 7 count of gross defamation, one count of incitement and one count of blasphemy against Allah and prophet Mohammed. Alleged defamation victims included a local judge, two prosecutors, a fellow police officer of the police who investigated the case, and a member of Finnish parliament Oras Tynkkynen. The other guy was charged for exactly the same alleged crimes plus two gross defamation charges against two additional parliament members. Prime minister Vanhanen appeared on national television news along with a prosecutor in the case blatantly getting involved in investigation and prosecution in the case violating the seperation of powers. This news section can be seen on Youtube (

I had not been informed of the court proceedings against me. Instead the secret police again followed my, as I drove to another town to visit my parents. I was again captured and handcuffed by the secret police and again taken to police jail in city of Tampere. I notified the secret police officers of their continuing violation of speed limits and other minor illegalities in their actions. Their answers was that there is not speed trap on this road at the moment.

I asked about how I was going to get my medications essential to my continued survival. The secret police officers answers that a nurse would bring me my medications. I never received the medications, causing a life threatening rise in my blood pressure. I was held in the police jail, while the court proceedings were going on against me even without my knowledge or my having been brought charges to appear in the court. Only on the second day of the trial did they bring me charges, and took me to the court house. I informed the judges that there had been a serious delay in getting my essential medications, and that I had not prepared to answer the charges in any way, and that I did not have a lawyer. One of the judges answered that demanding a lawyer would cause even an extra delay in the proceedings. I was thereby force to answer to the charges without preparation and without lawyer in order to get my medications as soon as possible. One of the alleged defamation victims was a judge in the same court, and the two prosecutors who I was accused of defaming were also local prosecutors working in the same court. The police officer who I was alleged of defaming was a police officer from the same town as police who had investigated the case.

I was sentenced to a 14 months suspended prison sentence, a 900 euro fine, and to pay approximately one hundred thousand euros reparations to the alleged defamation victims and their lawyers. The other guy was sentenced to 28 month prison sentence and a similar amount of reparations. He served part of his sentence at a slave labor camp in town of Hämeenlinna doing slave labor to state owned bio-fuel company VAPO( ). After the sentence I also found out that my Skype and Paypal accounts had been hacked. The hackers had moved 100 euros from my Paypal account to my Skype accounts, and had called phones in Germany and the Czhech Republic. Messages alleged to have been logged from Skype P2P network as my messages were used in the court as evidence against me.

I found a lawyer to take the case to a higher court, but he later refused the case after seeing the names of the alleged defamation victims. The time was running out in submitting a complaint to higher court, and large number of Finnish lawyers were on summer vacation. I was able to find a lawyer, who turned out to be a buddy of the prosecutor. He did not do much for my defense, but did the paperwork to take the case to higher court, and truthfully informed the court that there is not a single piece of evidence of my guilt. The police changed their story in the higher court, and the court did not change the sentence in any way. The lawyer also did the paper work to complain to the Finnish supreme court. The supreme court did not take the case into consideration.

The lawyer refused to take the case to European Court of Human rights, so I had to find another lawyer. The other lawyer did the paperwork, but ECH did not even take the case into consideration. I was unable to find a lawyer to take the case to the International Criminal court, so I wrote the ICC prosecutor myself, requesting the court to send criminal investigations to Finland to investigate torture, persecution and enslavement. ICC acknowledged the case, but made the decision not to proceed with the case for lack of evidence. I also appealed the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, who regretted not being able to intervene in the case.

I have also appealed the Finnish authorities, who blatantly make decisions based on the story of the secret police officers. When they get caught in a lie they change their story, and authorities make a new decision based on their new story.

Any legal help is welcome. Does anyone know of an international human rights lawyer who could help in the case?
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