With all this talk of the block-size, could we not create a new test net and have the system simulated 5000 transactions a second to determine how best to implement an eternal block-size algorithm now?
Things we could test for:
- 1. Does a flexible transaction rate determined block-size cause too much consolidation of power? (only a few people being able to host the entire chain)
- 2. Will the transaction fees be enough once the transaction rate is the same as Visa, MasterCard and PayPal combined?
By building various "testnets" and then simulate millions of clients pushing a huge amount of transactions, we can determine what our best course of action will be.
We must do this, if we want Bitcoin to one day be a $Trillion+ economy it must be able to handle more than VISA, MasterCard and PayPal combined, if the network cannot do this we can never hope to replace them. Why should we replace them? Because we want to be the currency of the internet right? Lets dream big.
If Bitcoin can't scale past 100 transactions a second we are going to be doomed to a competing crypto-currency in the future.