The charismatic @Come-from-Beyond used to actually chat to me and admitted to me that there was no "@bcnext" (and that he wrote the entire initial version of Nxt which IMO was rather shit software anyway).
Ya man, the whole Russian BCNext gets paranoid and disappears...
Then the Russian guy CFB he hired to code his GUI takes over the entire project is ludicrously transparent.
And CFB is not "charismatic"... he is an elite, professional troll.
Now the Russian crime clan (VERY especially including Riga based JL777)...
That raped NXT investors without producing any usable software...
(JL777 could not even keep a moronic dice game running)...
Has now moved on to bigger scams like Waves.
For example, Waves promo "cryptocurrency tokens":
"The implementation of cryptocurrency tokens is based on MGW approach from SuperNET project".
MGW is a completely failed tech...
It is not decentralized but uses distributed servers controlled by the same crooked insiders...
And MGW failed to develop any liquidity and has a 80 page or whatever complaint thread on NXT Forum...
Basically, MGW specialized in producing delayed or lost transfers till it was shut down.