Money is a great tool to organize scarce resources. Its such a great tool for that, people started using it for things there's already enough of, like owning ideas (patents), ...
I think that your conception about the addiction from money on non-scarce things may be right but only for the few which have it in abundance and think only to find ways or create new ones how to spend it. But it is not addiction for someone which count every cent to arrive the end of the month. the second one use its money every day for the everyday bread which is a non-scarce thing. But I cannot call him addicted and I cannot call its behavior addiction. Without its everyday bread he and his family probably will be dead.
Then, I cannot accept for meaning about the importance of the owner if ideas and the value given to the idea depending from the being patented or not. First, patent or not patent its idea, the owner and creator of ideas is the most rare and precious kind of human being. There it will be no any kind of development or normal and civilized life without this "race" of people. They must be protected and honored in every possible form. Never and never this kind of beings will be in excess. More are, more must be and more rare are. They are the beginning of something new not imagined by no one before. They are the begging of a new life, new qualitative life.
You may think that Satoshi Nakamoto (to name one example near of both of us) is a scarce thing because have not patented its idea. And for sure you think that Bill Gates is not a scarce thing because has patented its ideas. For me are the same because everyone has given to the world great inventions. But what would tell you if the first of those, which have not taken any patent for its idea, act or acted as the second one? In this case its invention will be not more scarce? So the value of bitcoin as scarce or not scarce thing depends from the fact that if this invention is patented or not? You can understand yourself that is not so. Bitcoin have the same value with or without patent. So the owner of ideas (with or without patents) are never something "already enough". Are always few, very, very few. The most scarce thing in this world. Always it will be so.