
Topic: Let's create an open source project about automated coffee machines (Read 171 times)

full member
Activity: 268
Merit: 119
The project will be open source so if someone believe that the plan is good can buy the components and create one.
The motive could be that he can set the creator fee and take profit from the coffees that the machine sell.
The special thing is that you can create a economy that any machine could be independent and pay for its needs.

I don't think it'll be an easy task to make a generic code component that works on different hardware, unless you're going to force whoever wants to build a machine to use same components (Rasperri, Arduino, or whatever chip)

even the cost to pay for crypto transfer is enough to buy a cup of coffee. and machines should always be connected to market prices because crypto prices are never stable. you could make a tenfold profit from capital overnight, and lose twentyfold the next day  Grin Grin

You've said it your self, machines would always be connected to market prices, so all it takes is someone to be on the same local network and he can spoof the prices to get free coffee.
hero member
Activity: 1778
Merit: 709
[Nope]No hype delivers more than hope
even the cost to pay for crypto transfer is enough to buy a cup of coffee. and machines should always be connected to market prices because crypto prices are never stable. you could make a tenfold profit from capital overnight, and lose twentyfold the next day  Grin Grin
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Hi, I am working with IOT and i am very exited about how cryptocurrences can can be used with IOT and I was thinking if anyone wanted to help creating a automated coffee machine.The basic fuctions of the machine could be:
Coffee machine or IOT in general do need bit of an investment to buy sensors/vending machine/other hardware.Are you ready to take those expenses on you ?

1.get pait with a cryptocurrency (may be eos for example) and make me a coffee
2.If the water is finished or the coffee pay anyone who refill it
What is your opinion?
who wants to learn by doing something creative?
1. Why ? How does that make your coffee anything but special ? What ease of use does the blockchain provides here ?
 2. In case of an IOT,a sensor architecture or a robot in layman's terms will do it.Again what role does blockchain play here ?
 3. Not me as the idea is just absurd as it is.

The project will be open source so if someone believe that the plan is good can buy the components and create one.
The motive could be that he can set the creator fee and take profit from the coffees that the machine sell.
The special thing is that you can create a economy that any machine could be independent and pay for its needs.
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Hmmm...what about a coffe machine, that would have a plug for a HW wallet to be plugged in (and a qr scanner) and a network of coffee machines that would accept a coffee token that would be storred on a ledger or trezor or whatever, for a user to buy coffee Cheesy

you mean like pre paid for coffee?

As a general idea it's a good one, but when you start looking into details many problems will show up on the part when paying people to refill it.
For example, how would you make sure the user did put water and not mess up with the sensors? even if you completely seal the machine in a secure way, how would you make sure the user did put good clean water? same would go when refilling all other ingredients.
Also, consider the network delay and fees, you'll need to use cryptos that have near instant confirmations so the user won't have to wait long for the coffee.
Finally, consider the price fluctuation, whoever sets up the machine will have to accept such risk unless they're believers of the coin.

I was thinking these problems and I think that first the architecture of the machine could be secure and not letting anyone to mess with the sensors.
Additionally it could have a system that allows only some people to refill them and that people should lock some coins in the front.
And there is a system that It could have a review system which when you pay for your coffee you say if you like it or not.If you dont like it and other for example 2 people dont like  the coffee the person who did the refill lose his money.
If for example this system build on EOS the delay could be very small and the fees too.
The volatility problem I think it could me less important in the next years when we have cryptos backed by gold or the stable coin.
If you have ready this project before the time that the cryptos become more stable you can implement this in any kind of crypto.
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1115
Providing AI/ChatGpt Services - PM!
Hi, I am working with IOT and i am very exited about how cryptocurrences can can be used with IOT and I was thinking if anyone wanted to help creating a automated coffee machine.The basic fuctions of the machine could be:
Coffee machine or IOT in general do need bit of an investment to buy sensors/vending machine/other hardware.Are you ready to take those expenses on you ?

1.get pait with a cryptocurrency (may be eos for example) and make me a coffee
2.If the water is finished or the coffee pay anyone who refill it
What is your opinion?
who wants to learn by doing something creative?
1. Why ? How does that make your coffee anything but special ? What ease of use does the blockchain provides here ?
 2. In case of an IOT,a sensor architecture or a robot in layman's terms will do it.Again what role does blockchain play here ?
 3. Not me as the idea is just absurd as it is.
full member
Activity: 268
Merit: 119
As a general idea it's a good one, but when you start looking into details many problems will show up on the part when paying people to refill it.
For example, how would you make sure the user did put water and not mess up with the sensors? even if you completely seal the machine in a secure way, how would you make sure the user did put good clean water? same would go when refilling all other ingredients.
Also, consider the network delay and fees, you'll need to use cryptos that have near instant confirmations so the user won't have to wait long for the coffee.
Finally, consider the price fluctuation, whoever sets up the machine will have to accept such risk unless they're believers of the coin.
sr. member
Activity: 2506
Merit: 368
Do you have a previous project that looks something like this?

I think your suggestion might be different from the odds because automated coffee machines are most common on every places now a days and it doesn't need a big amount to pay for a small cup of coffee. So, basically crypto currency might not be the solution but it's up to you if you have an idea to make the crypto more convenient as a payment method for an automated coffee machines.
jr. member
Activity: 150
Merit: 3
Hmmm...what about a coffe machine, that would have a plug for a HW wallet to be plugged in (and a qr scanner) and a network of coffee machines that would accept a coffee token that would be storred on a ledger or trezor or whatever, for a user to buy coffee Cheesy
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Hi, I am working with IOT and i am very exited about how cryptocurrences can can be used with IOT and I was thinking if anyone wanted to help creating a automated coffee machine.The basic fuctions of the machine could be:
1.get pait with a cryptocurrency (may be eos for example) and make me a coffee
2.If the water is finished or the coffee pay anyone who refill it
What is your opinion?
who wants to learn by doing something creative?
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