going to build a site.
I would not use that business for hosting actual cryptocoins, but that is just me. Cryptocoin wallets I keep right here with me behind my steel plated door and the household firewall, with no Windows boxes on the local network, and not accessed via the web. Third party hosting just does not seem wise for hosting cryptocoin wallets.
Other than that though, I use that hosting for everything else, such as my copy of DeVCoin's files of who gets the DeVCoins, and my web-based games that do not directly use cryptocoins.
It is good hosting, in particular the free hosting offer is good, I just do not like the idea of using *any* third party hosting for wallets.
Offtopic, it actually looks like winter here recently, seems like gloobal warming might not be a total myth though the last few winters compared to what I had learned to expect here. (Halifax, Nova Scotia, for any who did not happen to know.)