Suppose that one BTC = $100,000, and Joe blow wants to order a $5 cheeseburger in BTC. Here's a few different scenarios:
A. "That'll be 0.00005 BTC please."
B. "That'll be 0.005 Bitcent please."
C. "That'll be 0.05 mBTC please."
D. "That'll be 50 uBTC please."
E. "That'll be 50 bits please."
A, B, and C are eliminated right off the bat because nobody wants to recall how many zeroes they've put after the decimal.
This leaves us with reasonable D and E, but the word "bit" is far more marketable than "micro-BTC". Micro-BTC just doesn't roll off the tongue like bits does.
Your bitcent, or one-hundreth of a bitcoin, will become obsolete rather quickly once bitcoin's valuation rises several magnitudes.
The current consensus is moving towards a bit as a standard bitcoin transaction sub-unit, and satoshi as cent by implication.
At current prices the same burger will be a little over 11,000 bits. Perhaps it's a little early but still a great idea.
Can we accept this instead of repeated, endless debates?