I would take this information with a dose of caution, because who could really confirm that someone committed suicide for such a specific reason?
That information is false, there haven't been confirmed cases of suicide due to the luna crash but that doesn't calm my mind because this fall was such a sudden shock and traumatic experience, I am afraid that more than hundreds of people will commit suicide.
Sometimes I was visiting reddit to hear opinions about altcoins, new projects, etc and I understood that most people make extreme investment decisions, they take loans backed by property, truck, car, gold, etc. Some people have huge savings and invest all of them. That's why I assume that the real picture will be hell in the following days and months. Some people still have hope that it will return back.
My message to all of you is:
What does not kill you, makes you stronger! Every accident in your life is an experience, the more you learn, the wiser you are! Wise people always succeed in life, they change the world!
REMEMBER!!! Billionaire Alibaba founder Jack Ma was rejected from every job he applied to after college, even KFC. YOU AREN'T REJECTED, YOU JUST LOSE SOME MONEY AND WHILE YOU ARE A HEALTHY YOUNG, YOU HAVE A LOT OF OPPORTUNITIES TO SUCCEED!!!