Well I'm a Libertarian Socialist, so would you recommend it? The length of the book is one of the reasons I've never got around to starting it.
whoa, it takes some courage to come out of the closet as a socialist on this forum. call me crazy, but for me.. following any extremist ideology never works. maybe voluntaryism works for me.
What's extreme about it? It only seems to be a dirty word in the states, where I don't think the majority of people even understand what it means.
Why does Socialism "kinda suck"? And why is Anarchism extreme? Libertarian Socialism is Anarchism, but I'm not talking about the faux punk rock fuck tha government bullshit (although fuck da government!
). I'm afraid a little anarchy is going to be needed to bring about revolution or change the status quo, unless you are comfortable and happy with the corrupt hypocritical governments policing the globe and doing nothing but starting wars and laundering billions of tax payers money into the pockets of corporations. This 'democracy' we have is a sheer illusion. You get the choices between voting for Tweedle-dum or Tweedle-dumber. Whoever wins won't change shit, nor will they do anything they said they would; in fact, they usually do the exact opposite.
As a European, let me give you an idea about why socialism sucks.
Firstly, socialists seem to spend all their time trying to make everything equal. They tell people they want everyone to get an equal chance at opportunity, however, this is where things go wrong.
The one thing that socialists don't like, is someone using their initiative and getting richer due to it.
Socialists would prefer everyone has an awful level of service, than that some people can pay for a better level of service. It may be awful, but everyone can use it is a success for a socialist. The fact that its awful is because the government isn't spending enough on it. Socialists can then campaign that governments can pay more for a better service, and they can get the money from the people who have 'cheated' and grabbed an opportunity through using their initiative!
The end result is that nothing works, except for people in the higher levels of central government and socialist organizations!
The worst part is that anyone who tries to better themselves has to pay twice to do so - once to actually make the opportunity work, and twice when they become successful!
Put it this way, I am forced to pay for a health service through my taxes. The cost is similar to what I would pay if I wanted medical insurance. However, because I have to pay for the former, I can't afford the latter!
Socialists make sure that everyone is equally downtrodden.
That is why socialists suck!