Roll SHA512 hash
71efa90b857ff272a31ae2a6e39bf9d823c25194a81d2b1d18b954a0ac18bd2ff2643dc68a001c3 7b94924e40313608f4ac5e67038dd37c6a17c037fba226915
(with random text to avoid brute forcing seperated by ':')
Address: 1MqfSH58mwhHZ7wJewAtJzWrmqCFMVkYq5 with username as comment.
I will try my luck
where should I send to ?
It is PvP. You should wait for another player. Post your decision in this format:
[b]Bet amount :[/b]
If someone is interested, he should quote this thread and and post "accepted"
After agreement, you should send the respective payments to 1MqfSH58mwhHZ7wJewAtJzWrmqCFMVkYq5 with the username in comment and the roll will be revealed.