Audience: you could be interested on limiting CPU usage of bitcoind while mining (gen=1 in your bitcoin.conf) if:
- You are motivated to contribute (modest, but actually) to the global effort to verify Bitcoin transactions.
- Definitively, you are *not* suffering from BC-gold Fever.
- You do *not* want to hear roaring fans every time Bitcoin is instructed to generate hashes.
- You are an happy user of an Unix box
Assuming your bitcoin.conf file includes "gen=1", and you want to allow a 10% of CPU usage. A quite simple solution, from command line:
cpulimit -z -l 10 -p `pidof bitcoind` &
A more elaborated solution, i.e. this piece of code from a Bash script:
OPID=($(pidof bitcoind))
su bitcoin -c "$BITCOIND_DIR/bitcoind -datadir=$TEST_DATA $*"
BPID=$(pidof ${OPID[@]/#/-o } bitcoind)
if [[ -n $BPID ]]; then (cpulimit -z -l 10 -p $BPID &); fi
[Likely, you will need to get the cpulimit package: apt-get install cpulimit]
Please, test and feedback, JP