& see how such a robust unit of account in the hands of an ever-growing and using-it population can pave the way for vast ('tangible') changes in society - and for the better.
Putting our greed aside and looking at what the next applications of P2P digital coin (yes, The og BTC one) can be.. What should not be acceptable or perhaps not possible with money? Debasement is addressed with pre-planned issuance and a cap. What about the other methods of manipulating economic forces to one's advantage.. like excessive taxation..? Obscure money-flowing-ways: corruption at worst / waste of the 'could be resource' that is cash, at best..?
These 'things' are being countered the more we use Bitcoin *natively*, really integrated in regular day to day fiscality (unsure if even a word). An excellent opt-out of certain facets of trad-society-syst'economics BUT at a cost and the danger of turmoil (i.e. worse economic 'grounds') for all if we don't go all the way with this 'cost' (to our own conveniences at first, one could say an opportunity cost). With each day going by where two opposing alternative systems coexist (parasitically driving each other more 'down' in debauchery), we are eroded of what Bitcoin is here to do: set one stage of monetary policy atop which the whole world might just have to change their entire economic/money routine to survive (no class spared of change) and in doing so, improve our stance as a species.
I could see BTC and another digital currency both having their place, but to have the sheer numbers of projects/tokens we have now instead of concentrating our efforts at specific points in these still early days of true financial freedom.. to me.. is just too bad..
Just some thought here
I wonder if satoshi / other veterans still come on here from time to time, still, and try advocate for an always bettering way; one that BTC has been, is (or should be, for the more pessimist), paving since.. let's say a 'solid' 10 years now! Time for facing reality; long gone are its days of infancy.. will the community align sooner or later 'ala revolution?!'.. because this tech isn't out of the jungle just yet.. We need a joyous concerted effort to establish something here even before rebuilding-of-the-world work can actually begin right..?